
1005 Results / Page 89 of 112


The CoronaHoax™ II Is Here! Day of The Masking Dead!

The CoronaHoax™ II Is Here! Day of The Masking Dead! Masks will be required in Jefferson Parish under new emergency order; here are the details It's summer and its prime season to build the immune system up but what are our incredibly moronic "leaders" doing!? Writing executive orders to COMPEL useless "masking" and the grand hoax that is "social distancing" regimens for those least likely to become symptomatic for the […]

today06/29/2020 12

Blazing Saddles

Blazing Saddles, Gone With The Wind & Other Relics Of The Past Are Going Fast!

Blazing Saddles, Gone With The Wind & Other Relics Of The Past Are Going Fast! As the Revolution seeks to eliminate them, the normal everyday American are rushing out to preserve history! Rankings for amazon sales! Here's what they were last night: #16 – Blazing Saddles 40th Anniversary (BD) [Blu-ray]: 8,915% increase. Sales rank: 60 (was 5,409) #17 – Scarlett The Mini-series Event: 8,826% increase. Sales rank: 15 (was 1,339) #18 – Blazing Saddles […]

today06/11/2020 1


Gone With The Wind Is A Beautiful Work of American Art, Not Redneck Propaganda

Gone With The Wind Is A Beautiful Work of American Art, Not Redneck Propaganda The greatest mass, jingoism event in history has produced MILLIONS of "woke come lately" pikers but none of them as ill-conceived and just plain dumb as HBO Max's decision to remove Gone With The Wind from its catalogue of available films...FOREVER. This for the most successful film in history... "Gone with the Wind," originally released in […]

today06/11/2020 5


Just What NOLA Needs: A BLM, Antifa Riot & Looting Event

Just What NOLA Needs: A BLM, Antifa Riot & Looting Event By Mike Church Colonel Rob Maness and I will discuss all these events and what might be done to prepare for or stop them completely on Friday, 06-05-20's Mike Church Show Here on The Crusade Channel at 07:20am central, click to listen, LIVE! From My Twitta... BREAKING: One of our #NOLA vendors just called to say a shipment to […]

today06/04/2020 22

Corporate Left

Coach, Lowes, Target- Tools of The Demonic, Corporate Left

Coach, Lowes, Target- Tools of The Demonic, Corporate Left by: Mike Church Target- Tool of The Demonic, Corporate Left If you shop at Target, stop; don't ask questions, just stop. Corporate 'Muricah shows its allegiance to who.... NOT you and me and 120 million other law-abiding, ganifully employed customers, NOPE! To the AntiFA thugs basically saying they deserve to looted, robbed then burnt to the ground.  Target was the first […]

today06/03/2020 5

19842! Chinese ” Bot Farms ” Are SkyNet For Social Media

1984<sup>2</sup>! Chinese " Bot Farms " Are SkyNet For Social Media by Mike Church From my Twitta: Whoa! This is the scariest episode of "How Its Made" ever presented! @gscarp12 never explained that a " bot farm " actually looks like a farm without the tractors. Next time you wonder "how'd THAT stupidity go 'viral'", you now have the answer. #DeepState — Mike "The KingDude" Church (@TheKingDude) May 20, […]

today05/20/2020 21

Stacy Abrams

The Latest Stacy Abrams Photo Proves The Democrats Have Lost It

The Latest Stacy Abrams Photo Proves The Democrats Have Lost It So I am hanging out on the twitter feed when something strange begins to happen. I keep seeing images of a shadow-y figure who looks like either A) a rejected DC tv series on the CW or B) A promo photo for the next WWE main event against the Big Show. Turns out neither of these were turn, it […]

today05/17/2020 51

Mule Cocktail

Cookin’ With The KingDude, Episode 4: Making The Kentucky Mule Cocktail!

Cookin' With The KingDude Episode IV - The Kentucky Mule Join Mike Church for the history of the Moscow Mule Cocktail and then a fun tutorial on how to make the drink and enjoy it with friends and family! Now enjoy the Kentucky Mule Cocktail!  H/T to Bartender Bootcamp for the history lesson! Ingredients List 2 ounces Elijah Craig Bourbon 1 oz Torbanado Sugar simple syrup 1 oz  Lime Juice […]

today05/10/2020 1021

Easter Meditation

The Mike Church Show

The Miracle Of Baptism 4th Sunday After Easter Meditation

The Miracle Of Baptism 4th Sunday After Easter Meditation by Mike Church The 4th Sunday after Easter from Dom Prosper Gueranger. Dramatic reading of Dom Prosper's meditation on the day including today's Introit, Collect, Epistle, Gospel and Secrets! Todays Easter Meditation: Our Jesus has organized his Church, and confided to his Apostles the sacred deposit of the truths which are to form the object of our faith. We must now […]

today05/10/2020 4