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Winchester, VA –Â Defend Europa reports that The Robert Koch Institute annual report of the state of infectious diseases in Germany was released earlier this month. The report revealed that there has been an across-the-board increase in infectious diseases in Germany since Angela Merkel opened the German gates to mass waves of migrants from Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. The diseases on the rise include HIV/AIDS, leprosy, malaria, measles, meningococcal meningitis, syphilis, tuberculosis, typhus and whooping cough. Some diseases they cover, such as louse-borne relapsing fever, which is transmitted through lice in clothing, had never been seen in Germany before the migrants arrived. Many diseases which had previously been eradicated, such as scabies, are also reappearing.
Written by: Jennifer Snow
Mike Church offers no-holds barred commentary on the moral & political decay of the modern world but unlike all other hosts, Mike offers solutions to these ills, solutions rooted in the wisdom of the Fathers, founding and Church!
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