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We all know the deal; things are bad, the Left is largely in control. Bad news comes in every day, and it consumes our minds.
Well, that is all well and good, but just knowing that we are in trouble isn’t enough. We need todo something about it!
Admittedly, political action is a mixed bag, and in many cases it is not possible for us to have any effect. And, as much as we respect good actors on the political scene (there are still a fewright?) we can have the greatest effect in our homes and communities.
Everyone is ‘plugged-in’ these days, but not everyone is plugged-in to the right stuff. Even amongst ‘Conservative INC’ we often get the same old liberal-leaning dribble that got us here in he first place. The Crusade Channel can help you get the info you need to be informed andinspired to keep soldiering on.
In order to have any success in the Culture War — I mean real success — we need to rebuild ourselves from the ground-up.
That is where I can help. I spent years as a teacher, coach and mentor. I know how to get the right message across, and
I am passionate about building up strong men for the fight.
Sign up to-day to be part of real basic training for the fight ahead.
The CRUSADE Channel, The Last LIVE! Radio Station Standing begins our LIVE programming with our all original CRUSADE Channel News hosted by Ron Staffard. Coupled with Mike “The King Dude” Church entertaining you during your morning drive and Rick Barrett giving you the news of the day and the narrative that will follow during your lunch break!
We’ve interviewed over 300 guests, seen Brother Andre Marie notch his 200th broadcast of Reconquest; The Mike Church Show over 1200 episodes; launched an original LIVE! News Service; written and produced 4 Feature Length original dramas including The Last Confession of Sherlock Holmes and set sail on the coolest radio product ever, the 5 Minute Mysteries series! We were the ONLY RADIO outlet to cover the Impeachment Trials of President Trump from gavel to gavel!
Now that you have discovered The Crusade, get30 days for FREE of our premium News-Talk Radio service just head to: OR download our FREE app:
Did you know about Culture Wa? If you are interested in supporting small business, be sure to check out the official store of the Crusade Channel, the Founders Tradin Post! Not to mention our amazing collection of DVD’s, Cigars, T-Shirts, bumper stickers and other unique selection of items selected by Mike Church!
Written by: LoneRhody
Copyright BlackHat Studios 2024 dba The CRUSADE Channel, All Rights Reserved
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