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Today, dozens of State governors are acting as autocrats without the action of a single legislative body. This is a constitutional outrage that needs correcting. Fast.
There are now only 9 States remaining whose governors have not implemented draconian shutdowns and seizures of their economies and social infrastructures i.e. churches and schools. Some cite Homeland Security Laws they passed after 9-11 and others just act on their own fiat; but why isn’t anyone asking if any of these acts are Constitutional?
While the Constitution was being debated for ratification in Pennsylvania, Tench Coxe wrote a pamphlet in support called “An Examination”, citing Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution Coxe stated. “The United States guarantee to every state in the union a separate republican form of government. From thence it follows, that any man or body of men, however rich or powerful, who shall make an alteration in the form of government of any state, whereby the powers thereof shall be attempted to be taken out of the hands of the people at large, will stand guilty of high treason.” [emphasis mine-MC] Practically speaking, this is pretty much what dozens of state governors have done, without 1 single act of any legislative body.
Many readers will think these acts are necessary and therefore appropriate and legal but has anyone bothered to actually research the issue? Does The U.S. Constitution have nothing to say about autocrats and quasi- martial laws that include incredibly dangerous assaults on religious liberty?
Do the Constitutions of the Sates in question say nothing about governor’s becoming autocrats for extended periods of time? The same major media that regularly accuse President Trump of being a tyrant or dictator have suddenly found great love for autocratic Republican governors and the Tenth Amendment. Wait, all this amendment says is the State’s retain certain rights not granted the Feds but it doesn’t say what those rights are. Do those rights include governor’s becoming restaurant and hospitality industry czars? The easiest way to get this answer is to do define a few terms then apply them to what I call The Wuhan-Bolshevik or Wushevik Revolution.
First up, exactly what is a “state”? Using natural law & philosophy we answer: “what can it do and what can be done to it?” Founding Father Saint George Tucker gives a perfect answer to this question. “Thus the American states, have reserved to themselves the uncontrolled right of framing, establishing, and revoking their civil laws, and the administration of justice according to them, in all cases whatsoever, in which they have not specifically consented to the jurisdiction of the United States.”
Note that Tucker only mentions “states” NOT individuals, governors, magistrates etc. and that is key. It is generally understood that a “state” is the legislative will of the people of a certain geographic area. This entity can elect a governor as an executive but Article IV Section 4 clearly states they may not acquiesce to a monarch or oligarchy.
The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened), against domestic Violence.
Thus, The Wushevik Revolution is making autocrats of governors and serfs of the people. In principal if not in law, this is unconstitutional and an outrage to the principal of [r]epublicanism every state and thus every citizen is guaranteed.
If you are having trouble understanding why states, meaning legislatures and conventions and not governors or the people directly, resolve the greatest questions of Constitutional, government policy, consider the method the Founders prescribed for a state to ratify the Constitution and enter the Union to begin with. The Ratification of the Conventions of nine States, shall be sufficient for the Establishment of this Constitution between the States so ratifying the Same. – Article VII, U.S Constitution
We all understand the need for Governor’s to act in times of State emergencies. What would we should be alarmed by and vigorously resist is their extending emergency powers to every day life including outright bans on entire vocations and religious services. If these decisions are to persist, we should demand our legislators debate, vote and sign their name to them as Acts. We should be on-guard against these “emergency powers” becoming the basis for The Wushevik Revolution.
Mike Church is the Founder and Morning Drive Host of The Mike Church Show on The CRUSADE Channel. Follow him on Twitter @TheKingDude
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Written by: LoneRhody
The longest running radio talk-show in the history of satellite radio. Mike Church offers no-holds barred commentary on the moral & political decay of the modern world but unlike all other hosts, Mike offers solutions!
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