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From a listener who wanted to tell the tale of his encounter with CoronaKyle
I have a story to tell and I’m going to tell it.
I woke up today knowing that I now live in a post apocalyptic dystopian world.
As always I took a moment to make sure that I was awake and not still asleep.
Unfortunately, I was awake and this was real. At the age of 60, I remembered that I was titled nonessential by my employer of 30 years. Just to be clear, I don’t hold my employer responsible for this because they were devastated by this alleged pandemic and what our leaders have put upon us.
I have always been a Constitutionalist and still am. I had always suspected that the tyranny would come from the ever creeping Federal Government. I never expected our Governors to be the despots and exploit their powers to this extent.
Today we find that under the guise of executive emergency orders we no longer have our freedoms and liberties. Now we have to submit to a “we’re in this together” mantra except that those touting it somehow are not “In This”. But I digress, so let me get to my story.
Today I went out to shop at my local home supply store to pick up a few items And wasn’t sure what to expect during the current government clamp down and Mask Mandate. As I pulled into the parking lot I saw people with masks walking in and out of the store.
So I got out of my car and walked towards the entrance and was surprised to see that there was no “Mask Required” sign on the door despite the current State Requirement. I entered the store without a mask and was not confronted or questioned. Once again I had to check if I was still dreaming.
Employees were masked but none seemed interested in my presence “Sans Mask”. As I walked the store I was impressed and emboldened by seeing others without masks and many subtlety acknowledged my lack of masking. It felt like we were in a secret members-only club cautiously nodding or winking so as to not draw the attention of the “Brown Shirts”.
Then it happened, despite having such a great shopping experience during these times of “The Rona”, The Sword of Damocles came crashing down.
There was a young child in a cart being pushed by his masked father. This little Damien stared at me for what seemed like an eternity. He then started screaming, pointing and yelling’ “Daddy!, No Mask, No Mask!”.
And do you think the Shrill Caterwauling and sobbing would be interrupted by Daddy? No, instead this “Soy Boy” advanced within my 6-foot Covid force field to tell me to put on my mask because I was scaring his son.
For a moment, I was going to tell him my thoughts about the mental damage he is laying on his child, but as the masked crowd grew encircling me, I thought best to retreat. You would have thought that I was walking around the store with an empty leash asking kids to help find my dog.
So I left my planned purchases in my cart, and backed my way out of the store like I was escaping a lynch mob in an old West Saloon, got back in my car and drove away making sure that I was not being followed.
Heed my warning, Watch your step, Gird your loins, Go to the Mattresses or choose your favorite idiom. No matter what, these are desperate times and will probably require desperate actions by those of us of like-minds.
I hope to see my friends in public and in open revolt against this hoax and oppression. And if you see me, give me a wink or a nod to let me know that you’re part of the movement. Better yet…how about a high-five and a Boo-Yah!
John C. Trahern
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Written by: LoneRhody
Copyright BlackHat Studios 2024 dba The CRUSADE Channel, All Rights Reserved
Greg on 08/20/2020
Someone needs to design and commission campaign medals for this war effort. The medal for “The Battle of Home Depot” should be presented to this man.
Hopefully no Purple Hearts need to be to be presented during this war.
SCICEMAN on 08/20/2020
I’d put my ✋ up for you. Only thing I would have done different is keep on with why I was there and finished by paying. I understand what you did, I wished I was with you to break up that clan of demons. Keep up the good fight, and maybe we’ll meet one day where they say, “well done, good and faithful servant”