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Via Briebart:
Democrats in New Jersey’s General Assembly passed legislation that requires gun dealers to create and maintain a database of handgun ammunition purchasers. reports that the bill, A1292, would force “ammunition manufacturers and dealers to keep a detailed electronic record of sales and report them to the State Police.”
A1292 says:
The handgun ammunition record shall be in electronic form and shall contain the date of the transaction; the type, caliber, or gauge of the ammunition; the quantity of ammunition sold; the name and address of the purchaser; and any other information the superintendent shall deem necessary for the proper enforcement of this chapter. notes that NJ Democrats also passed a micro-stamping requirement, a gun storage law, and a requirement that gun owners moving into New Jersey from other states “obtain a firearm purchaser ID card and register their guns within 60 days.”
NJ Democrats also passed legislation to shorten the validity period of gun purchaser ID cards. Purchaser ID cards currently have no expiration date but the newly passed legislation would make them valid for four years only, after which time N.J. residents would have to renew the card and “show proof of taking a course on safe handling and storage of firearms.”
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Written by: LoneRhody
Mike Church offers no-holds barred commentary on the moral & political decay of the modern world but unlike all other hosts, Mike offers solutions to these ills, solutions rooted in the wisdom of the Fathers, founding and Church!
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