Planned Parenthood’s preschool program seeks to corrupt young children

today08/09/2017 6

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Winchester, VA – Church Militant is reporting that Planned Parenthood now has a “parenting resource section “on their website to help you educate, and I use the term “educate” very loosely here, to help you educate your children about their sexuality. They’re making sure to get these children while they’re young, advising parents of preschoolers to inform their children that “your genitals don’t make you a boy or girl,” and “Trying to steer your kid toward a more typical gender expression if that’s not their instinct does more harm than good.” Dr. Michelle Cretella, president of the American College of Pediatricians told Church Militant “gender identity is malleable, especially in young children.” According to an ACP article, 98% of gender confused boys and 88% of gender-confused girls eventually accept their biological sex after naturally passing through puberty.”Another gem: “Over time, LGBTQ children who aren’t supported by their parents tend to take greater risks with their health and suffer from mental health conditions at higher rates than children of supportive parents. ”This last statement is roundly contradicted by Walt Heyer, a former transgendered person, who runs Mr. Heyer told Church Militant that suicide rates in the transgender community have stayed at a constant 40% for the past 100 years. Heyer also confirms that up to 60-70% of transgender people suffer co-morbid disorders which sex change surgery cannot fix.


Written by: Jennifer Snow

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