Poll: Voters skeptical of effectiveness of gun control laws

today04/18/2022 22

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Poll: Voters skeptical of effectiveness of gun control laws

Via Just The News:

Americans are skeptical about gun control measures, according to a new poll.

Rasmussen Reports released new polling showing that the majority of Americans do not think criminals will obey federal gun control laws. The poll comes on the heels of a mass shooting in Brooklyn and President Joe Biden’s speech on gun control earlier this week.

“In the wake of Tuesday’s mass shooting on a Brooklyn subway train, most voters don’t think more control laws will prevent such incidents,” Rasmussen said.

The alleged shooter had a lengthy criminal record but was still able to legally purchase a gun.

“The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters don’t think stricter gun control laws would help prevent shootings like the one Tuesday that left 29 people injured in Brooklyn,” Rasmussen said. “Thirty-eight percent (38%) think stricter gun control laws would help prevent mass shootings, while another 11% are not sure.”

In his speech this week, Biden nominated Department of Justice prosecutor Steve Dettelbach to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). Dettelbech called for an “all hands on deck” response to gun violence during his remarks from the White House.

“As we emerge from this pandemic, we’ve got to recognize that many Americans still face fear and isolation, not because of a virus but because of an epidemic of firearms violence,” Dettelbach said.

Biden also emphasized a crackdown on “ghost guns” which the White House defined as “unserialized, privately-made firearms.” The DOJ has issued a final rule to “rein in” these weapons, though critics say their use is a small fraction of guns used.

Biden highlighted other policy priorities, including “going after rogue gun dealers” and “disrupting illegal gun trafficking” as well as funding community policing, mental health, job training and drug treatment.

“We are cracking down on these gun dealers and the violent criminals they knowingly arm,” Biden said.

The policy push is similar to Biden’s remarks last year on dealers and ghost guns. Voters’ sentiment, though, appears little changed.

“These findings are virtually identical to a March 2021 survey, when President Joe Biden called for new gun control measures in the aftermath of two mass shootings,” Rasmussen said.

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Written by: LoneRhody

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