Rep. Nadler Confirms: “God’s will is no concern of this Congress”

today02/27/2021 11

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Rep. Nadler Confirms: “God’s will is no concern of this Congress”

The Demoncrat Party is forcing its misnamed “Equality Act” bill through Congress, undeterred by the horrified protests of Christians and women that the bill will make “religious objections” to public AND private expressions of  _______________[insert sexual depravity or fake identity here] ILLEGAL and punishable by law. Rep Gerald Nadler, fresh off of his second consecutive, Shampeachment™ defeat, rises to explain that the Congress no longer acknowledges God or his Will any longer. The statement, on the Congressional Record now, is at 1:23 of the recording.

You can read the transcript, now part of the official, Congressional Record, here.


Perhaps Rep Nadler and those who agree with him (and that would include many “conservatives”) should always bear in mind the words of God through Holy David.

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord: the people whom he hath chosen for his inheritance.

Consider this event in historical context: write a time capsule note to your children (and G-D) explaining why you did nothing to remove them from “this Congresses” diabolical rule. Explain to your daughter’s, if they survive this Communist China like policy, why you were frozen in apathy and din’t seek other courageous souls who might have counseled a separation from the coming horror to be borne on the backs of those who are ostensibly the objects of this Act’s protection: females!

Watch the trailer for the documentary One Child Nation – and the film if your stomach can handle it – and you’ll see that the Equality Act puts the United States 1 small step away from a 1 Child Nation policy that horrifyingly targets baby girls through porced abortions. With men like Nadler leading the way and Biden/Harris to excitedly signoff on it, this is the next, likely step.

The New Christendom Committees of Correspondence have begun a dialogue to address a peaceful separation from this deadly blasphemy, you can learn about their efforts here.

God help us.

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Written by: jadechampagne

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