Sit Down and Shut Up You Talibani Catholics!

today06/02/2017 7 1

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Winchester, VA – Breitbart reports that on ABC’s “The View” yesterday, the hosts spent over four minutes discussing the rollback of the contraception mandate. These were some of the points that were made, but don’t take my word for it. Watch the video for yourself. :

  1. People need to take responsibility for their lives, but this can only be accomplished by making other people pay for their contraceptives.
  1. People of faith who exercise this conscientious objection are like the Taliban.
  1. Those who would refuse paying for a poor woman’s contraceptives are punishing women for having ovaries.

  1. Forcing someone to act contrary to their conscience is not an imposition upon them, but it is an imposition upon a man or woman to have to pay for medication to licensiously engage in a voluntary activity.

  1. This is an exercise in female suppression and not paying for free contraception is taking away other people’s rights to purchase and use contraception.3:52-4:03

  1. Impotence in older men is a natural thing, and therefore is fine, so Viagra shouldn’t be covered. Mutual fertility between a man and woman is also a natural thing, but is NOT fine, and everybody should be forced to fund the thwarting of nature in this process.

Absent from the conversation was any mention of abstinence, NAPRO technology to discover the root of menstrual irregularities, and Natural Family Planning.

Sadly, not even the “conservative” on the panel supported the rollback. A stark reminder of the culture we live in and the need for evangelization.



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Excellent Rundown!

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