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Winchester, VA – The demons, coming for the children in the UK on another front, are using the UK equivalent of the Girl Scouts, called the Girl Guides, to assault girls during their most personal moments of self-care — in the shower. The Girl Guides official guidance is now instructing leaders to permit boys who identify as females to shower with the girls. They are also now instructed to let these confused males share changing rooms and sleeping quarters with the girls when they are on excursions away from home. The first guidance for transgender members of the Girl Guides emerged in 2015 and it was just updated this year. Leaders are informed that “the use of gendered facilities,” which can include toilets, showers, and changing rooms, “can cause anxiety.” Unconcerned about the anxiety of the children’s parents, the guidance states that it is not “best practice” to notify parents if a transgendered individual will be attending any residential excursions with their children. The Girl Guides general guidelines states, “’Girl’ is based on gender identity. This means that any child who self-identifies as a girl should feel safe and welcome in our girl-only space regardless of the sex that they were assigned at birth.”
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Written by: Jennifer Snow
Militant, engaging, and informative Catholic radio featuring interviews & commentary from Brother André Marie, M.I.C.M.
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