
Parrott Talk-Around The World: The World Is Getting Rounder

today03/01/2024 70 1

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Our world is getting rounder.  Well, the people of earth are getting rounder.  A new study shows there are more obese people than those who are under weight.  However, you can not say anything about these obese people. You can not shame them like we do with smokers.  In fact corporations like airlines are bending over backwards to accommodate the horizontally challenged. Of course Big Pharma, and Big Food love this increase of the waist.  That means more people will eat their poison and take their cures.  Mike Parrott breaks down this study and he reveals why are an obese world.  He does provide a solution on how we can deflate the gut. Plus you will never guess who is blamed for the immigration crisis.  This time, it is not Trump.  Find out the answer on this episode of Parrott Talk. 


Written by: Justin Redman
