
Campaign 2024

Campaign 2024-The Iowa Debate: The Good, The Bad And The Fate Of The Krispy

micMike Church today01/11/2024 19

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    Campaign 2024-The Iowa Debate: The Good, The Bad And The Fate Of The Krispy Mike Church

Mahgdalen Rose – Political Correspondent on the Crusade Channel

Follow Mahgdalen on Twitter – @MahgdalenRose

CNN Presidential Debate

  • DeSantis just looked like a guy debating but Nikki looked upset and angry.
  • She rolled her eyes a few times, she clinched her jaw several times, she just looked angry and not happy to be there.
  • There are two sides to this.
  • DeSantis is on the side that a lot of Trumps issues are his own fault.
  • If you were watching that debate last night, you aren’t a Trump super fan.
  • Trump did hire bad people and it did get him into hot water in a lot of areas.
  • This is a very small field b/c Trump is still running.
  • Nikki has a great edge going into New Hampshire.
  • Donald Trump has a huge support base in South Carolina.
  • Chris Christie – I don’t think he will back Trump but he had a hot mic moment when he said Nikki was going to get smoked so who knows w/ that one.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Vivek Ramaswamy Makes Predictions 

  1. Narrow this to a 2 horse race b/w Trump & a puppet they can control. 
  2. Eliminate Trump
  3. Trot their puppet into the WH

Next up, Ron DeSantis joins Nikki Haley’s ticket as VP. Ron may not know it yet but he won’t have a say in the matter.

  • If anything you are more likely to have Nikki as the VP of Ron DeSantis not the other way around.
  • I’m sorry Vivek is not doing well but that doesn’t mean he is suddenly the Magic 8 Ball of the Republican party.
  • Nikki wasn’t wrong in many ways about how and where DeSantis has been putting money and time into.
  • Alejandro Mayorkas – he isn’t even liked by the Democrats, he is abrasive and they just don’t like him so it is highly likely he will impeached.
  • Biden will NOT go to bat for him in the way he would for Buttigieg or anyone else like that.

Campaign 2024