Palestine Ohio
Upward News – New image taken above East Palestine shows the disastrous ecological impact on the atmosphere following the ‘controlled burn’ of deadly toxins in the Ohio train derailment.
UAE Exotic Falconry & Finance – Distribution Map from NOAA
- The left is claiming that Trump did some deregulation on the brakes and that caused this.
- The brakes had NOTHING to do w/ what happened w/ this train.
- It was a bearing issue not a brake issue.
- You don’t manufacture dioxin.
- By definition when you burn something you are changing the FORM of it.
- EPA why didn’t they know what happened when you heat or explode these chemicals?
- Hydroelectric Dams – the people below the dam have a trust in the people building them right?
- The same thing w/ bridges, you trust the people that built that bridge did it safely.
- We trusted the Democratic process that it would appoint the right people in the right positions to ensure something like this wouldn’t happen.
mike church show