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Mike Church Show #2052-Daniel Penny & America’s ‘Twisted Sister’ Moment!

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    Mike Church Show #2052-Daniel Penny & America's 'Twisted Sister' Moment! Mike Church

Mike Church Show #2052-Daniel Penny & America’s ‘Twisted Sister’ Moment!


Time 6:06am cstWE ARE LIVE on 990 WGSO, Our Flagship Syndication Station in New Orleans Louisiana all week from 7am-10am!  Welcome to the Mike Church Show on  Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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 Caller #4 Christmas Contest – Have Yourself a Mary and Manly Little Christmas 















  • If you were the leader of a country like Syria and there was civil war w/ no end in sight, there is no way you are going to make everyone happy.
  • Bashar al-Assad has ended up on the wrong side of some people.
  • You can make the case he is a bad guy and you can make the case he is a good guy.
  • The good part he refused to allow the Muslims to kill Christians.
  • He did turn some people loose to carry out his powers and they weren’t the best people. 
  • I don’t know and you don’t know b/c you don’t live in Syria.
  • Only the people that live in Syria can tell you what is going on over there.
  • Remember Aleksandr Dugin?
  • Aleksandr Gelyevich Dugin is a Russian Eurasianist political philosopher. Born into a military intelligence family, Dugin was an anti-communist dissident during the 1980s.
  • They tried to kill him w/ a car bomb but ended up killing his daughter.

Alexander Dugin on X: We supported Erdogan untill now. We tried to avoid escalation with Turkey in 2015 and we did much to help Erdogan during FOTO coup. The Syrian case is very painfull for us. I think that that was strategic mistake for Erdogan. Kemalist idea was to defend Turkey inside its borders. The islamism is enemy of Turkey. It will never agree with Turkish leadership in Arab region. Kurds in Syria with support of the West will try to consolidate their power. Without Russians in Syria Erdogan loses very important ally and friend.

  • How many of you remember Malta?
  • Fort Saint Elmo – 
  • The knights of Saint John held the beach for 33 days. 
  • If they would have taken Malta they would have owned the shipping lanes.
  • They have spent 1,000 years working at taking over all the middle east.
  • When you see Turkey don’t think Turkey see the Ottoman Empire.
  • The Arabian peninsula is a passageway.
  • If you want to get natural gas to the Mediterranean you have to go through Syria to get there.
  • You go below or through Syria.
27mDaniel Penny Verdict

  • Daniel Penny is innocent.
  • All charges were dropped yesterday for this poor man.
  • It is obvious, why are the people of the United states in major cities across the US, using the Democratic process and electing black people to very powerful positions, why are they acting like the white elites used to?
  • Are they not prosecuting the white folks now?
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2
39mDaniel Penny Trial

  • They came back Friday and said they weren’t going to resolve it and the Judge sent them back in w/ the other option for conviction.
  • They deliberated and it looked like they were going to convict him of the lesser charge.
  • On Monday, they came back after 4 hours and said we have a verdict.
  • Alvin Bragg is in the courtroom shining up his watch waiting for the conviction.
  • We the jury find the defendant NOT GUILTY by UNANIMOUS decision. 
  • That means Fat Alvin didn’t have a case.
  • I will ask the question again, you want to complain about the hundreds of years of inequity, fine lets admit that and move forward.
  • What is this ‘get whitey’ mentality that still exists? 
  • Would there have been a trial if Danial Penny was a BLM member?
  • I have talked about his all the time, we have a CONVICTION system in the United States not a JUSTICE system.
  • How do these prosecutors end up with a 95% conviction rate?
  • Because so many take the plea deals they are offered b/c they don’t want to go through all of this.
  • They will ruin you financially and they will ruin your name even when they have NOTHING.
  • All of this emotion that is entered into all of this has nothing to do w/ justice.


CEO UnitedHeathcare Shooting

QUESTION: Who was Luigi Mangione looking at when he shot Brian Thompson?

ANSWER: He was looking at Trump.

  • White guy, privileged, the 1%er.
  • This was a successful white guy at the top of the food chain, had billions, was ‘all powerful’ and Luigi wasn’t a fan.

HEADLINE: What We Know About Luigi Mangione, ‘Person of Interest’ Arrested in UnitedHealthcare CEO Shooting by Jack Phillips 

  • This kid was a good kid by all standards until he went to college. 
  • Then when away from his family he went off the rails.

HEADLINE: Alleged assassin Luigi Mangione went ‘absolutely crazy’ and explored ‘psychedelic treatment’ after back surgery by Joe Tacopino 

  • Friends said Mangione dropped off the radar when ‘everything changed’ after a surfing accident – and it has now been reported he singled out UnitedHealthcare in a ‘manifesto’ he was carrying.
  • In the 262-word handwritten document, Mangione said as UnitedHealthcare’s market capitalization has grown, American life expectancy has not.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Piers Morgan w/ Taylor Lorenz – Joyful of CEO’s Death

Lorenz – Tens of thousands of American, innocent Americans who died b/c greedy health insurance executives like this one. 

Morgan – So should they all be killed then? Should they all be killed, these healthcare executives? Would that make you even more joyful?

 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]
 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.


CEO UnitedHealthcare Shooting

  • He wasn’t a trained assassin.
  • I told you guys that from day one when I heard his first shot was in the calf.
  • He was a kid acting as if he was a professional.
  • He was or had become an anti-Capitalist. 
  • Taylor Lorenz – why did she say what she said?
  • She doesn’t fear repercussions. 
  • She needs to beg for forgiveness.
  • What about his children?
  • Does this family deserve this? 
  • This is the future of broadcasting – ethical standards and ethical codes.
  • If Taylor was in a journalist guild she would never work in this vocation again.
  • There are enough sickos out there that will follow her lead on this.
1h20mDaniel Penny Trial 

  • Lets flip the UnitedHeathcare shooting to the Penny case.
  • If the young man simply put a CEO in a chokehold would Taylor hail him as a hero then?
  • Mangione and Penny – 
  • Remember these ‘stabbing style’ murders happen in England all the time.
  • Almost weekly you can read headlines from the UK about a stabbing or mass stabbing.

HEADLINE: Manhattan Jury Finds Daniel Penny Not Guilty by Debra Heine 

  • Jordan Neely was on this subway w/ a knife and he was telling everyone on that train that they weren’t getting off alive.

AUDIO/VIDEO: NY BLM Leader Hawk Newsome – Calling for ‘Black Vigilantes’ – We need some black vigilantes. People want to jump up and choke us for being loud. How about we say this, I’m tired.

  • You engage someone w/ a knife there is one winner and one loser.
  • You can die from a knife attack.
  • How many of you remember a woman that went by the name Sister Souljah?

AUDIO/VIDEO: Bill Clinton June 13, 1992 – Sister Souljah Moment 

7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at





















Frank Wright

Follow Frank on X: @frankwrighter 

Read more from Frank at his Substack –

  • What is happening in Syria is America is backing everyone in this conflict. 
  • The US w/ Israel are doing this together.
  • It is called a Clean Break.
  • This was supposed to be devoted in 2015 by Obama.
  • He was told it made no sense to remove the only leader that has protected Christians.
  • The people that opposed him were Al-Qaeda. 
  • The Israeli minster said exactly this!
  • He said it was a pretext for Israel to go in.
  • It seems wherever America goes to implement democracy millions of Christians die. 
  • That is a FACT.
  • 1952 the US has tried and been meddling in the affairs in Syria.
  • JD Vance in May said we should stop geocoding historic Christians.
  • It was Vance, he was the only person in 40 years that has pointed out that the Iraq war led to millions of Christians dead.
  • QUESTION: Who benefits from all of this?
  • ANSWER: Israel


  • 1996 paper has come to life.
  • Israel will expand its border and eliminate all non-Jews.
  • That is precisely what they are doing right now.
  • They want to absorb Syria and Yemen and other parts.
  • The idea that it will be major oil interest is curious. 
  • The press campaign was begun by Theodor Herzl. His hope was also to found a state – Israel. He sought a gift from the Turks, bought at the price of the death of a people.
  • You will see an escalation of Israeli presence in Lebanon soon too.


  • The US will no longer pay for the UN security fees.
  • So NATO is finished.
  • They can only keep NATO if they can convince their people Russia wants to takeover London.
  • Primary purpose – NATO is gay and so is the Vatican for example.
  • They all support liberal ideals.
  • This is the liberal system, it is a supermarket place of ideas.
  • When you examine it most of it is trash.
  • It’s promises can’t be delivered and the consumers and/or voters are seeing it now.
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Daniel Penny and Bernhard (Bernie) Goetz

  • Why do they keep saying Daniel is a bad guy?
  • AOC and Elizabeth Warren and others like her they are the reason for all of this.

AUDIO/VIDEO: AOC – Penny Says He Would Do It Again – That tells us everything. If we don’t want violence on our subway system. Our justice system is a level of accountability that people need to have remorse. We don’t want to unleash that level of violence. 

  • Penny was asked if he would do it all over again knowing what he knows now and he said yes.
  • No way anyone that dumb should be near a $7 trillion budget w/ nuclear weapons involved.
  • How do women like her get elected?
  • He didn’t say he was glad Neely was dead.
  • He said he would protect the innocent citizens again.
 Caller Steve from NY – 
2h25mAUDIO/VIDEO: NY Mayor Eric AdamsHe shouldn’t have had to die. We have a mental health system that is broken and we need to change that. We can’t sit back and mourn the loss of someone if we aren’t taking action. A jury of his peers heard the case and I respect the process.

  • Does Mayor Adams think there is something great about to happen for the once great city of New York now that Trump has won?
  • It looks like Adams is going to playbill with the Trump administration.
  • He will tell Homan to come on into the city and clean house.
  • Eric Adams sees the problem and it is illegals and it is crime.
  • Could you imagine if Eric would flip to Republican?
  • They are talking about winning New Jersey next.
8:33am cstSEGMENT 6

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 Ethics in Broadcasting

  • Having some code to answer to and abide by is a good thing.
  • I get the whole Elon Musk “you are the media” but what comes along w/ that?
  • He never follows it up, I get it, I understand it, he is a businessman and he is trying to pump up interaction on X.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Piers Morgan w/ Taylor Lorenz Joyful of CEO’s Death

Lorenz – Tens of thousands of American, innocent Americans who died b/c greedy health insurance executives like this one. 

Morgan – So should they all be killed then? Should they all be killed, these healthcare executives? Would that make you even more joyful?

2h45mAUDIO/VIDEO: Maria Cardona Democrat Strategist on CNN – Trump Deportation –  Stephen Miller who is Donald Tump’s deputy chief of staff has said that they’re going to embark on a denaturalization program. So I could be deported, my citizenship could be taken away, and my children could be deported b/c they have a birthright citizenship. That is not what the country voted for.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Judge Jeanine Pirro on The FiveIt was a good day for NY and a good day for America. He had 42 arrest in a period of time. He needed help and he had open warrants for assaulting women on the subway. We’ve got to have people like Daniel Penny who will stand up for the rest of us. He went through hell these last few years. 

Mahgdalen Rose 

Political Affairs Correspondent 

Follow Mahgdalen on X: @MahgdalenRose

Trump Transition Team – they do plan on taking action on bad political actors. One may be a broadcasting network and a few that personally went after Trump the citizen.

  • People are wondering why Matt Gaetz dropped out and not Pete Hegseth.
  • He has been married a few times and allegations of affairs.
  • Pete will inspire people.
  • He just isn’t a terrible guy in the long run.

HEADLINE: ‘I Support Pete’: Ernst Changes Tune Following Second Hegseth Meeting by Shawn Fleetwood

  • I find what she is doing is so tasteless.
  • She said she would support Pete but not support him.
  • Pete is saying that he is going to bring younger people into the Pentagon.
  • Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act 1974 – 
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected] or [email protected]

LIVE Show PodcastsThe Mike Church Show