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Mike Church Show #2057-Are The New Jersey Drones Looking For Nukes?

micMike Church today12/17/2024 8

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    Mike Church Show #2057-Are The New Jersey Drones Looking For Nukes? Mike Church

Mike Church Show #2057-Are The New Jersey Drones Are Looking For Nukes?

Time 6:06am cstWE ARE LIVE on 990 WGSO, Our Flagship Syndication Station in New Orleans Louisiana all week from 7am-10am!  Welcome to the Mike Church Show on  Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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 Caller #6 Christmas Contest – Have Yourself a Mary and Manly Little Christmas 
14mDonald Trump Mar-a-Lago Press Conference

  • There were two women there that asked the most stupid questions yesterday.

The Question Was: Is RFK Jr going to ban the polio vaccine?

  • Who is talking about banning the polio vaccine?
  • NO ONE but the left.
  • How was the polio vaccine created?
  • Oral polio vaccine (OPV)
    A weakened form of the poliovirus was grown in monkey kidney cells, then given orally as drops or on a sugar cube. The weakened virus induced an immune response in the intestines, which protected against polio because the virus enters the body through the intestines. However, the weakened virus could sometimes revert back to its natural form and cause paralysis. 
  • Inactivated polio vaccine (IPV)
    The poliovirus was grown in monkey kidney cells, then inactivated with formalin to destroy its infectivity. The inactivated virus elicited antibodies in the bloodstream, which prevented the virus from traveling to the brain or spinal cord and causing paralysis. 

  • Donald Trump has cancelled his trip because of the drones over Bedminister NJ.
  • He has a golf course there and was planning on heading over there this weekend.
  • He says that the government knows exactly where and what these drones are doing and can’t understand why they are keeping Americans in the dark.
  • You use a grid when you are searching for things right?
  • These drones are using a grid pattern.
  • So what are they looking for?
  • The US government is probably behind this.

HEADLINE: War Of The Worlds by Rod Dreher 

  • Does China have that large of a presence in New Jersey?
  • These drones don’t have long range travel. 
  • Same w/ the issues of the Iranian ‘Mother Ship’.
  • China is taunting us, showing us how advanced its technology is, and that it can violate US airspace with impunity. We don’t have the ability to detect these things before they arrive, and they can cloak themselves from our radar. I had wondered why China or any nation would reveal its advanced technology in this silly way. A possible answer: it could be a display of power in advance of an invasion of Taiwan, as a kind of “Are you sure you want to mess with us, Yanks?” way. Doing this could be a shrewd way of firing a warning shot.
  • Have we been so complacent that we have allowed a large Chinese presence in the US?
  • Large enough to pull off something like this?


Joe Biden Regime

  • He has extended the COVID vaccine makes and providers granted immunity through 2029. 
  • Now me, I look at this and I say, no you can’t do that as your term is very well defined.
  • You have a set date and time. 
  • Your term ends at noon on January the 20th.
  • Why would the Amendment be required to define the end of a Presidential term?
  • By force of law at noon on the 20th of January, you lose all Executive Power.
  • When your term is over you are done.
  • How can you extend your power then beyond the end of your term?
  • How can one President bind another?
  • Biden is still issuing the Executive Orders along w/ thousands of pardons.
  • Biden has now pardoned 8,062 people.
  • Obama was the closest to him w/ 1,927 during his two terms.
  • He is 100% abusing his Presidential power.
  • He is also trying to stop DOGE.
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2
 Turning Point USA

  • Mike Church will be in attendance at the Phoenix event.
  • We will carry their live feed on ROKU, YouTube, X and on the station itself.
  • The schedule will be made available as soon as TPUSA sends one out.




School Shooting

HEADLINE: Suspect in Wisconsin School Shooting Identified by Melanie Sun 

  • Whenever there is a mass murder event involving guns, the Coulter Rule states, if the perpetrator is a conservative, white male, and a US citizen you will know full name and their entire existence within a few hours. 
  • Yesterday morning when the news broke about this school shooting in Wisconsin, the media was tight lipped. 
  • Hours later no identity was out in the MSM.
  • Then after almost a full day we only got the count of injured and dead and still nothing on the shooter.

Andy Ngo on X:  I can report that the deceased mass shooter at Abundant Life Christian School in Madison, Wisc. is a 15-year-old girl named Natalie Lynn Rupnow. She carried out the mass shooting in the school library, according to a source. She did not identify as trans.The teen girl used the name “Sam” online and the username “crossixir.” She had an extensive online obsession with school shooters and death, particularly the 1999 Columbine High School shooting. Rupnow was a big fan of the KMFDM rock band, which was also referenced by one of the Columbine shooters. (She often wore the shirt of the band.) Rupnow’s online friends identified the X account, which purported to belong to the shooter, soon after news broke of the shooting. The account’s last post is of an “okay” hand symbol in the school’s bathroom by the library minutes before the shooting.





  • Mr. Xi has frequently drawn on Russia’s historical and literary tradition to convey his intent to undermine — and ultimately displace — Western ideas and institutions. But by urging a spirit of revolutionary sacrifice within BRICS, a group that is expanding to include new member-states, Mr. Xi is signaling an intent to rally the developing world for an intensified struggle against American power.
  • The obscure and radical novel that the Chinese leader cited as his inspiration offers a glimpse into Mr. Xi’s mind-set as he prepares to test Donald Trump’s commitment to the institutions and alliances that underpin the U.S.-led order.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]
 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.














HEADLINE: Waste of the Day: $267 Million Spent on Fighting “Misinformation” by Jeremy Portnoy 

  • The federal government has recently spent $267 million on grants meant to suppress supposed “misinformation”.
  • Who gets to decide what is ‘misinformation’? 
  • The Federal government of course!
  • $200,000 was awarded to George Washington University to study how populist leaders spread misinformation. Researchers used government funds to analyze politicians who allegedly divided society during the pandemic, focusing on Donald Trump and three other world leaders.
  • In total $127 million of the misinformation grants were related to COVID-19.
  • $300,000 from the Department of Health and Human Services to create Innov8AI, which can “capture medical misinformation in social media for targeted interdiction using an advanced AI solution set.”
  • Where did that government bureaucrat get that money from?
  • Where does the federal government get all their money from?
  • The federal government taxed citizens under the auspice that we will take that money from you, give party A their cut, launder this money then give it to what group we deem fit.
  • They justify this all buy saying it’s only a fraction of a penny per American citizen.
  • Article 1 Section 8
  • Can you identify what power is being carried out here?
  • We used to think this sort of censorship was terrible now people get paid to do it.
  • This is just another breach of ethics.
  • When you have a moral people that refuse to go along w/ this, it will all stop.
  • The problem is we don’t have a moral people anymore.
  • If we truly are the new media, why can’t the people that own this new media then, why isn’t someone out there cranking out something to stop all of this?
  • This isn’t right and we should start here.
  • The THEFT ENDS HERE – Biden doesn’t get anymore money to blow!


HEADLINE: COVID-19 Vaccine Makers and Providers Granted Immunity Through 2029 by Sherry Tsai

  • The Biden administration has extended liability protections for COVID-19 vaccine makers, health care providers, and others through 2029. The decision, which has sparked renewed debate over accountability for vaccine-related injuries and the future of public health policy, ensures immunity from most lawsuits for those involved in the development and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines and other medical countermeasures. 
  • The five-year extension, signed by Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra on Dec. 11, continues a policy first implemented during the pandemic under then-President Donald Trump. It is one of the longest liability protections in the history of the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act. Proponents argue that the protections are essential for fostering innovation and maintaining public health readiness, but critics contend they leave vaccine-injured individuals without recourse and could limit future administrations’ ability to enact significant policy changes.
  • In other words they can just keep pumping out the COVID vaccine and have ZERO consequences if people are injured or die.
  • This should be brought to an end immediately.
  • If Becerra can sign something like this then Kennedy Jr can do the same and reverse it.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago – Drones – The government knows what is happening. Look our military knows where they took off from, if it is a garage and where it came from or where it went. And for some reason they don’t want to say. I think they’d be better off just saying what it is. For some reason they just want to keep people in suspense. For some reason they don’t want to tell the people. I’ve decided to cancel my trip to Bedminster. 
7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at


AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago – Drones – The government knows what is happening. Look our military knows where they took off from, if it is a garage and where it came from or where it went. And for some reason they don’t want to say. I think they’d be better off just saying what it is. For some reason they just want to keep people in suspense. For some reason they don’t want to tell the people. I’ve decided to cancel my trip to Bedminster. 

  • Okay class what did you just learn here?
  • The Biden administration knows where these drones are taking off from.
  • The military knows where they are and where they are taking off from.
  • That tells me the military then wants them to fly b/c our military blows things up.
  • If they allow these to fly, it is because they want them to fly.
  • So our president and military are sanctioning these flights so that means this is a mission.
  • They didn’t tell him specifically what was going on.
  • Maybe they just said it is our op and you don’t need to know as of yet b/c you aren’t president yet.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Bethany Frankel in New Jersey 

  • So the theory I had that these drones are ours and they are sniffing out radioactive material was spot on.
 Geiger Counter World Map

HEADLINE: Mystery Drones Could Be Trying to Find ‘Radioactive Material’—Aerospace CEO by Joe Edwards

  • Would this surprise any of you?
  • It wouldn’t surprise me Joe Biden is allowing this risk to American citizens.
  • The drones could be searching for gas leaks or pockets of radiation. He also said he believed the drones were seeking something “very important.”


AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago – Announces Lawsuit Against Ann Selzer – In my opinion, it was fraud, and it was election interference. You know, she’s got me right always. She’s a very good pollster. She knows what she was doing.

AUDIO/VIDEO: ABC News and George StephanopoulosABC News forced to pay $15 million to Trump to settle defamation lawsuit, George Stephanopoulos forced to issue public apology.

 8:06am cstSEGMENT 5
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 Ozempic and Knockoff Drugs


AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago – Biden Selling Wall – We spent a tremendous amount of money building the wall. It is a special type of steel and we pour concrete in the center. It has doubled in price from when we made the pieces and now this administration is trying to sell it for 5 cents on the dollar. Joe Biden, please stop selling the wall.

  • Who has been granted the authority to sell these pieces of wall?
  • Trump stopped just short of calling this treason by Joe Biden.
  • But that is what this is plain and simple.



AUDIO/VIDEO: CEO of Softbank Masayoshi Son – $100 billion investment in US – 

Trump – I’m going to ask him right now, will you make it $200 billion, believe it or not, he can actually afford to do that.

Masayoshi Son – With your leadership and my partnership and your support I will try to make it happen. 

  • Donald Tump said yesterday ‘everybody wants to be his best friend now’.
  • We have covered this man for over 9 years now.
  • I previously spoke about Trump since 1992.
  • I have disagreed w/ him often.
  • During your lifetime you saw a small dose in the 80’s and we complained about it.
  • We complained about Japanese companies locating their companies in the United States.
  • How many American corporations have stabbed Americans in the back by moving their facilities to the 3rd world to manufacture things cheaper?
  • They removed jobs, they removed the value of a good strong ethic and a place to start or learn a vocation. 
  • I don’t just like Trump, I love Trump, I don’t just like the man I love the man.
  • When he was talking about the steel in the wall he knew the blade it takes to cut it.
  • He knew about the concrete.
  • He has knowledge about these materials.
  • He has accomplished and done things in his life and that soundbite shows it.
8:33am cstSEGMENT 6

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Daniel Vu 


About Daniel – He was involved in the Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth Movement in addition to attending World Youth Day 2011 and 2013. He enlisted in the Marine Corps in 2014, deploying to the Middle East in support of Operation Inherent Resolve in 2016 and to Vietnam in 2017 supporting POW/MIA recovery operations.

  • Men were very much in charge of everything in the Traditional Catholic Mass.
  • From Ushers to setting up and breaking down things and one day I was browsing through social media and I realized it was mainly for women and it was mostly about veiling and virtue.
  • I wondered where was there a mens page?
  • I started an Instagram page.
  • The more I pushed back the more at peace I felt ironically. 
  • I would have been happy with just a few hundred followers.
  • Traditional Catholic Men page – 
  • Consistency in prayer – 
  • Rosary daily, mental prayer…
  • Men don’t hang out in co-ed groups.
  • Men need to be around other men.
  • The Crusade is to find a woman and marry her and get your wife and children to heaven.
  • The common denominator is there are young families with young children.
  • They have accepted Gods way and will.
  • You have to start somewhere.
  • Take it one day at a time and stick with it.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected] or [email protected]

LIVE Show PodcastsThe Mike Church Show