
The Mike Church Show

Mike Church Show-The FBI Withdraws It’s Shocking Plan To Investigate Traditional Catholics

micMike Churchtoday02/10/2023 24

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    Mike Church Show-The FBI Withdraws It’s Shocking Plan To Investigate Traditional Catholics Mike Church

HEADLINE: The FBI’s Slander of ‘Radical’ Traditional Catholics by the Editor 

  • The Richmond office of the FBI prepared a memo on what it called “Radical Traditionalist Catholics” and the threat they posed, as a potential recruiting ground for ethnically motivated right-wing extremism. These “RTCs” were described in the memo as an extremist subset among those Catholics who reject the Second Vatican Council’s authority and who attend the traditional Latin Mass.
  • By identifying traditionalist Catholic opposition to abortion or certain priorities of the LGBT community as evidence of a potential threat, it was doing the opposite of intelligence work. Careful research is supposed to narrow the focus of law enforcement on the tiny numbers of groups and individuals that are a danger. By choosing beliefs that are obliged in a religious communion of 1 billion people worldwide, and shared by billions of other humans worldwide, the report becomes a slander.
  • They are going to do exactly what PayPal did w/ their fining Conservatives.
  • They got busted, they retract it and then in the dead of night a few weeks from now they will quietly reinstate this.
  • That is how these things play out.

HEADLINE: IRS proposes new reporting program for tips in the service industry by Marc Sternfield 

  • The U.S. Treasury Department and IRS on Monday introduced the Service Industry Tip Compliance Agreement (SITCA), which the agency says would be a “voluntary” program involving restaurants, bars, food delivery and other businesses where workers earn money from tips. 
  • Aspects of SITCA include monitoring how much revenue is generated through tips and annual reporting by employers.
  • This is just another thinly veiled attack on the middle class.
  • People that work in the service industry are middle class not the upper class.
  • It is tragic it has come to this but this didn’t happen overnight. 
  • National Restaurant Association at?

The Mike Church Show