
LIVE Show Podcasts

The Day Tampon Tim Cried To His Hero Trump

micMike Churchtoday09/19/2024 12

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    The Day Tampon Tim Cried To His Hero Trump Mike Church



Political Affairs Correspondent 

Follow Mahgdalen on X – @MahgdalenRose

  • His appearances seem more and more like the average guy and relaxed.
  • I think he is trying not to be the medias tool right now.
  • During the height of those riots Walz called Trump and said can you tell people I’m your friend so they don’t attack me?
  • MAGA people were not going to burn down Walz’s house.
  • We aren’t the group that does that sort of violence.
  • If that came up in the vetting process I would have squashed him right then and there.
  • Like he was the Governor and he called Trump for help.
  • That is an emasculated male.
  • Shark Tank – 
  • All the business people are going for Trump and that is because Trump is a businessman and he knows that w/o businesses in your towns, there is no thriving community.
  • Selling your assets, biggest sell off ever. 
  • Did you see the interview w/ the NABJ?

AUDIO/VIDEO: NABJ after Kamala walks off the stage – the faces they gave says it all. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Supercut of Kamala Harris Fake & Cringe 

  • This is Hillary Clintons fault.
  • She has schooled the ladies in the Democrat party to do this.
  • Hillary Clinton tried this in 2008 and it didn’t work for her so why is Kamala doing it?
  • Who is going to tell her though Tim Walz?
  • Her husband who cheated on her w/ their nanny?
  • This is the American press core finding out about Dukakis being locked in the room!

LIVE Show PodcastsThe Mike Church Show