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The Mike Church Show #2053-Daniel Penny And The Dawning Age Of MAGA Chivalry

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    The Mike Church Show #2053-Daniel Penny And The Dawning Age Of MAGA Chivalry Mike Church

The Mike Church Show #2053-Daniel Penny And The Dawning Age Of MAGA Chivalry

Time 6:06am cstWE ARE LIVE on 990 WGSO, Our Flagship Syndication Station in New Orleans Louisiana all week from 7am-10am!  Welcome to the Mike Church Show on  Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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 Caller #10 Christmas Contest – Have Yourself a Mary and Manly Little Christmas 
22mThe TV Show Evil


  • Hollywood will tell you exactly who they are.
  • That show is telling you who is sitting at the top of media and movies.
  • It is Baphomet and the Boys.
  • They show you that on this TV show.
  • The same entity is sitting at the top of Pfizer.
  • What will the FDA do when they can’t put FD&C Red 3 and Red 40? 
  • FD&C Red 3- A petroleum-based dye that gives food and drinks a cherry red color. The FDA has approved this dye for use since 1969.
  • FD&C Red 40 – Also known as Allura Red AC or E129, this petroleum-based dye is commonly used in food to give it a bright red color. It’s often found in sweets, dairy, and beverages. The FDA has approved this dye for human consumption.
  • The TV Show Supernatural
  • They hd the leviathan creature buy up food companies to put harmful stuff in the products to fatten up the humans for their consumption.
 Daniel Penny Is A Free Man
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2
37mHEADLINE: New York’s Government Is the Real Villain in the Daniel Penny Trial by Heather Mac Donald 

  • Why did Alvin Bragg say he had a duty to prosecute Daniel Penny?
  • Why did the city of New York decide to go after Penny?
  • It had to.
  • It is a left tard city w/ a left tard government.
  • The demons are out there howling in New York today.
  • Truth has been the casualty for years in the city of New York.
  • There has been a war to undo Gods work of male and female.
  • Masculine and feminine. 









Makers Mark

  • Makers Mark is going regenerative!
  • Maker’s Mark has pledged that everything they grow to make their whiskey will come from regenerative farms, making them the first ever distillery to do so. 
  • They will be using the Regenified verification, the best current label to showcase they are regenerative.
  • The soil is the gift that keeps on giving and that is how God designed it all.
  • If you were a beer drinker you had 3 choices of beer in Ireland.
  • A group of guys who loved small craft beers, set out to get Ireland’s parliament to repeal the statuettes that kept it that way.
  • Intoxicating Liquor Act 2018 – The Act was finalised in September 2018 and will allow craft drinks producers to sell their own product at their manufacturing premises. There are limits to opening hours and those who sell alcohol for consumption on premises can do so only if customers have taken a guided tour.
  • Brew Pubs were born – Abita Brewing Company
  • I think we are going to see Farm to Table places pop up everywhere when RFK Jr makes his move.
  • I think this is going to be a huge boom and business opportunity. 
  • Will we see raw milk in our local grocery stores again?
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]
 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
1h13mAUDIO/VIDEO: Daniel Penny w Judge Jeanine PirroI’m not a confrontational person, this type of stuff is very uncomfortable. All this attention and limelight is very uncomfortable. I would prefer without it. I didn’t want any type of attention or praise or and I still don’t. The guild I would have felt if someone did get hurt, if he did do what he was threatening to do, I would never be able to live w/ myself. I’ll take a million cout appearances and people calling me names and people hating me just to keep one of those people from getting hurt or killed.

  • That is a knight right there.
  • He is fighting for what he loves.
  • Humanity.
  • He would do it all over again to save innocent lives.
  • The left is going crazy over this comment b/c they have never been confronted w/ a real man that refuses to NOT allow a crime to happen in front of him.
  • This is also why they hate Trump.
  • Neither one of these men know how to act like a bundle of sticks.
  • They only know how to be manly.
1h22mHEADLINE: New York’s Government Is the Real Villain in the Daniel Penny Trial by Heather Mac Donald 

  • For now, the heroic male virtues of chivalry, self-reliance, and initiative have been vindicated, in the face of government’s effort to snuff those values out. How much longer those traits will survive under elite pressure remains to be seen. New York officials should take the Penny acquittal as a wakeup call, however. Their authority may be slipping away, a development adumbrated by last month’s national election results.
  • The Penny proceeding was more than a travesty of justice, however. It exemplified two intertwined traits of our time: government’s abandonment of law-abiding citizens in favor of the dysfunctional and antisocial, and the hatred of values associated with white males and the Western civilization that they created.
  • Judge Jeanine revolved Daniel Penny has been riding that train since he was a young boy.
  • The people on that train were part of his community.
  • They all ride the same train every single day.
  • Selflessness, chivalry and manliness is what Daniel Penny showed that day.
  • Penny was worse than white, however. He was the nightmare of every Women’s Studies major: a blond, tall, former Marine. If Hollywood still made traditional Westerns, Penny would be the sheriff that introduces order to the wild frontier. Penny was not defending himself; he was defending those weaker than himself. Such self-sacrifice is the essence of male chivalry, which must be eradicated to pave the way for the nanny state’s monopoly on human action.
7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
















Back to Heather Mac Donald

  • If one follows the prosecution’s logic, New York’s government should have stood trial. If Penny was reckless regarding the risk that his restraint of Neely would allegedly cause Neely’s death, the state and city have been worse than reckless in their disregard for citizen safety. It is not just a possibility or probability that in the near future, another mentally ill drug addict will assault an innocent civilian—it is a certainty. Calculating that risk is far easier than the second-by-second reevaluation of harm that Penny supposedly should have performed regarding a thrashing Neely. Every day that New York officials fail to torpedo the status quo regarding street vagrancy is a day that they are abandoning their responsibility to protect life and civil order.  If Neely had not killed anyone by May 2023, it was not for lack of trying. In 2019, Neely punched Filemon Castillo Baltazar in the head as the 65-year-old waited for a subway in Greenwich Village. In June 2021, he walloped Anne Mitcheltree in the head inside a deli in the East Village; she was in her late sixties. In November 2021, Neely broke the nose and fractured the eye socket of a 67-year-old woman as she exited a subway on the Lower East Side. 
  • What is criminally insane?
  • This man was in fact a ticking time bomb and the system failed not only him but the innocent, law abiding citizens of New York.
  • But a final factor is the government’s abandonment of the law-abiding and hardworking in favor of the welfare-dependent, anti-social, and criminal classes. This shift has been pushed along by an ever growing cadre of nonprofit groups that set themselves up as advocates for the marginalized, without ever signing a contract with their clients or receiving a popular mandate. Homeless advocacy groups have a financial interest in keeping vagrants in plain view. How else will those groups fundraise and rake in million-dollar government contracts to perform feckless “outreach” work? So the homeless organizations fight every effort to compel vagrants into treatment and off the streets, even though such compulsion would be in the best interests of the advocates’ “clients.”
  • Interferon and Laetrile – 
  • Laetrile comes from apricot seeds.
  • Jordan Neelys are still roaming New York streets because protecting their autonomy is government’s paramount concern. Never mind that the autonomy of the law-abiding is proportionally restricted. Many New Yorkers now avoid the subways, losing access to a vital public service that they are paying for, simply because government refuses to maintain order.
  • The Penny jury rebelled against the delinquency of government and the rule of the dysfunctional. Bragg should face a recall. For those still calling Penny a vigilante, the government brought such citizen action onto itself. Such self-action is what you get when government fails. Despite the acquittal, future potential Pennys are now on notice that they risk a homicide indictment if they guard their fellows from harm. The best solution to America’s self-willed urban chaos is to throw out current authority and start over from fundamental principles of law and order.
 HEADLINE: Doctors warn cooking oil used by millions may be fueling explosion of colon cancers in young people by Emily Joshu Sterne 

  • Consuming large amounts of seed oils – which include sunflower, canola, corn and grapeseed – has long been linked to inflammation in the body.
  • Researchers found patients’ tumors had high levels of bioactive lipids, microscopic fatty compounds produced when the body breaks down seed oils.
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2h11mDonald Trump Truth Social – Any person or company investing ONE BILLION DOLLARS, OR MORE, in the United States of America, will receive fully expedited approvals and permits, including, but in no way limited to, all Environmental approvals. GET READY TO ROCK!!!

  • You have Capital formation, the end result is going to be competition and thus lower prices.
  • This is just smart business.












HEADLINE: Doctors warn cooking oil used by millions may be fueling explosion of colon cancers in young people by Emily Joshu Sterne 

  • If you have the ability to make tallow, ramp up your facility.
  • Restaurant chains like McDonald’s will be seeking this as an alternative.
  • The researchers are urging people to swap from seed oils and instead focus on oils with omega-3 fatty acids such as olive and avocado oil. 
  • There will be lawsuits, mark my words.
  • Companies will go out of business over these lawsuits too.
  • There will be an intermediary step that is how this will have to happen.
  • Kennedy Jr even said something to this effect.
  • You have to threaten them. If you don’t do A then B is coming.
  • In all major chain restaurant is this synthetic crap that is terrible for you from McDonald’s to Applebees.
  • It is manipulated to be used longer.
  • Here is my theory on one of the things that will come out of the Trump administration. 
  • Resending all COVID slush fund money going to all major networks.
  • We chronicled all of this in our COVID Chronicles.
  • Why is there $10 billion for TV advertising on COVID vaccines?
  • They had to bribe the networks.
  • There will be some mergers and some of your favorites will go bye bye.
  • Pharmaceutical commercials – 
  • What if there were no commercials for Ozempic?
  • What if there were NO pharmaceutical commercials? 
  • What will the pharm companies do then?
  • Modern is worth 15.97 billion right now.
  • Pfizer is worth 144.90 billion right now.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Adam Schiff – Trump Retribution – I don’t think the incoming president should be threatening his political opponents w/ jail time. That’s not the kind of talk we should hear from the President in a democracy, nor do I think that a pardon is necessary for the members of the January 6 Committee.

  • What happened to the people that perpetrate these types of crimes?
  • His side lost and he should be prosecuted for what he did to Donald Trump.
  • It should at least be investigated.
  • That should never happen again.
8:33am cstSEGMENT 6

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2h40mAUDIO/VIDEO: Speaker Mike Johnson on DOGEIt think this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. We had a productive discussion. Elon and Vivek are pretty smart guys, and they know a lot about running efficient and productive companies, and this is a large one: the federal government.

  • I don’t need government to be entrepreneurial.
  • I shouldn’t even know it is there.
  • If a human can do it in the private sector, government shouldn’t have any hand in it.
  • This is where little r republicanism comes in.
  • It has worked before and will work again.
  • This includes the parasite class.
  • They aren’t going to give up their millions in salary.
  • The DOGE Bros have to have the fortitude to just remove these groups and employees.
  • Find the things that have been done to make this possible and repeal them.
  • Take your little beady eyes Johnson and start repealing stuff.
  • You have the authority to do it but do you have the fortitude to do it?
  • Repeal the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974.
  • What Is Budget Reconciliation? 
  • Budget reconciliation is a powerful but complex process that begins when the House and Senate Budget Committees include instructions in their annual budget resolution for other committees to develop and report legislation that has specified effects on mandatory spending, revenues, or the debt limit. If only one committee receives reconciliation instructions, its reported legislation can move directly to the floor for consideration by the full House or Senate. If more than one committee is involved, their legislation is first assembled by the Budget Committees before consideration in each full chamber. In the Senate, because of the limit on the time available to debate reconciliation bills, the bill cannot be filibustered to prevent a final vote.
2h50mAUDIO/VIDEO: San Diego County Board of Supervisors – Voted 3-1 Super Sanctuary County – This will shield illegals from deportation and prevent police from notifying ICE about dangerous illegals in custody.

  • California should just secede at this point.
  • They are not part of this Union of States.
  • They clearly don’t want to be part of this Union any longer so let them.
  • Donald Trump should allow them to just be assumed by Mexico.

Mahgdalen Rose

Political Affairs Correspondent

Follow Mahgdalen on X: @MahgdalenRose

They wanted a leftist Utopia and they didn’t get it but they are clinging to the dream.

HEADLINE: Don Jr. breaks silence on Kimberly Guilfoyle split and her move to Greece by Katelyn Caralle 

  • It has been an open secret.
  • She got the Ambassadorship to Greece before she rolled out.
  • She negotiated her exit strategy very well.
  • She is pulling a bit of a Jackie O w/ her exit.
  • She was once married to Gavin Newsom and now former Trump girlfriend.
  • Young men are trilled about Daniel Penny.
  • He just wanted to stop carnage and young conservatives saw this.
  • There is a feeling of sanity coming back.
  • I would expect to see something from Daniel Penny in the political stage soon.
  • Why wasn’t JD Vance at the reopening of Notre Dame?
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected] or [email protected]

LIVE Show PodcastsThe Mike Church Show