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The Mike Church Show #2056-It’s Not A Conspiracy. The FBI Was At The Capitol

micMike Church today12/16/2024 9

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    The Mike Church Show #2056-It's Not A Conspiracy. The FBI Was At The Capitol Mike Church

The Mike Church Show #2056-It’s Not A Conspiracy. The FBI Was At The Capitol

Time 6:06am cstWE ARE LIVE on 990 WGSO, Our Flagship Syndication Station in New Orleans Louisiana all week from 7am-10am!  Welcome to the Mike Church Show on  Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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 Caller #2 Christmas Contest – Have Yourself a Mary and Manly Little Christmas 
16mFBI Informants on January 6th

  • We all knew this back in the day and we were told it was all a ‘conspiracy theory’ on our part.
  • That the FBI didn’t have anyone there instigating the situation.
  • That the FBI didn’t have any informants there that day.
  • Now we know there were over 26 informants there and that most of them participated in criminal activity that day.
  • The OIG report now proves it to be true.
  • Kamala Harris and Joe Biden and Liz Cheney and other left or Democrats campaigned on this LIE!
  • It was all a lie!

Article 3 Section 3 Clause 1 – Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

  • There were normal, law abiding citizens that showed up that day.
  • They were there to support the man they voted for.
  • We had listeners there and some of our listeners had their children with them.
  • They thought they were doing something Patriotic and that is all they thought they were doing.
  • They didn’t go there to overthrow their government. 
  • This is no laughing matter here folks.
  • The DOJ arrested thousands of them and forced them to accept plea deals.
  • Now we know our government participated in this set up.

President Trump when he takes the oath of office should do the following:

  • Release all the J6 immediately.
  • Hiring freezes across the board on all government agencies.
  • I want a list of names, I want to know who signed off on this for prosecution.
  • The people that appeared before the J6 Committee and perjured themselves should all face prison time.
  • This is no laughing matter Crusaders.
  • Americans died by suicide, American families were ruined, Americans lost family members b/c they were labeled traitors.
  • This cannot stand fellow Americans.
28mNew Jersey Drones

  • What are these drones doing exactly?
  • There are a few theories out there.
  • One is these drones are scanning for gamma rays.
  • What gives off gamma rays?
  • That highly active radio activity can be detected by sensitive devices.
  • Nukes can be spotted by satellites in outer space.
  • How could a nuclear powered submarine remain stealth? 
  • I believe that the Biden Regime lost or misplaced incendiary nuclear devices.
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2
48mNew Jersey Drones

  • There is no such thing as a suitcase nuke.
  • To me it sounds like they are flying in grid patterns clearing things box by box.

HEADLINE: NJ senator says feds are too ‘fearful’ of public reaction to tell the truth about mysterious drones by Isabel Keane

  • This didn’t happen at a port as they already have detection systems in place for that.
  • Bramnick also noted that the FBI claiming to have obtained no evidence of a threat does not help the average citizen who may be concerned.

HEADLINE: Drone Sightings, Reports of Crashes, Continue to Alarm and Befuddle New Jersey Residents by Debra Heine 

  • ChatGPT and Google Searches for drone activity and what drones are capable of searching for.
  • While New Jersey has been a hotspot for the UFO activity, drone sightings have also been reported in multiple other states across the nation in recent weeks, including Langley Air Force Base in Virginia, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Missouri, Florida, Oregon, California, Arizona, Idaho, Delaware, Texas, New York, Minnesota, Louisiana, Georgia, Maryland and Tennessee.
  • Spectroscopic Portal Monitors
  • Neutron Detection Systems 
  • Are they not telling us what these drones are doing b/c the Biden Regime has lost a nuke?
  • I think they believe a nuke that was sent to Ukraine has actually come back here and smuggled in through  NJ port and now the government is searching for it.
  • Are these drones only flying at night?

AUDIO/VIDEO: John Ferguson CEO Drone Manufacturing Expert Nukes in Ukraine leftover from Russia. Ukraine was part of the USSR back in the day. Ukraine being the Eastern most one.

 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]
 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
1h11mNew Jersey Drones

  • I am walking myself through this logically.
  • We can rule out they are looking for humans b/c we now know you can’t really use them for that unless you are using infrared to search for heat signatures.
  • If you live in an area that these drones are flying over you can give us a call and let us know what you are seeing.
  • Why would these land if they are the type that Ferguson was explaining in the last segment?
  • They sound like they are gas powered and they would have to refuel. 
  • So you can rule the Iranian ‘Mothership’ out at this point.
  • I don’t trust this Biden Regime.
  • When you hear Alejandro Mayorkas you will get upset.
 HEADLINE: Trump-Hating ABC Settles Defamation Case With $15 Million Payment To Trump Library by M.D. Kittle 
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Daniel Baldwin on P Diddy – 

  • It should be noted that Daniel is discussing this while wearing a Balenciaga polo shirt.
  • We did the whole story about Balenciaga and their children holding dolls w/ bondage attire.

HEADLINE: Mystery Drones Over New Jersey And Nearby States: DHS Sees No Foreign Threats—As Feds Send Detection System To NY (Updated) by Stephen Pastis

  • Officials say there’s no indication of security threats. The FBI and DHS released a statement on Thursday saying investigators have “no evidence at this time” of “malicious activity” in New Jersey or a “national security or public safety threat.” The statement adds they have not identified “a foreign nexus” for the drones and will continue the investigation. It also said many of the drone sightings have been “cases of mistaken identity,” confusing drones for lawful, identified aircraft. John Kirby, the White House’s national security communications advisor, reiterated the FBI’s statement at a briefing Thursday and said officials “have not been able to…corroborate any of the reported visual sightings.”
  • Are you noticing a pattern here?
  • When it is beneficial to keep people in the dark and play stupid?

HEADLINE: Drone debacle perfect end to Biden’s ‘You don’t need to know’ presidency by David Marcus

  • For four years now, it has been the Biden administration and the Biden administration alone that has deigned to decide what Americans do and do not need to know, and even in the case of the former, half the time these people just seem to be lying.
  • Let’s consider, just for a moment, how absurdly ludicrous it is that aerial objects the size of a minivan are hovering over the Garden State and the White House claims it has no idea what these things are, nor do they seem particularly curious about it.
  • But even if the White House did come out with an explanation, why would anyone believe it? Why would we assume it was anything but a lie meant to keep information from us that we do not need to know?
  • In just over a month, Trump will take over the White House, and he has already said, if this mystery isn’t solved by then, that he’s open to shooting one of these drones down to see what it is.
  • Any human being whose brains have not been scrambled by Washington DC interagency regulations knows we should have brought one of these things down days ago. It is just, as Trump would put it, common sense.
7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
1h49mAUDIO/VIDEO: Stephen A Smith – January 6th FBI Informants – Bombshell report from the Justice Department that the FBI had at least 26 informants on the ground. The report says most of the informants engaged in illegal activity. Here we are yet again finding even more evidence to Donald Trump’s claims. I’m really, really sick and tired of finding something else that the Democrats have lied about or downplayed or misrepresented along the way. 
 Donald Trump Truth Social – Drones w/ Chris Christie getting McDonald’s delivered.
1h57mAUDIO/VIDEO: Van Jones on Donald TrumpDonald Trump is smarter than all of us … He is the most powerful human on earth and in our lifetime … We look like idiots.”
 8:06am cstSEGMENT 5
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AUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Bernie Sanders on Meet The Press – Christopher Wray Resigning – I’m a little bit nervous about it. When Trump talks about sending to jail people who are on that January 6th committee that sounds like being a tin-pot dictator.




















  • What is the FBI truly supposed to do?
  • It was created on July 26, 1908.
  • J. Edgar Hoover became Director of the Justice Department’s Bureau of Investigation in 1924, all it did was investigate federal crimes. It had been founded by Teddy Roosevelt in 1908 to investigate corruption in government. By the time Hoover took over, the range of federal interests in crime had grown, but agents were still required by law to report suspects to local or state law enforcement officials. Bureau of Investigation agents were prohibited from making arrests or even carrying weapons without being deputized by local authorities. 
  • Tuesday Nights on CBS are FBI night!
  • It was never intended to protect liberties of American citizens. 
  • Federal law gives the FBI authority to investigate all federal crime not assigned exclusively to another federal agency (28, Section 533 of the U.S. Code). Title 28, U.S. Code, Section 533, authorizes the attorney general to appoint officials to detect and prosecute crimes against the United States.

US Department of Justice OIG Releases Report on the FBI’s Handling of Its Confidential Human Sources and Intelligence Collection Efforts in the Lead Up to the January 6, 2021 Electoral Certification 

Finding 1. – The FBI Took Significant and Appropriate Steps in Advance of January 6 to Prepare for its Supporting Role. Despite playing only a supporting role in preparing for and responding to the events of January 6, the FBI recognized the potential for violence and took significant and appropriate steps to prepare for this supporting role.

Finding 2. – The FBI Did Not Canvass Field Offices for Intelligence from CHSs Prior to January 6, which Could Have Helped the FBI and Law Enforcement with Their January 6 Preparations. The FBI could have taken an additional step to canvass its field offices in advance of January 6 to identify any intelligence, including CHS reporting, that might have assisted with the FBI and law enforcement partners’ preparations for January 6. FBI Deputy Director Paul Abbate described the lack of a canvass prior to January 6 as a “basic step that was missed,” and told the OIG that he would have expected a formal canvassing of sources to have occurred.

Finding 3. – Confusion and Lack of Coordination Contributed to the FBI’s Inaccurate Report to Congress that It Had Canvassed Field Offices. After January 6, the FBI reported to Congress that it had directed its field offices prior to January 6 to canvass their CHSs for information concerning threats in connection with the January 6 Electoral Certification. However, as noted, we found that no canvassing of field offices for source information had occurred. We found that the FBI’s statements to Congress were not intentionally inaccurate, and that confusion and lack of coordinated communications contributed to the inaccurate reporting.

Finding 4. – No Undercover FBI Employees at Protests or at the Capitol on January 6. We found no evidence in the materials we reviewed or the testimony we received showing or suggesting that the FBI had undercover employees in the various protest crowds, or at the Capitol, on January 6th.



Caller Ashley D from Florida

Catholic Land Movement 

  • What is the process of homesteading?
  • Should you just start off being a backyard gardener first?
  • Are you really ready to live off the land?
  • Not everyone is ready for such a big move.
  • We should all discern before we choose to take that large of a leap.
8:33am cstSEGMENT 6

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2h37mBACK to Caller Ashley D from Florida

  • Passed out Mike Church Show cards to get people to download the Crusade Channel app.



AUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Mitt Romney on CNN State of the UnionThe Democrat Party is the one in trouble. I mean, I don’t know how they recover. They’ve lost their base. 

  • Evil is always out there.
  • We don’t have more evil now than 100 years ago.
  • There will always be evil and there will always be good.
  • We have a great opportunity here right now.
  • DOGE talking about slicing the government and all their pet projects in half.
  • We have to stop crying and get ready to act.
  • Act boldly and act publicly. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Steve Bannon in New York – Donald Trump 3rd Terms – Donald Trump will raise his hand and take the oath of office. Since it doesn’t actually say consecutive, I don’t know maybe we do it again in 2028? Trump 28, come on man!

  • No this isn’t going to happen Steve.


Political Affairs Correspondent

Follow Mahgdalen on X: @MahgdalenRose

  • On the Bannon audio, no Steve that is not going to happen.
  • There is no consecutive written in there b/c it isn’t necessary.
  • A lot of their followings is invented.
  • We worry about keeping our audience informed and we have grown our audience organically.
  • In some ways Elon has missed the ball on purchasing followers.
  • False sense of supremacy. 
  • To not even question if this is in the Constitution, or if this would actually be good for the country, it just bothers me.
  • There has been a return to sanity among the Trump inner circle and Bannon isn’t in that circle any longer.
  • A Better Guide Than Reason book – Bradford
  • I’m hearing the reality is Trump is very concerned about these drones.
  • My personal thought on this is I think they are our drones and they were hacked and stolen.
  • I think some kid hacked these drones and the government can’t find them.
  • The level of not caring about these wouldn’t make sense if they didn’t know they weren’t destructive. 
  • They could be our drones.
  • TKD – I think they lost something.
  • We may find out soon the reason we won’t shoot them down and they keep spouting FAA rules, these may be copycats too involved. 
  • Neither of us think it is a foreign entity we both believe that there is no President right now.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected] or [email protected]

LIVE Show PodcastsThe Mike Church Show