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The Mike Church Show-Here’s How We Know The Deep State Is Planning A War

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    The Mike Church Show-Here’s How We Know The Deep State Is Planning A War Mike Church


Time 6:03am cstWE ARE LIVE on The King 1010 WXKG, Our Flagship Syndication Station in Atlanta Georgia, all week from 7am-10am! 6:03am cst.  Welcome to the Mike Church Show on  Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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21mAttempted Assassinations & Rhetoric 

  • Let’s define who the enemy is first.
  • Why would they become enemies?
  • If you want to take the country into a different direction, you are the enemy.
  • The Democrats and Liberals own almost everything in this country.
  • Outside of the state houses and the little control local municipalities have, they control all levels of power.
  • This is THEIR creature.
  • Lets go back in time – 
  • Lets go down the list here – 
  • Senator Rand Paul is stabbed in his driveway. He and his wife were also assaulted on the streets on the night of Trump nomination. They were surrounded by a mob that night.
  • Supreme Court Justice Bret Kavanaugh had people trying to get into their home and many more just hanging out on their lawn.
  • Senator Steve Scalise is shot on a baseball field during the Congressional baseball teams practice. He almost died from that shot. He was in the hospital for a very long time.
  • Tucker Carlson, his wife called him telling him people were trying to break into their home screaming they were going to kill Tucker. 
  • That brings us to Thomas Matthew Crooks attempting to kill Donald Trump in Butler PA.
  • Now to present day, Ryan Routh attempts to shoot and/or kill Donald Trump in Florida.
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2
 Constitution Day

  • I will play you Ronald Reagan’s remarks on the bicentennial later today.
41mAUDIO/VIDEO: Hillary Clinton on Rachel MaddowJournalist should really try to achieve objectivity. The object in this case is Donald Trump. His demagoguery and the danger to this country and to the world. 

  • This is just one day after the 2nd attempt on Donald Trumps life and she says this?!
  • It is a fools errand to believe this won’t happen again.
  • They will take another shot at Donald Trump mark my words Crusaders.
  • We are supposed to be responsible and not say them but you should prepare for what a DEAD President Trump looks like.
  • You and Donald Trump are an inconvenience to the plan.







Political Affairs Correspondent 

Follow Mahgdalen Rose on X – @MahgdalenRose

  • Following the debate people were saying they needed the likes of Laura Loomer out.
  • The Secret Service are increasingly susupisou of those around Donald Trump.
  • There is a laps of security within his inner circle now.
  • People who the Secret Service hasn’t had time to vet properly.
  • There is a gutting happening now in his inner circle.
  • The inner circle used to be if Trump liked you.
  • Now it is if the Trump family thinks you are safe.
  • They will start to push his family back into the chief role of the only ones around him.
  • Who is Laura Loomer one might ask?
  • She is basically a Trump groupie.
  • Joe Biden has been said he didn’t want another president to be shot under his watch.
  • Biden has called Trump after each attempt, the same cannot be said about Harris.
  • Biden is part of that old guard and he doesn’t want it to happen on his watch.
  • People have been able to get too close to him and the family is attributing it to groupies like Loomer and others.
  • The SS are starting to crack down on what the groupies have access to.
  • Ivanka Trump is whip freaking smart, she was running Trump International.
  • She is the eldest daughter and child. 
  • Things ran well when Ivanka was running the campaign.
  • No I don’t want her husband involved at all.
  • To make those groupies happy they kicked Ivanka off the plane so he would have more publicity going out.
  • I don’t support Ivanka’s husband but you have to look at the animal you have.
  • Trump needs the older daughter figure in his life.
  • He needs a female role in his life and Melania doesn’t care enough about politics to be that person for Donald. 
  • When that gap opened you have people like Conway and others that stepped in.
  • The term that has been used is Laura Loomer has flown too close to the sun.
  • Unless you were in the top tie of people, you are no longe in the circle.
  • I would not be surprised if you see backlash on social media toward Loomer b/c it really is b/c of her that this is all happening.
 The Democrat Party Is In Trouble
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]
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 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
1h17mHuman Flourishing 

  • Are the people in Springfield Ohio flourishing?
  • Are the 20,000 Haitians they dropped off there flourishing? 
  • Would they have to resort to eating the geese out of ponds if they were flourishing?

AUDIO/VIDEO: Ohio Governor Mike DeWine –  Bomb Threats From Overseas – We have received 33 bomb threats here, all were hoaxes. We know that people are very very concerned and we have taken some actions. We have moved resources into Springfield. these threats have all been hoaxes and none have panned out. We have people overseas who are taking these actions. Some are from one particular country. We cannot let the bad guys win. 

  • I was born in NOLA, supposedly this is the city of Marie Laveau.
  • She was born and raised Catholic.
  • Redbone made a song about her.
  • She had a fascination with witchcraft.
  • Then she returned to Christianity and the Catholic faith.
  • She is buried in Saint Luis Cemetery #1.
  • That is sacred ground, you can’t be buried in a Catholic cemetery and be a witch, especially not back then.
  • Voodoo is Satanic worship.
  • The people in Haiti have turned their backs for the most part on the Catholic faith and Christianity and turned to Voodoo and black magic. 
  • This is a fact, dogs and cats and animals are sacrificed as part of that black magic Voodoo practice.
  • Christopher Columbus – 
  • Remember the left said they were living in an ideal paradise and Columbus ruined it for them.
  • Why are the people of Haiti starving to death?
  • They have Democrats running the country that’s why.
  • Poverty Inc – MOVIE

AUDIO/VIDEO: Kamala Haris Claims that Trump promised to ‘terminate the Constitution’.

  • They are all in denial folks.
  • He never said that, I don’t even know where she misheard such a thing. 
  • What does Trump do now?
  • If he is going to campaign, he is exposed.
  • If he wants to golf on the weekend, he is exposed.
  • Why would he continue to do all these things?
7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at



Weak Spot on Golf Course

  • That spot where Ryan Routh was in was a known as a weak spot by the Secret Service way back in 2018.

AUDIO/VIDEO: FOX NEWS Report w/ Former Trump Secret Service Agent Nick Steen

  • There was no one there.
  • They knew it was a weak point and no one checked ahead of time.
  • They had 3 agents ahead and 3 agents behind the golfing party.
  • Everything we know that happened Sunday projects a coordinated effort.
  • There is video of the guy all over the place.
  • He was in a Ukrainian magazine and newspaper.
  • He is caught up with the Azov Nazi battalion in Ukraine.
  • He was recruiting people to become actual Nazis in Ukraine but we the faithful MAGA are the Nazi’s according to Kamala Harris and company.
1h45mAUDIO/VIDEO: Hillary Clinton on Rachel MaddowJournalist should really try to achieve objectivity. The object in this case is Donald Trump. His demagoguery and the danger to this country and to the world. 

  • She goes on to say the media was merciless about Joe Biden and his decline.
  • I don’t remember them preaching to the American people that Biden had issues as a matter of fact they did just the opposite.
  • This is what creates sleeper cells.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Plaskett on MSNBC – Donald Trump Should Be Shot –Having Trump not only have codes but classified information and he could share it in his resort w/ anyone. He needs to be shot…stopped.

  • Now evil people that do evil things sometimes think what they are doing is truly for the greater good.
  • How is it that they can think that way?
 Episode #2,000 will be coming at you on Friday! Big Celebration will happen w/ extended time of the Mike Church Show!
 HEADLINE: Emasculation Nation by Raw Egg Nationalist 

  • Now, testosterone decline is not only acknowledged by the Democrat Party; it’s to be welcomed. It’s essential to forging their new America.
  • You may remember how, in the immediate aftermath of the Dobbs decision, which repealed Roe v. Wade, there was a a significant uptick in sterilizations among both sexes. Although the increase in the number of female procedures was almost double the increase in male procedures, the increase among men was still huge and can only be explained as a response to the Supreme Court’s decision. Why? Women may have had some reason to fear losing access to their treasured reproductive rights, sure, but men’s rights weren’t affected at all. Simply put, a significant proportion of the vasectomies that took place directly after the Dobbs decision were male-feminist gestures of solidarity.
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2h18mAUDIO/VIDEO: Governor Ron DeSantis – State InvestigationWe will be doing a state investigation as well. There were violations to our states laws as well. Those same agencies prosecuting Trump are investigating the assassination attempt may not be the best thing for this country. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Sheriff Mike Chitwood of Volusia County FloridaSince parents you don’t want to raise your kids, I’m gonna start raising them. Every time we make an arrest, your kid’s photo is going to be put out there, and if I could do it, I’m gonna perp walk your kid so that everybody can see what your kid is up to. They keep sending in these tips and think it’s a big joke…we’re gonna publicly shame them and their parents. 

  • He is right when he says these kids think this is funny and that they will get away with it.
 ADUIO/VIDEO: Governor Ron DeSantis Live Press Conference on Fox News – I have directed all state agencies to work quickly to find out how this happened and we will hold Routh and those involved accountable. 

Ashley Moody Attorney General Florida then speaks, they are serving notice to the Secret Service and the White House, this was done in Florida and we have full authority to perform an investigation and we will get to the bottom of this.

 Story from
8:33am cstSEGMENT 6

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HEADLINE: Emasculation Nation by Raw Egg Nationalist 

  • Most men these days aren’t worried about furthering the family line or name.
  • It isn’t like Game of Thrones where all you worry about is the family name and family line.
  • Professor Livingston – why shouldn’t I have a say so in who is going to bear my last name?
  • We seem to have lost the whole purpose of marriage.
  • The purpose of marriage is children.
  • Now the measure of a man is how well you can prevent children from being the product of conception.
  • ‘products of conception’
  • Shawn  sees his vasectomy as “more than just a way of chipping in.” “The rolling back of abortion rights has served to strengthen his—and his fiancee’s—conviction that procreating at all in the modern US is vaguely immoral.”
  • See how they invert everything?
  • Now procreating is immoral?!




Investigative Journalist

Follow George on X – @RealGeorgeWebb1

Keep up w/ his latest investigation on his Substack – 

  • Special agent in charge has let 2 Iranian hitmen in and they have lost them both.
  • I think this 3rd one is the one you will really have to watch which is why I’m in Las Vegas now.
  • Slaughter Pin – 
  • ActBlue – Crooks was a donor and so was Routh.
  • It is a pool they pick from.
  • It is a group that knocks on doors mostly of people willing to be active.
  • Act Out Act Blue
  • Routh was a recruiter into the ActBlue pool and Crooks was recruited into ActBlue.
  • These are hitmen that say they want to kill Trump.
  • To me it isn’t the one we solved, it is the next one. 
  • We want to spend most of our time getting Trump to the altar.
  • Always stay in motion!
  • Don’t you want to know why and who he was meeting w/ at the Capitol building?
  • Biden and Harris didn’t go welcome Routh back from Ukraine but they did for Paul Whelan.
  • Routh was flying internationally we know this.
  • He is jet setting all over the world so how does all this international travel happen?
  • You may remember that there are two Iranian hitman that are still loose in the United States that have vowed their mission to be killing the ex President Donald Trump. Routh also wrote in his book that Ron should consider putting a contract out on Trump.
  • The money is going to Ukraine but it is going to Kolomoisky. 
  • This is more money than we have spent in a lot of wars.
  • Really the lone gunman they thought they had that w/ Crooks.
  • Routh is the exact opposite of Crooks.
  • Now you are at the cleaner stage like in Pulp Fiction.
  • They will say if we only had counter strike drones etc.
  • They are always going to be one behind.
  • They are going to use those killer drone strikes on us.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected] or [email protected]

LIVE Show PodcastsThe Mike Church Show