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The Mike Church Show-Hey Kamala! There Is NO Such Thing As A Holistic Economy Plan

micMike Churchtoday09/26/2024 13

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    The Mike Church Show-Hey Kamala! There Is NO Such Thing As A Holistic Economy Plan Mike Church


Time 6:03am cstWE ARE LIVE on The King 1010 WXKG, Our Flagship Syndication Station in Atlanta Georgia, all week from 7am-10am! 6:03am cst.  Welcome to the Mike Church Show on  Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows on
18mHEADLINE: Putin lowers threshold of nuclear response as he issues new warnings to the West over Ukraine via the Atlantic Journal

  • President Vladimir Putin says any nation’s conventional attack on Russia that is supported by a nuclear power will be considered a joint attack on his country.
  • You have embarrassed Putin, you have mocked him and taunted him and he will strike back.
  • He has shown the only restraint in this conflict.
  • Where is Joe Biden?threat, outlined in a revision of Moscow’s nuclear doctrine, was clearly aimed at discouraging the West from allowing Ukraine to strike Russia with longer-range weapons and appears to significantly lower the threshold for the possible use of Russia’s nuclear arsenal.
  • Speaking at a meeting of Russia’s Security Council that considered changes in the doctrine, Putin announced that a revised version of the document states that an attack against his country by a nonnuclear power with the “participation or support of a nuclear power” will be seen as their “joint attack on the Russian Federation.”
  • Russia is making slow but steady gains in Ukraine as the conflict grinds through its third year, and the Kremlin is seeking to discourage stronger Western support for Kyiv.
  • The change in the doctrine follows Putin’s warning to the U.S. and other NATO allies that allowing Ukraine to use Western-supplied longer-range weapons to hit Russian territory would mean that Russia and NATO are at war.
29mKamala Harris Interview With Stephanie Ruhle 

  • There she spouted off her dream for a ‘holistic’ economy plan.
  • What is a ‘holistic’ economy?

SIDE BAR – Empire State Building 

  • Small dairy in the Empire State building – 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Kamala Harris w/ Stephanie Ruhle MSNBC Exclusive Interview – Holistic Economic Plan – Looking holistically at the connection between that and housing and looking holistically at the incentives we in the federal government can create for local and state governments to actually engage in planning in a holistic manner that includes prioritizing affordable housing.

  • Aspirations and Ambitions – 
  • This is psycho babble, it means absolutely nothing.
  • Sounds like Commie babble to me.
  • Words that make you feel good but actually accomplish nothing.
  • There is no agenda, there is no plan, there is no end game.
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2










Eric Adams Under Federal Indictment

  • Adams is now on the receiving end of charges against him.
  • When it was against Trump it was all fun and games.
  • He gave P Diddy the key to the city of New York back in the day.

HEADLINE: New York City Mayor Eric Adams indicted after campaign corruption investigation by Michael Ruiz and Greg Wehner 

  • Numerous top members of the Adams administration have recently been visited by federal authorities, who are said to be looking into several different matters. 
  • People knew about P Diddy and no one tried to stop him.
  • Just like they knew about Jefferey Epstein and did nothing.
  • There is a 50ft bed in Diddy’s backyard for heavens sake.
  • What do baby oil and hot dogs have in common?
  • Why did they confiscate 60,000 bottles of baby oil at Diddy’s house?
  • Why did they confiscate 1,000’s of hot dogs at Diddy’s house? 
  • Where did Diddy get all the kids from?
  • Child sex trafficking hotlines.
  • Do you see how sinister this all is?
52mWhy Does The FBI Need To Exist For Another Day?

  • We have the testimony from former FBI Marcus Allen.
  • Former military, former Marine guess what he was blowing the whistle on?
  • He was talking about agents in the crowd on January 6th.
  • I blew the whistle on this and I knew these people there on J6 were set up and I went to my superiors and told them.
  • You know what they did to me?
  • They suspended me without pay.
  • He says my Catholic faith was the only thing that got me through this and the sacraments. 
 HEADLINE: Pentagon has recommended giving white phosphorus shells to Ukraine, but White House keeps saying no by Courtney Kube 

  • What are we doing here folks?
  • Do you know what white phosphorus does to the human body? 
  • It is almost like we want Putin to nuke us.

HEADLINE: What If There Were Russian Missiles in Canada? by Doug Bandow

56mLindsey Graham – Birthright Citizenship Act of 2024

Anchor babies vs Natural Born Citizen

 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at or Candace her personal email
 Do business with those that do business with us. BullDog Kia have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Get your Kia today from the fine folks at BullDog Kia in Atlanta Georgia.
 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
 Satanic World

  • Unburdened by what has been…
  • You don’t mind seeing this stuff in movies to scare you but for some reason people can’t wrap their heads around the fact this type of stuff happens in REAL life.
  • This isn’t just Hollywood stuff.

















HEADLINE: The Secret Histories by Rod Dreher

  • Satanic ritual abuse is real. I have known that for most of my life, based on an interview I did with a psychiatrist early in my career; I never wrote the story. Still, the whole “Satanic panic” event has caused a lot of skepticism, much of it proper. These stories are lurid, and easy to weaponize. However: it happened to someone I know, who is in ongoing psychiatric treatment for the wounds, which had led to very destructive behaviors before the breaking point. Concrete evidence emerged decades ago that this person had been ritually abused by certain family members (I tell you this to confirm that this is not a case built solely on recovered memories). It was far worse than the victim originally thought, as emerged later in the victim’s life. One of the professionals treating this person said to the person that the things this person is saying — remembered details of settings, especially — tracks closely with what known other victims of a particular cult in this city (New Orleans) have testified. The victim (now a Christian) told me yesterday that they have concluded from their experience and what they have learned, that New Orleans is a “stronghold” of the demonic.

Why New Orleans? 

  • I have stated many times on this how b/c I am a New Orleans native, that NOLA used to be the most Catholic place in America.
  • So why did the demonic choose NOLA?
  • That video shows you why.
  • The city was filled w/ Catholicism.
  • From street names to Cathedrals the city was totally Catholic.
  • I think NOLA has hit the bottom, I think there is nowhere to go but up from here.
  • You know where else the demons went?
  • The other great Catholic city, Los Angeles. 
  • They took over that city just as they did w/ New Orleans. 
  • What is happening in these cities is a demonic crime.

BACK to Rod Dreher

  • I got in touch with an exorcist I know to run all this by him. Yes, he said, what your friend told you is true. In fact, he said, the thousands and thousands of children from Latin America who have come across our de facto open southern border in recent years have occasioned a gold rush for child sex traffickers. This evil is omnipresent, but we ordinary people don’t see it.
  • Who is responsible for this open border that is allowing all these children in to become sex slaves?
  • Why aren’t we talking about all the children DHS misplaced?
  • There are hundreds of thousands of unaccounted for migrant children in America right now!
  • What about them?
  • Does Kamala care about them?
  • Where is their American dream?
7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at


Los Angeles 

  • It is such a war zone there they no longer have any professional athletics there. 
  • This makes 2 Oakland teams going to Las Vegas.
  • The Raiders went first.
  • It is Mad Max in Oakland as it is in most of California. 
  • Remember we had the Madden games for gaming devices?














AUDIO/VIDEO: Mr Marcus Allen FBI Whistleblower  To the American people you have a duty to vote. I know people have doubts about election integrity but it is your duty. My other recommendations are in the natural order. First vote, the second is the 2nd Amendment. Arm yourself and know how to defend yourself and your family. Make 3-4 friends in your neighborhood and promise to come to each others aid in times of hardship and stock our your pantry and make sure you have 3-4 months of food. As a person of faith, pray the rosary. Go to the 1st Friday devotions. That’s for everybody. 


  • No one can truly understand what he is going through right now.
  • He is having to sell off his entire lives work.
  • The government is actually shutting down a media outlet.
  • Error doesn’t have any rights but I’m sorry we live in a world where there are conspiracy theories.
  • I don’t know if Jones was right or not and I’m not going to go there.
  • But the government knows they are wrong in many capacities and does not have the ability to say they are wrong.
  • What is wrong w/ conspiracy theories?
  • The ones recently have all become fact.
  • What is the purpose of a Federal government?
  • It can’t tell us what to do, that is not why we have a Constitution.
  • Our Founders would have never created something that we the people would have to fund!

HEADLINE: FBI whistleblower gives emotional testimony about ‘highly inappropriate’ retaliation against him by Josh Christenson 

  • A devout Catholic, Allen said he was even forced to take early withdrawals from a retirement account to make mortgage payments for his family home.
  • “Despite the stress and uncertainty, I’ve never once regretted standing up for truth,” added the former G-man and Marine Corps veteran, his voice quavering. “Indeed, my family and I persevered due to our strength in faith, God’s grace and the sacraments.”
  • We should all take heart there are real, good men out there standing up for the truth. 
  • Standing up and saying no, enough is enough and I won’t back down from what I know to be the right thing to do.
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  • Mike Johnson U.S. House Speaker demands Zelensky to fire Ukraine’s Ambassador to the United States immediately.
  • I could not be more disappointed in this speaker creep.
  • Are these holistic bombs?


Investigative Journalist 

Follow George Webb on X – @RealGeorgeWebb1

Keep up to date on his investigations at

  • They just had a briefing w/ Donald Trump the other day.
  • We are going back to plan A.

HEADLINE: American Slaughter Pen – Part Thirteen by George Webb

8:33am cstSEGMENT 6

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George Webb Interview Continued

  • DHS had 16 people there and those guys still haven’t been subpoenaed. 
  • They power washed the roof.
  • They have done everything they could to hide and destroy evidence on this.
  • Crossfire Yearicane – 
  • War Game – going on video to demand today.
  • They say to use snipers to fire on peaceful protestors. 
  • Why were there Azov Ukrainian people in the crowd on January 6th?
  • So much to discuss.


Political Affairs Correspondent 

Follow Mahgdalen on X – @MahgdalenRose

  • She wants to talk to suburban white women and she will do it any way possible.
  • That is why she went on w/ Oprah and now this most recent on MSNBC.
  • Will the moderators try to over correct?
  • I see why his people are angry.
  • He did debate Joe Biden though we have to remember that.
    Economic Club of Pittsburg – 
  • She bashes people that build skyscrapers.
  • She said it Donald Trump’s tariffs and economic plan would cut overtime hours and it would add 20% on everyday goods.
  • Mark Cubin is advising her on how to raise taxes and blame any economic uncertainty on Trump.
  • He really hates Trump.
  • He wanted a position in the previous Trump administration and he didn’t get it.
  • This is Mark Cubin revenge.
  • Billionaire on Billionaire fighting. 
  • People that build skyscrapers employ thousands of people in unions especially in large cities!
  • What made him the star – the Squatty Potty.
  • What is the buzz among young Conservatives?
  • That Kamala needs to pick a path.
  • Either she is a teamster or not.
  • She is in this weird middle ground.
  • Remember Mark Cubin refused to invest in RING which is now one of the biggest selling door video monitoring system in this country.
  • CRUSADER STADIUM: It is the employees who don’t want to work overtime because often puts them in higher tax bracket & the tax bite is deeper so eliminating tax will incentivize them to take the overtime they are not obligated to take.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at or Candace her personal email or

LIVE Show PodcastsThe Mike Church Show
