
Mike Church Previews

The Mike Church Show-Trump Crushes GOP Iowa Field Horrified Left To Face Obi Don Kenobi

micMike Churchtoday01/16/2024 27

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    The Mike Church Show-Trump Crushes GOP Iowa Field Horrified Left To Face Obi Don Kenobi Mike Church

AUDIO/VIDEO: Rachel Maddow on MSNBC on MAGATrumpism is sometimes what we call it. MAGA movement is probably a better way to do it. But there is an authoritarian movement inside Republican politics that isn’t being bamboozled by Trump. They are pushing Trump to get more and more extreme.

  • I’m going to part ways w/ most on the right when they hear this.
  • YES, we need authority.
  • I need God’s authority.
  • I need to know that if I do X, and it is wrong, I will be punished.
  • I need to know that if I do X, and it is right, I am storing up graces.
  • God’s authority is necessary for a civil society. 
  • They want you to run from authoritarianism. 
  • What is it at the end of the day?
  • Fathers are authoritarians of the house.
  • The fathers are then held responsible from God.
  • Asking for authority figures to rule our civic affairs above us and turning your eyes to God for the authority.
  • In Maddow’s eyes, all authority is bad.
  • She should be horrified of this turn toward authoritarianism. 
  • Does that mean he should be running around w/ a literal board cracking the kids upside the head w/ it?  
  • Of course not.
  • When Trump walks into a room he commands authority. 
  • He commands the room that is what authority looks like.

Mike Church Previews