
Reconquest Episode 42: A New Order of Crusaders. Guest: Brother Alexis Bugnolo

today09/21/2016 55

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Brother Alexis Bugnolo is translator of the works of Saint Bonaventure, Registrar of the Scholasticum, author of the Italian language L’osservanza antica, and editor of the scholarly and voluminous Franciscan Archive (and its blog).

Following a venerable Franciscan tradition of promoting armed Catholic resistance to Islamic aggression (think Saint John of Capistrano, and Blessed Marco d’Aviano), Brother is founding a new order for the armed defense of persecuted Christians.

For more information, please see the special edition of my Ad Rem e-newsletter, A New Order of Crusaders, Seriously. (Subscribe here.) See also these links:

Saint Louis IX of France King Crusader and Franciscan Tertiary

“Reconquest” is a militant, engaging, and informative Catholic radio program featuring interviews with interesting guests as well as commentary by your host. It is a radio-journalistic extension of the Crusade of Saint Benedict Center.

Each weekly, one-hour episode of Reconquest will debut RIGHT HERE on Wednesday night at 8:00 PM Eastern (7:00 PM Central). It will then be rebroadcast on Friday at 7:00 PM Eastern (6:00 Central), and again on the following Monday at 3 PM Eastern (2 Central) and 7 PM Eastern (6 Central).

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Written by: Brother Andre Marie

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