Election 2020

131 Results / Page 7 of 15


The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief – Do You Possess The Constitution, Depth Of Faith, To Go As Far Is As Needed?

The Barrett Brief - Do You Possess The Constitution, Depth Of Faith, To Go As Far Is As Needed? Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First Do You Possess The Constitution, Depth Of Faith, To Go As Far Is As Needed?  na Second Daniel Savackis joins the program In addition Trump needs statesmen, not cowards, in this fight LikewiseWe check in on the actin all crusader-y Blog.  Moreover, Rockets […]

today11/18/2020 12

Cybersecurity Official

Trump Fires Top U.S. Election Cybersecurity Official Who Defended Vote

Trump Fires Top U.S. Election Cybersecurity Official Who Defended Vote Via Reuters: President Donald Trump on Tuesday fired top cybersecurity official Chris Krebs in a message on Twitter, accusing him without evidence of making a “highly inaccurate” statement affirming the Nov. 3 election was secure and rejecting claims of fraud. Trump has made debunked allegations that the election was “rigged” and has refused to concede defeat to President-elect Joe Biden. […]

today11/18/2020 14

Presidential Recount

Georgia Nets 2,600 Previously Uncounted Votes In Presidential Recount

Georgia Nets 2,600 Previously Uncounted Votes In Presidential Recount Via Just The News: During the recount of votes in Georgia’s presidential race, more than 2,600 ballots were found in Floyd County that had not originally been counted. According to the Atlanta Journal Constitution, this will likely reduce President Trump’s 14,000-vote deficit to Joe Biden by about 800 net votes.  Apparently the county election officials didn’t upload votes in a ballot scanning […]

today11/17/2020 12

Largest County

Nevada’s Largest County To Throw Out One Local Race

Nevada's Largest County To Throw Out One Local Race Via Just The News: Several discrepancies were found in the election in Nevada's largest metropolis earlier this month, causing Clark County officials on Monday to throw out one county commissioner's race that had finished with a razor-thin margin. A special election will be held next month for that single seat as officials acknowledged the discrepancies they uncovered highlighted problems with their current system. […]

today11/17/2020 1


Trump Will Win But Here Is What Is Disturbing To Me Part II

Trump Will Win But Here Is What Is Disturbing To Me Part II by Mike Church The late Andrew Breitbart wrote once "Culture Is Downstream From Politics". Most people swallow that line and run with it as if its carved in stone but I believe it needs a correction from a Catholic. Politics AND Culture are downstream from The Truth. Why? Because neither matter if they aren't properly ordered under […]

today11/11/2020 85

Postal Worker

Conflicting Reports Emerge Over Pa. Postal Worker Allegations Of Voting Fraud

Conflicting Reports Emerge Over Pa. Postal Worker Allegations Of Voting Fraud Via Just The News: Conflicting reports have emerged about whether Pennsylvania postal worker Richard Hopkins has recanted his sworn claims to have witnessed voter fraud.  Hopkins claimed last week that an Erie, Pa., postmaster had told postal workers to backdate ballots that were mailed after Election Day. His allegations were first shown by Project Veritas, an investigative news organization that […]

today11/11/2020 10


Editorial – Trump Will Win But Here Is What Is Disturbing To Me

Editorial - Trump Will Win But Here Is What Is Disturbing To Me by Mike Church There is a mountain of evidence from the 2020 Presidential Election that there was an illegal dump of millions of ballots, across at least 6 states, AFTER the election was concluded Tuesday night. Yet the President's legal angle of attack seems to me to be seeking localized incidents of garden variety, #Demoncrat election corruption […]

today11/10/2020 10


Minority Believe Biden Is Legitimate Winner Of Election; A Third Say Trump Won

Minority Believe Biden Is Legitimate Winner Of Election; A Third Say Trump Won Via Just The News: More than a third of registered voters believe Donald Trump legitimately won the presidential election, according to a new Just the News Daily Poll with Scott Rasmussen. Less than half of all respondents — 49% — believe Joe Biden legitimately won the race, while 34% said they believe Trump won the election, and 16% said they are not […]

today11/10/2020 4


Barr Tells DOJ To Probe Election Fraud Claims If They Exist

Barr Tells DOJ To Probe Election Fraud Claims If They Exist Via AP News: Attorney General William Barr has authorized federal prosecutors across the U.S. to pursue “substantial allegations” of voting irregularities, if they exist, before the 2020 presidential election is certified, despite no evidence of widespread fraud. Barr’s action comes days after Democrat Joe Biden defeated President Donald Trump and raises the prospect that Trump will use the Justice […]

today11/10/2020 4