
99 Results / Page 8 of 11


U.S. States Allege Google Secretly Gave Facebook Perks In Deal

U.S. States Allege Google Secretly Gave Facebook Perks In Deal Via Reuters: Facebook Inc and Alphabet’s Google, the two biggest players in online advertising, used a series of deals to consolidate their market power illegally, Texas and nine other states alleged in a lawsuit against Google on Wednesday. Google and Facebook compete heavily in internet ad sales, together capturing over half of the market globally. The two players agreed in […]

today12/17/2020 4

Data Collection

Agency Homing In On Social Media Companies’ Data Collection

Agency Homing In On Social Media Companies’ Data Collection Via AP News: Federal regulators are ordering Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, TikTok’s parent and five other social media companies to provide detailed information on how they collect and use consumers’ personal data and how their practices affect children and teens. The Federal Trade Commission’s action announced Monday goes to the heart of the tech industry’s lucrative business model: harvesting data from platform […]

today12/15/2020 27


Facebook Faces U.S. Lawsuits That Could Force Sale Of Instagram, WhatsApp

Facebook Faces U.S. Lawsuits That Could Force Sale Of Instagram, WhatsApp Via Reuters: Facebook Inc could be forced to sell its prized assets WhatsApp and Instagram after the U.S. Federal Trade Commission and nearly every U.S. state filed lawsuits against the social media company, saying it used a “buy or bury” strategy to snap up rivals and keep smaller competitors at bay. With the filing of the twin lawsuits on […]

today12/10/2020 2


Reuters: U.S. states plan to sue Facebook next week

Reuters: U.S. states plan to sue Facebook next week Via Reuters:  A group of U.S. states led by New York is investigating Facebook Inc for possible antitrust violations and plans to file a lawsuit against the social media giant next week, four sources familiar with the matter said on Wednesday. The complaint would be the second major lawsuit filed against a Big Tech company this year. The Justice Department sued […]

today12/03/2020 1

Election Eve

Twitter, Facebook Flag President Trump Posts On U.S. Election Eve

Twitter, Facebook Flag President Trump Posts On U.S. Election Eve Via Reuters: Twitter TWTR.N and Facebook FB.O late on Monday both flagged posts by President Donald Trump that claimed a U.S. Supreme Court decision on mail-in voting in Pennsylvania would lead to "rampant" fraud and was "very dangerous." Twitter hid the president’s tweet, sent the day before the U.S. presidential election, behind a label which said the content was “disputed” […]

today11/03/2020 8

Section 230

Social Media CEOs To Defend Protecting Section 230 Before Senate Panel

Social Media CEOs To Defend Protecting Section 230 Before Senate Panel Via Reuters: The chief executives of three large tech companies will defend a law protecting internet companies before a Senate panel on Wednesday - a topic that has split U.S. lawmakers on ways to hold Big Tech accountable for how they moderate content on their platforms. Facebook Inc's FB.O Mark Zuckerberg, Twitter Inc's TWTR.N Jack Dorsey and Google's GOOGL.O […]

today10/28/2020 19


The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief- Big Tech Dodges Another Censorship Bullet

The Barrett Brief - Big Tech Dodges Another Censorship Bullet Here is what is happening today in the Brief. FirstBig Tech Dodges Another Censorship Bullet  na Second, U.S. CDC issues 'strong recommendation' for mask mandate on airplanes, trains. LikewiseWe check in on the actin all crusader-y Blog.  Daily Data with Covid 19 update from around the world & Texas, U.S. Debt Clock, Number of Abortions  Finally don't forget the world famous "You […]

today10/20/2020 8


Senate Panel Delays Vote To Subpoena Twitter, Facebook CEOs

Senate Panel Delays Vote To Subpoena Twitter, Facebook CEOs Via Politico: The Senate Judiciary Committee on Monday postponed plans to vote on subpoenas to compel the CEOs of Twitter and Facebook to testify on allegations of anti-conservative bias after some panel Republicans expressed reservation about the maneuver. President Donald Trump and his Republican allies have scorched the two social media companies in recent days over their handling of disputed New […]

today10/20/2020 44

NY Post

Mike Church Show Fan Page Banned By Facebook For Republishing NY Post Story

Mike Church Show Fan Page Banned By Facebook For Republishing NY Post Story by Mike Church Looks like the Mike Church Show is joining the ranks of Jack Posobiec and Kayleigh McNanany in getting banned by social media for daring to republish the story from the NY Post!  From my Twitta... From my "Official Mike Church Show Pridebook" fan page I get this after re-posting both @nypost stories on #HunterBiden. […]

today10/17/2020 18