Gregory Carpenter

45 Results / Page 4 of 5



Veterans Day Revealed: “Great Wars” Cost Hundreds of Millions A Blessed Eternity – The Mike Church Show

Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines 6:18 Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show 844-5CRUSADE LIVE from Northern Virginia - in an undisclosed bunker aka Junkbonds house. Today is the official 1st day of the 4th year of VRN. Today is Veterans Day - everything is closed but WE are open here! 6:26 6:42 HEADLINE: 'Like the gates of hell opened up': Thousands fled Paradise ahead […]

today11/12/2018 35


Cowards – Why Won’t Catholics Tell LGBTQ Brothers & Sisters That Like, Magdalene, What They Need Is THE Faith

Mandeville, La - If  you look up "things you're not supposed to say to __________ insert minority status, safe space seeker" here, the title to this show is in the top 5, of the kicked out of fake Catholic "society", list, but it needs to be said with Charity and backed up with prayers and mortifications. Greg Carpenter - Reverse Deception Radio - joins Mike for the final segment for […]

today05/10/2018 17


Friday Medley-Education Is For Souls, Not All Mexicans Are Bad, The Rosary Doctor Talks Saint Joseph & Why The CRUSADE Must Succeed

Mandeville, LA - CRUSADE Newsdesk's Celeste Youngblood joins the Mike Church Show LIVE! in studio to mark the first "CRUSADE Studios", in-house, LIVE morning show and what a show it was. Mike covers a medley of topics including Mexican immigrants we should NOT hate/demonize (no that doesn't mean there aren't borders or immigrant laws). You want want to miss Mike's interview with The Rosary Doctor Brian Kiczek on Saint Joseph […]

today05/04/2018 73

Our Missionary Friends In Rome

The Mike Church Show

The Devil IS In The Details: California, Syria And LGBTQ-n-Ablers

Mandeville, LA - The gig is finally up for those who pinned their illegal war against Syria on the now proven hoax of the Douma chemical weapons "attack". Mike was way ahead of this curve and predicted this outcome last Tuesday and continued to reveal the truth here daily. Pearson Sharp of OAN News delivers the final blow today and Mike is on it! [purchase_link id="50983" style="button" color="green" text="Non-Member Download" […]

today04/20/2018 512