Gun Talk Friday

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Shooting In The Cold

Gun Talk Friday

Gun Talk Friday- Ammo Reloaded Part 2

Gun Talk Friday- Ammo Reloaded Part 2 Gun Talk Friday- Ammo Reloaded Part 2 On this episode of Gun Talk Friday. Barrett discusses reloading with CRUSADE Channel Chatter Kaiser.  Our Readers And Listeners Keep Us In Print & On The Air! Click here to subscribe to The CRUSADE Channel’s Founders Pass Member Service & Gain 24/7 Access to Our Premium, New Talk Radio Service. What Is The Crusade Channel? […]

today01/11/2022 17


The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief – The Long March To Stupidity Continues, Now Math Is Racist

The Barrett Brief - The Long March To Stupidity Continues, Now Math Is Racist Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First The Long March To Stupidity Continues, Now Math Is Racist Second KILIAN LAVERTY  stops by  Third Two positive developments pertaining to January 6 Fourth Owatonna schools effectively prevent parents from seeing what their children are being taught Meanwhile Gun talk Friday - Five More Ways to Improve Your Defensive […]

today12/10/2021 41

Farmers Markets

The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief – Like Farmers Markets, You’re A White Supremacist

The Barrett Brief - Like Farmers Markets, You're A White Supremacist Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First Like Farmers Markets, You're A White Supremacist Second Clara Del Villar  from FreedomWorks stops by to talk planning on ways to bring more Hispanic/Latino voters into the fold through our Hispanic Grassroots Alliance (HGA) initiative. Third Alec Baldwin’s startling confession about Halyna Hutchins's death Fourth No Way Home’s Pre-Sales Just Beat Avengers: […]

today12/03/2021 21

CNN Townhall

The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief – Life Model Decoy Biden Dulls In CNN Townhall

The Barrett Brief - Life Model Decoy Biden Dulls In CNN Townhall  Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First Life Model Decoy Biden Dulls In CNN Townhall  Second Kilian Laverty stops by the program  Third Alec Baldwin Shot and Killed Female Cinematographer, Injured Director on Movie Set Fourth Third-Party Delusions As well as Report: Dave Chappelle Doubles Down, Planning U.S. Tour If Netflix Cancels ‘The Closer’ Also Gun Talk Friday: Bullet […]

today10/22/2021 6

Sarah Silverman

The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief – Sarah Silverman Wants To Breakup, Yes Please

The Barrett Brief - Sarah Silverman Wants To Breakup, Yes Please Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First Sarah Silverman Wants To Breakup, Yes Please Second Luke Hogg returns from vacation  Third What the New CDC Report on Unvaccinated Left Out Fourth  Also Should You Modify Your Concealed Carry Handgun? In addition Box Office Preview  Finally don't forget the world famous "you gotta be kidding me" Our Readers And […]

today09/17/2021 80

Southern Man

The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief – He’s Just A Simple Southern Man

The Barrett Brief - He's Just A Simple Southern Man  Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First He's Just A Simple Southern Man  Second Luke Hogg stops by  Third OnlyFans is getting rid of sexual content, time to get a real job ladies!  Fourth Gunlater @buTalk Friday discuss How to Safely Clear Your Home (or should you)  In addition Box Office predictions  Also 7 Reasons You Should […]

today08/20/2021 129

Rona 2

The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief – Rona 2: Return Of The Mask On Track For Fall Release

The Barrett Brief - Rona 2: Return Of The Mask On Track For Fall Release  Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First Rona 2: Return Of The Mask On Track For Fall Release na Second Luke Hogg stops by Third Jen Psaki Says White House is Collaborating With Facebook to ‘Flag Problematic Posts’ That Spread ‘Disinformation’ Fourth Progs trying to bully Justice Breyer into retirement are repeating their mistakes […]

today07/16/2021 16

Greg Abbott


The Barrett Brief – Greg Abbott Wants To Build The Wall…Somewhere

The Barrett Brief - Greg Abbott Wants To Build The Wall...Somewhere Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First Greg Abbott Wants To Build The Wall...Somewhere na Second Christopher Laurence stops by to talk about his latest article Third Fourth Gun talk Friday asks the question: Fanny Packs- Yay Or Nay? Moreover my review of the film "In The Heights" Finally don't forget the world famous "you gotta […]

today06/11/2021 10

Unemployment Numbers

The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief – Unemployment Numbers Are Going Up? Reclaim The Space!

The Barrett Brief -Unemployment Numbers Are Going Up? Reclaim The Space! Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First Unemployment Numbers Are Going Up? Reclaim The Space! na Second Luke Hogg stops by  Also Twitter Will Now Call Out ‘Mean Tweets’ – Before They Are Even Sent As well as Wokism and COVID Don't forget GUN TALK FRIDAY! Finally don't forget the world famous "you gotta be kidding […]

today05/07/2021 8