23 Results / Page 2 of 3

stimulus checks

IRS gave $64 million in stimulus checks to dead people: report

IRS gave $64 million in stimulus checks to dead people: report Via Just The News: The Internal Revenue Service sent $64 million in erroneous payments to as part of the American Rescue Plan due to a computer error of which the agency was aware but did not fix, according to an inspector general report. Nearly 45,000 payments totaling $64 million were sent to people for their deceased dependents, who died […]

today03/29/2022 15

Friendly Skies

The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief – Looks Like The Friendly Skies Got A Little Cheaper

The Barrett Brief - Looks Like The Friendly Skies Got A Little Cheaper  Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First Looks Like The Friendly Skies Got A Little Cheaper  Second ST Riley stops by to talk about his book  Third Men and the Future of America Also GoFundMe’s defunding the truckers speaks to a larger societal problem Don't forget Box Office preview  Finally don't forget the world famous "you […]

today02/08/2022 98


IRS backtracks on facial recognition after backlash

IRS backtracks on facial recognition after backlash Via Just The News: The IRS announced Monday it will “transition away” from using third-party facial recognition technology after bipartisan backlash on the issue. The IRS faced controversy in recent weeks over the use of facial identification for new online accounts. The agency said the measure was an effort to increase security but has now backed down. “The IRS takes taxpayer privacy and […]

today02/08/2022 10

Jim Cramer

The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief – Jim Cramer Goes “Mad” On The Unvaxxed

The Barrett Brief - Jim Cramer Goes "Mad" On The Unvaxxed  Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First Jim Cramer Goes "Mad" On The Unvaxxed  Second Dan Savickas stops by  Third Roe v. Wade hangs in balance as reshaped court prepares to hear biggest abortion case in decades Fourth Having attacked truckers, California now has a new target As well as Regarding the Intentional Destruction of Our Heroes Don't forget  Finally don't […]

today12/01/2021 34


Democrats to scale back Treasury’s IRS bank reporting plan, raise threshold from $600 to $10,000

Democrats to scale back Treasury's IRS bank reporting plan, raise threshold from $600 to $10,000 Via Just The News: Senate Democrats are set Tuesday to announce a scaled-down version of the Biden administration's proposal to crack down on Americans it suspects are dodging taxes. The administration's original proposal was greeted with overwhelming opposition from fiscal conservative groups, the banking industry and other over concerns about financial privacy. The initial plan, […]

today10/20/2021 9

The Mike Church Show

Mike Church Show-It’s October 1st & That Means It’s Time To Fire Up The Octoberfest Festivals & Beers

Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines 6:03am cst Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE   Make Canon212 your first place to get news each day. Canon212 - News of the Church and the World.   WELCOME - Glory and Shine to the Crusade Channel   HEADLINE: Military suicides up 16 percent in 2020, but officials don’t blame pandemic by […]

today10/01/2021 29

Roe V Wade

The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief – 12 GOP Govs Want SCOTUS To Overturn Roe V Wade, What’s Next?

The Barrett Brief - 12 GOP Govs Want SCOTUS To Overturn Roe V Wade, What's Next? Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First 12 GOP Govs Want SCOTUS To Overturn Roe V Wade, What's Next? Second Luke Hogg stops by the program Third Two Americas, Two Different Belief Systems Fourth David French and the Conservative Case for Hereditary Bloodguilt In addition Gun talk Friday talks slings Also 7 Reasons […]

today07/30/2021 74

Covid Chronicles

Mike Church Show-Now That The CoronaoHoaxers Have Come For Our Priests, Will You Cease Following Evil Fake “Science!”

Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines 6:03am cst Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE Make Canon212 your first place to get news each day. Canon212 - News of the Church and the World. HEADLINE RUNDOWN - HEADLINE: Forgetting Justice Marshall by The Editorial Board WSJ  An Illinois law school drops his name as the left turns on the Court. DO […]

today05/24/2021 25


IRS will delay tax filing due date until May 17

IRS will delay tax filing due date until May 17 Via AP News: Americans will be getting extra time to prepare their taxes. The Internal Revenue Service says it’s delaying the traditional tax filing deadline from April 15 until May 17. The IRS announced the decision Wednesday and said it would provide further guidance in the coming days. The move provides more breathing room for taxpayers and the IRS alike […]

today03/18/2021 16