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Mike Church Show – Father’s Day Special Target at it Again This Time Stocking Baby Daddy Cards for its Racist Customers

Mandeville, La - It's a Free Phone Friday, Fathers Day Weekend Extravaganza! The PC, TrannyMammy™ pimps at Target will expose your children to a sodomite shopping section, 8 year old girls being ogled by 43 year old perverts in "genderless" changing rooms but a Fathers Day greeting card is a lethal slang too far! Today's Bee Gees marathon includes newly released remixes from Bee Gees Greatest. Mike's  closing monologue imploring […]

today06/15/2018 3

Netflix Binge? I Think I’ll Pass.

Winchester, VA -  In this Celestial Musings... the “Netflix binge” has become a cultural phenomenon wherein the stressed out, looking to escape their present reality and unwind a bit, settle down with Netflix, or the streaming service of their choice and watch episode after episode of a season of some series. But is it a good thing? Writing for the New York Post, Hannah Rose-Yee recounted her experience of increasing stress […]

today06/16/2017 9