
115 Results / Page 13 of 13



Reconquest Episode 35: Old Clothes and Dead Men’s Bones (on Relics) Guest: Charles Coulombe

In the second segment of this episode I interview Charles Coulombe, historian and author, on the subject of holy relics. The first segment is a brief apologetic for the custom of venerating relics as it is practiced in the Catholic Church (and the Eastern Orthodox communions, too). For links to articles on the subject, as well as the website of an organization that promotes relics, please go to the the show […]

today08/04/2016 38


Reconquest Episode 33: Heretics, Apostates and Schismatics Oh My! Guest: Ryan Grant

There is a schedule change for this Episode of Reconquest. It will premiere at 7 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (6 p.m. Central) on Wednesday, July 20. My guest once more in Mr. Ryan Grant. As the name I’ve given the show suggests, the topics covered — from Saint Robert Bellarmine’s book, On the Church Militant — are heretics, apostates, and schismatics. Ryan and I discuss what these words mean and why, according […]

today07/20/2016 46


Reconquest Episode 32. On the Church Militant. Guest: Ryan Grant

Mr. Ryan Grant, of Mediatrix Press, is my guest. The subject is the book by Saint Robert Bellarmine, On the Church Militant, which Ryan translated and published. We discuss the first three chapters of the book, which explain the origin of the word Church, its precise and accurate definition (against false definitions on the sectarians), and a summary of who are considered members of the Church. Saint Robert Bellarmine was […]

today07/13/2016 35


Reconquest Episode 31. The Precious Blood of Jesus

The price of our salvation is the Most Precious Blood of Jesus. In the nineteenth century, there was a real flowering of devotion to the Precious Blood, thanks to such notables as Saint Gaspar del Bufalo, Father Frederick Faber, and, of course, Blessed Pope Pius IX, who instituted the Feast of the Precious Blood (later moved by Saint Pius X to July 1), in thanksgiving for the ending of his exile in […]

today07/06/2016 322


Episode 30. Saint Ferdinand III: Catholic Spain Personified. Guest: Dr. Alexandra Wilhelmsen

For this show, I am joined by Dr. Alexandra Wilhelmsen (with whom I previously discussed the Spanish Carlists). Our subject is Saint Ferdinand III, the Crusader and liberator of Catholic Spain, who united the two Iberian Kingdoms of Leon and Castile, ruling — after his successful Reconquista — a territory roughly two-thirds the size of present-day Spain. Included in our discussion are the Saint's Marian piety, his chivalrous rule, his amazing […]

today06/30/2016 1282


Reconquest, Episode 22. Tradition with a Capital “T”

In this Reconquest, we consider the Catholic concept of Tradition, both in the general sense (embracing both Holy Scripture and Oral or Apostolic Tradition), and in the more specific sense of those Apostolic Traditions that were not written down. We consider also the related Catholic concept — much abused in our day — of development of doctrine. I talk about the meaning of Revelation, the Deposit of Faith, and the Church’s Magisterium — among […]

today05/04/2016 42


ReConquest, Episode 21. The Mass in the Old Testament

In Episode 21, we consider the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in type and prophecy in the Old Testament. Topics include Abraham's sacrifice, the sacrifice of Melchisedech, and the prophecy of Malachias (Malachi), and how the Church Fathers — especially Saint Ambrose — employed some of these. Please look at the video and then give the show a listen! See below the video for the audio files. Also, please Help Expand […]

today04/27/2016 130
