Last night I asked the following of Louisiana based blogger Rod Dreher. Where was all this "IF" #Obama (bombed Libya) etc., then "open impeachment inquiry"!?...
Queen of Pain Pelosi Introduces Trump Impeachment Inquiry But Can't Pronounce "DNI" This "impeachment inquiry" is as desperate an attempt at "politics" as was the...
Pippi Longstocking Without All The Fun Screams At UN Leaders For "Stealing Her Childhood" The Mike Church Show covered this in every sad detail today,...
Good morning Crusaders welcome to Tuesday September 3rd, 2019. I’m Corey Clark reporting live from the Crusade channel news desk. This report is brought to...
B. Wayne Blancard wrote a "Think Piece" for an Emergency Management Round table Meeting on March 2007 for the FEMA Emergency Management Institute (EMI). In...
Don John of Manhattan (President Trump) Goes To The UN - Trump Demands Religious Freedom! Don John of Manhattan viz @realDonaldTrump, went inside the belly...