Winchester, VA - St. Dorothy was born somewhere between 279 and 290, and although she is considered a martyr of the Diocletianic Persection, her death took...
Winchester, VA - The Crusade News Desk wishes to congratulate the Philadelphia Eagles on their first ever Super Bowl win. That was an exciting game, and...
Winchester, VA - Born either in Catania or Palermo, Sicily around 231, Agatha hailed from a rich and noble family. She dedicated her virginity to God...
Winchester, VA - Catholic News Agency is reporting that Cardinal Reinhard Marx said during an interview with the Bavarian State Broadcasting's radio service that he believes...
Winchester, VA - National Right to Life News via LifeSite News reports that Planned Parenthood of Maryland was caught in something of a gaffe when it...
Winchester, Va - In this Celestial Musings, Catholic Democrats are the gifts that keep on giving. Giving me something to muse about, that is...and giving the...
Winchester, VA - The Daily Caller is reporting that the of the Epicopal church in Washington D.C. voted in three major changes at their 123rd Diocesan...
Winchester, VA - CNN reports that the House Intelligence Committee voted yesterday evening to release a classified memo which is believed to detail FBI surveillance abuses....
Mandeville, LA - Today's NOON newscast from the "Paul Harvey-esque" Celeste Youngblood from the CRUSADE Channel Newsdesk. (because of technical difficulties, the "Xtra" segment was...
Winchester, VA - Saint Paul, born Saul, was the prized student of Rabbi Gamaliel. He eagerly assisted in the persecutions of the early Christians. The Acts...