The Deep State’s ICIG Has Either Made A Mistake Or They Are Helping Frame Trump – The Mike Church Show

today10/01/2019 20

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The Deep State’s ICIG Has Either Made A Mistake Or They Are Helping Frame Trump

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6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE

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First-Hand Information Required : Impeachment Hearings

  • So the old form clearly states you cannot accept second-hand information.

See graphics in Mike Church Show Chatroom – 

  • Image #2 from the Summary released September 30, 2019
  • They have now admitted they changed the form. We still don’t know WHEN they changed it however.
  • September 24th published, how did he use a NEW form that hadn’t yet existed?
  • Their dates simply don’t match up to their story.
  • WHEN in June did this happen?
  • By definition this government agency deals in specifics yet they cannot tell you an exact date of this form change.
  • They are saying- it doesn’t matter what form people use, we will accept second-hand news.
  • This is so typical of out of control bloated bureaucracy. 
  • This is basically the same stuff that happened during the Justice Kavanaugh hearings.
  • This thing is just riddled w/ contradictions. 
  My dear friend Dwayne Stovall is running for Texas US Senate. He will be on the show in the next hour so stay tuned!
  AUDIO: Lindsey Graham – whistleblower and foreign policy

  • What are you guys doing writing letters to foreign states?



 HEADLINE: Jim Kunstler Warns “Civil War On!” by James Howard Kunstler

  • The Treaty is self-executing. It provides for a broad range of cooperation in criminal matters. Mutual assistance available under the Treaty includes: taking of testimony or statements of persons; providing documents, records, and articles of evidence; serving documents; locating or identifying persons; transferring persons in custody for testimony or other purposes; executing requests for searches and seizures; assisting in proceedings related to restraint, confiscation, forfeiture of assets, restitution, and collection of fines; and any other form of assistance not prohibited by the laws of the requested state… 
  • If these Democrats are successful and voting to impeach and sending to the Senate….
  • Who carries out assassinations? The CIA. Isn’t this whistleblower in the CIA?
52mHEADLINE: Ron Paul Asks: “Impeachment… Or CIA Coup?” by Ron Paul

  • The Lost Mandate of Heaven: The American Betrayal of Ngo Dinh Diem, President of Vietnam 

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 Special Guest Dwayne Stovall

Follow Dwayne Stovall here on social media: @DwayneStovall

  • Dwayne Stovall is running against incumbent John Cornyn.
  • He doesn’t have any principles so he compromises on anything.
  • I don’t compromise on core principles.
  • Dwayne Stovall and Rob Maness
  • I completely agree Texas can turn colors.
  • It’s happening, we have a problem here in Texas. We amend our Constitution by popular vote!
  • We constantly have lobby groups w/ candidates spending their money in the metro areas to get them passed.
  • We have thousands moving into Texas from the East and West Coasts…they aren’t Hispanic. 
  • 3 quarter approval – “too large of an issue, I don’t think I can handle it” “the supreme court will never allow it” These are the excuses I get from the House and Senate in Texas.
  • We are centralizing power into these handful of POPULATED counties. The counties that have the influx of East and West coast people.
  • Illegal Immigration – there are too many tentacles to handle it like that. 
  • You have to go after the BUSINESSES that hire illegal immigrants. 
  • One extremely simple fact – no one ever said we could just say sorry, you have to go back, turn around and go back to Mexico. Our Border Patrol agents cannot even say that. 
  • The reason we can’t stop spending that money here in Texas on border control is b/c we cannot tell people from Mexico they “cannot come in”. 
  • 99% of the population doesn’t really know what it is. What direction does this government go with time? Conservative or Progressive? When it comes to your ability to pray, protect your family….do you want those authorities to be by Texas or by people from other states? They ALL ANSWER THE SAME WAY! This is a bi-partisan question by the way but they all answer it the same.
  • Every aspect of the day in your life is regulated by someone that doesn’t live in Texas. 
  • Do you want these people to rule over you that don’t believe in God?
  • 99% will answer this question with no body.
  • They have a very limited list of what they can get involved in! There is just a handful in article 3.
1h49m Whistleblowergate – 
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8:15am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at


Back to Whistleblowergate –

2h17mHEADLINE: Pelosi’s Permanent Impeachment by William McGurn 

  • The majority in the house, they don’t even have an HR. They put together a resolution just the other day AFTER the Impeachment Inquiry was announced!
  • What are you doing if you are the Whip? 
  • You are whipping your peeps into shape. Telling them there is NO WAY you can cross over and vote for this. You cannot let them claim this is bi-partisan.  








Special Guest Michael Hichborn founder of the Lepanto Institute

Follow Michael Hichborn here: @MichaelHichborn @LepantoInst

HEADLINE: Church Of Sweden Announced Greta Thunberg ‘Successor’ Of Jesus by Amanda Prestigiacomo

  • Keep in mind these Priests were former Isrealites. 

HEADLINE: Artist says new sculpture in St. Peter’s Square blends history and current events by Ines San Martin

  • Angel wings at the top on the Arc of the Covenant you had two sets of Angel wings. 
  • This is supposed to be Noah’s Arc they are standing on.
  • This is showing a unity that doesn’t really exists.
  • NOT everyone is saved!
  • This is all making way for the #AmazonSynod
  • Father James Martin SJ – his meeting with Pope Francis
  • Why is it that demons possess humans? Because they want to be like God.
  • Unholy communion – it is a two way street the human says yes and the demon says yes, I will become more like God by becoming human.
  • Catholic Relief Services – referral networks

HEADLINE: When Christians Become Ideological Idolaters by Tyler Arnold 

 Crusade Channel Monestary –

Robert Simpson who is having pancreatic surgery today to remove remaining cancer. 

Melissa Trailor who is hospitalized due to liver failure.

 Cross Talk with Richard Barrett – host of The Barrett Brief 
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Meta-tags for show

Michael Hichborn, Lepanto Institute, Pope Francis, James Martin SJ, Amazon synod, Saint Peter Square, Ines San Martin, Amanda Prestigiacomo, Arc of the Covenant, Tyler Arnold, idolaters, Impeachment, President Trump, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Ukraine, Nancy Pelosi, James Howard Kunstler, Dwayne Stovall, Lindsey Graham, civil war, Ron Paul, CIA, William McGurn, whistleblower, John Cornyn, Ngo Dinh Diem

Written by: Corey Clark

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