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Journey To The Centre Of The Earth by Jules Verne
Journey to the Center of the Earth tells the story of Professor Lidenbrock, his nephew, and a hired guide who, following the instructions of a medieval alchemist claiming to have found a passage to the center of the earth, travel deep into an Icelandic volcano. Deep in the earth, the dangers are beyond imaginable. They traverse subterranean oceans, have encounters with dinosaurs and other prehistoric beasts, and do so all in the spirit of adventure and discovery.
A Matter Of Justice by Charles Todd
At the turn of the century, in a war taking place far from England, two soldiers chance upon an opportunity that will change their lives forever. To take advantage of it, they will be required to do the unthinkable, and then to put the past behind them. But not all memories are so short.
Twenty years later, a successful London businessman is found savagely and bizarrely murdered in a medieval tithe barn on his estate in Somerset. Called upon to investigate, Scotland Yard inspector Ian Rutledge soon discovers that the victim was universally despised. Even the man’s wife—who appears to be his wife in name only—and the town’s police inspector are suspect. But who, among the many, hated him enough to kill?
Rutledge tenaciously follows a well-concealed trail reaching back to an act so barbarous and with consequences so devastating that even the innocent are enveloped by the murderous tide of events. As he summons all his skills to break through a wall of silence in time to stem this tide, others are eager to twist the truth for their own ends. When justice takes a malevolent turn, can Rutledge’s own career survive?
Diddly Squat, Jeremy Clarkson’s Farm
Faced with suffocating red tape, biblical weather, local objections, a global pandemic and his own frankly staggering ignorance of how to ‘do farming’, Jeremy soon realises that turning the farm around is going to take more than splashing out on a massive tractor
Written by: Justin Redman
Believe it or not, Westerns were very popular as radio shows and we have the best! Produced by Mike Church.
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