The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show #2051-The Biden Regime Is Willing To Sacrifice Christians For Globalism

today12/09/2024 95

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Time 6:06am cstWE ARE LIVE on 990 WGSO, Our Flagship Syndication Station in New Orleans Louisiana all week from 7am-10am!  Welcome to the Mike Church Show on  Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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 Caller #1 Christmas Contest – Have Yourself a Mary and Manly Little Christmas 













Syria Updates

  • So in case you missed it, the United States droned Syria.
  • This is very difficult to try and explain to you in a short segment.
  • This is because Syria dates back to the time of Persia. 
  • It is as old as the Holy Land.
  • QUESTION: You may recall what road was Saint Paul on when Jesus appeared to him?
  • ANSWER: The road to Damascus. 
  • Thanks to the actions of Joe Biden, that has started.
  • The head first run into war.
  • Did anyone tell Joe Biden that yesterday was the Feast of the Immaculate Conception?
  • Did anyone tell him that Our Lady probably traveled through Syria at one point in her life?
  • Did you know Assad and his family was a member of the Ba’ath Party?
  • Ba’ath Party – Arab Socialist Baʿth Party, also anglicized as Ba’ath in loose transcription, with baʿth meaning resurrection, was a political party founded in Syria by Mishel ʿAflaq, Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn al-Bīṭār, and associates of Zakī al-ʾArsūzī.
  • Any place on Earth that isn’t Europe, America is a Regime.
  • Just not us…our country isn’t run by a Regime if you ask our ruling elites.
  • The Assad’s have in control since 1970.

HEADLINE: How Assad fell by Jonathan Spyer

  • The Assads of course long since emptied the structures and institutions of this party of any real role or content. Theirs was a family regime. The more meaningful broader foundation on which they rested was the support and cooptation of the Alawi community, from which the family hailed. The fall of the Assads represents the end of Alawi ascendancy in Syria, and the return of the domination of Syria’s Sunni Arab majority, from which the uprising emerged.  
  • By 2019, only one zone of insurgent control remained, in the north west. This area proved impervious to the regime’s ambitions, because of the presence of Turkish forces in the area, and the guarantee they offered. 
  • As it now turns out, the Turkish president’s decision not to entirely abandon the remnants of the insurgency was a historic choice. It made possible the quiet incubation of HTS military strength in the subsequent years, and its eruption southwards this year.   
26mHEADLINE: Syria’s archbishop warns that Christianity will be decimated in Aleppo by Monica Showalter

  • If you are worried about Christian being murdered, why did you cheer this all on?
  • No matter if you like it or not, Assad was keeping the Christians alive and safe.
  • Now that he is gone what do you think is going to happen?
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2
4mReopening of Notre Dame Cathedral 

  • Donald Trump was there w/ Macron.
  • Every single Priest there may have looked like a cupcake w/ sprinkles but lets not get in the weeds here.
  • An ocean of grace came down from Heaven and touched everyone that was there.
  • Lets look at the good side of what happened. 
  • There where some not so good people there.
  • They still participated in the graces that were there b/c of the Mass and Consecration.
  • Take the win.
  • Today is being treated as the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.
  • In the TLM we celebrated it yesterday as per the calendar but the Vatican came out and said TODAY is a Holy Day of Obligation.



HEADLINE: Syria’s archbishop warns that Christianity will be decimated in Aleppo by Monica Showalter

  • It’s terribly sad, because we all know what happened to the Chaldean Christians around Iraq — they vanished.
  • Aleppo may meet the same terrible fate.
  • So many treasures about to be lost, but the saddest is the loss of the Christian community. Fifteen years ago, Christians made up 12% of Aleppo’s population. Today, it’s less than 2%. And that 2% is about to join the vast waves of refugees, genuine ones, fleeing to safety in the West, where as real refugees, they should be placed at the front of the line for entry. But in a West weary of the cartel human-smuggling network profiteering and assorted dictators profiting off migrant surges, as well as endless wars, it’s unlikely they will be warmly welcomed as they should be.
  • It underlines that the current corrupted immigration system, abused by economic migrants lying on their asylum applications, cartel profiteers enticing big-dollar migrant smuggling runs to all the world’s third world goobers, and greedy NGOs, has ruined a system that should belong to authentic refugees. These Aleppo Christians should be protected and cared for until they can go safely back. We in turn should be able to see the cradle of Christianity if we wish to go there. But that’s not the world we live in now, and we are the poorer for it.
  • This is a dire situation here folks, make no mistake about it.
  • This really should scare all Christians all over the world.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]
 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
 To Recap – 

Notre Dame celebrated their first Mass since the fire.

Syria is in turmoil.

 12 Days of MAGAmas 

  • First day of MAGAmas Donald Trump gave to me, the restoration of my liberty.
  • Second day of MAGAmas Donald Trump gave to me, two Dogee bros.

Rep Thomas Massie on X: It appears the deepstate, and the rebels they supported, went into overdrive to overthrow Assad when Trump won the election, knowing Trump would end U.S. meddling in Syria. This is my tweet in 2019 when Trump pulled back from Obama’s dangerous policy of destabilizing Syria……. “The civil war in Syria has been devastating to Syrian Christians and other groups. It, and the ruins of Iraq, created space and conditions for ISIS. The US was wrong to foment the war there.  Thank you Donald Trump for bringing sanity back to our foreign policy in Syria.”




AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump w/ Kristen Welker on Meet The Press – January 6thers – Welker – Will you release or pardon January 6 prisoners?

Donald Trump – I will look at everything and I will be acting quickly on the first day. These people have been in there for 3 or 4 years and they are in a filthy disgusting place that shouldn’t even be allowed to be open.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump w/ Kristen Welker on Meet The Press – Deeply Divided Country & Retribution – 

Kristen Welker – Will you go ahead and concede the 2020 election? 

Donald Trump – Joe Biden is the President. He is a divider. He used the DOJ to go after his political opponents. 

  • This is an alpha male.
  • This is a president.
  • He is clearly telling her this is going to happen Kristen.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Alexander C Karp at Reagan National Defense Forum – Americans Want Safety Above All Else – The American people want to feel safe and to do that the bad guys need to be made to feel scared. People want to live in peace. They just want to know they are safe. The average American understands this unfortunately the elites do not. 
7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at





















  • Why has Assad fallen so quickly?
  • The CIA in cahoots w/ other entities are thinking if we don’t take Assad out now, Trump is going to pull the plug on all of this.
  • It was a now or never thing for them.
  • We created ISIS and ISIL.
  • We have to create havoc, the world must be at war, the US must be threatened at all times…that is the business. 
  • There is a component of evil but the primary function is chaos so there is never peace.
  • We don’t want peace on Earth.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Joe Biden – Syria – We will help ensure stability in Syria. We will maintain our mission against ISIS. US Forces conducted dozens of precision strikes targeting ISIS camps. It would be a wast of this historic opportunity if one tyrant were toppled only to see a new one rise up in its place. 

  • The people in the Middle East don’t want American democracy.
  • They don’t have to aspire to be like the United States.
  • They don’t have to have a democracy.
  • They can have a monarchy a dictator whatever the hell they want.
  • What we call the Middle East, has been a simmering cauldron of war since Noah’s boys.
  • The idea here that one source, the United States can marshall these people into a peaceful whatever is peak lunacy!
  • They will sort their own business out, you may not like what they decided but it is their decision.
  • SIDE BAR – How many of you know about this company called British Petroleum? 
  • As near as we can tell there are 0.0 barrels of oil. 
  • There is some oil in GB it is off the coast of Scotland. 
  • When BP was formed, someone discovered there was oil in Saudi Arabia and the automobile and the need for the refineries came about, the industrial king of the world which was England needed oil right.
  • They found their source in Saudi Arabia. 
  • That was why BP was formed. 
  • Americans don’t need it, we have never needed oil from the Middle East.
  • We still don’t need their oil today and Trump knows this.
  • Here is the crux of the whole thing, do you want to buy your oil from Russia or from the Islamist that run the Arabian peninsula? 
  • Me I’d pick the Russians. 
  • But we can’t do that b/c we have to have Russia and Putin as THE ENEMY.
  • They can’t make a deal w/ Russia b/c then their entire narrative crumbles.
  • A sound, sane government that operated for the benefit of the people would do what I just told you.
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Syria and Damascus 

  • Assad is now w/ his family in Russia.
  • Putin granted him policial asylum. 
  • If 2 months ago this stuff was under lock and key, why isn’t it today?
  • Why do you have to lay waste to an entire nation?
  • At the end of the day, oil is always the answer. 
  • Oil and/or power.
  • So we will keep a close eye on all of this happening over there for you guys.
  • They still want the regime change in Moscow and that just won’t happen but that doesn’t mean they are going to still try.
  • Look at the status in the world, who is acting w/ restraint.
  • It sure as hell isn’t the United States.
  • The Russians seem to be the only ones w/ restraint here.
  • America is jamming democracy all over toppling regimes and leaving countries in rubble. 
2h21mAUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump w/ Kristen Welker on Meet The Press – Obamacare – I inherited Obamacare, I had a decision to make w/ Health and Human Services. Do I make it the best it can be or let it rot? We made it as good as we can make it. It would have been overturned we would have a better system. I did the right thing from a human standpoint.

Charity –

QUESTION: Before the superstate who provided all the medical care?

ANSWER: The Church

HEADLINE: How does health spending in the U.S. compare to other countries? by Health System Tracker

2h28mAUDIO/VIDEO: Ontario Government Commercial – Trade Advertisement 

  • We had a discussion about this just the other day.
  • About shipping to Canada.
  • How difficult it was to send something there w/ all the customs forms you have to fill out and there is still no guarantee the person will get it.
  • Sometimes things get confiscated in customs there. 
  • They don’t send it back mind you. 
8:33am cstSEGMENT 6

$10 donation:

$100 Donation

Name your price:

 QUESTION: How do you open up closed trading lanes?

ANSWER: Tariffs

2h39mHEADLINE: Scoop: Biden Regime Quietly Revokes Veterans Hiring Preference For Civil Service Jobs by Debra Heine 

  • It is as if Biden just wants to leave the biggest dumpster fire for Trump when he is sworn in possible.
  • Just like the Kristen Welker question on Obamacare. 
  • You can’t forbid the sale of catastrophic medical insurance across state lines.
  • There is NO competition and they know it.
  • These companies don’t want competition this is how they maintain their wealth. 


FD&C Red No 3 – Red No. 3 is color additive made from petroleum that gives foods and drinks a bright chert-red color.  In 1990, based on the Delaney Clause, FDA denied a petition to authorize use of Red No. 3 in cosmetics and topical drugs due to the existence of data demonstrating that it is associated with animal carcinogenicity.

  • Wait until you see what happens when they start discussing seed oils.
  • High fructose corn syrup will drive your insulin levels crazy. 
  • Did you know that Kellogg’s Fruit Loops in the UK don’t have green or orange loops?
  • The colors aren’t nearly as vivid either.

Mahgdalen Rose 

Political Affairs Correspondent

Follow Mahgdalen on X: @MahgdalenRose

  • Lara Trump – co-chair of the RNC
  • It kinda looks like Secretary of Defense to Ron DeSantis?
  • I don’t think the people of Florida want to lose DeSantis.
  • Pete is confident but people around Trump aren’t worried either way.
  • Senator Ernst is torching the Trump team.
  • There is a feeling if she torpedos this nomination she will be primearied.
  • They are acting like there is some moral code that is required for these nominations.
  • Biden put in transgender people!
  • Pete would usher in a new era of young Conservatives.
  • Serious informed women have no issue w/ him but Ernst won’t stop.
  • She has a massive vendetta w/ him and it isn’t clear why.
  • If Mitch McConnell was still in power this wouldn’t be happening.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected] or [email protected]

Written by: candacechurch