The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show #2072- Trump Shows The World He Means Business

today01/27/2025 101

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Time 6:06am cstWE ARE LIVE on 990 WGSO, Our Flagship Syndication Station in New Orleans Louisiana all week from 7am-10am!  Welcome to the Mike Church Show on  Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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Donald Trump Friday Travel

  • Donald Trump was in North Carolina and California in one day.
  • He said NC got screwed there w/ FEMA and Biden and he was there to fix it.
  • He is asked a question about FEMA and he said, I think FEMA might go.
  • I think we should send it back to the states.
  • This isn’t politics, this is common sense thinking.
  • He gets off of Air Force One, he comes walking down w/ Melania and guess who is waiting for them?
  • Gavin Newsom of course.
  • He is doing that pacing back and forth and that swaying thing he does.
  • Trump walks right toward him and grabs Newsom’s hand and he does that thing that alpha males do all the time. 
  • That shake and the other hand pulls you in close.
  • Like I’m going to talk and you are going to listen.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Governor Gavin Newsom w/ President Donald Trump We are going to get California fixed and we will get it permanently fixed. 

  • The President was at a round table in CA and he let these idiots know the grown-ups are in town and there to fix their childish problems.
  • He told Mayor of LA Karin Bass basically she was wrong and she needs to remove all regulations and let the people clean up their own homes.
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2
 Donald Trump To Columbia President on X:

I have directed my Administration to immediately take the following urgent and decisive retaliatory measures:

-Emergency 25% tariffs on all goods coming into the United States. In one week, the 25% tariffs will be raised to 50%.

-A Travel Ban and immediate Visa Revocations on the Colombian Government Officials, and all Allies and Supporters.

-Visa Sanctions on all Party Members, Family Members, and Supporters of the Colombian Government.

-Enhanced Customs and Border Protection Inspections of all Colombian Nationals and Cargo on national security grounds.

-IEEPA Treasury, Banking and Financial Sanctions to be fully imposed. 

These measures are just the beginning. We will not allow the Colombian Government to violate its legal obligations with regard to the acceptance and return of the Criminals they forced into the United States!



POTUS 47 California Visit

  • Melania Trump is at his side every step of the way.
  • This is my favorite part of this, Trump is walking through this neighborhood and says this looks like the aftermath of a war.
  • The roundtable event was the best ever.
  • He even stated release the water and voter ID and we can get this all solved.
  • Those were Trumps conditions for assistance.
  • He basically said this is all your fault and there is no reason the rest of America should assist you.
  • This could have all been prevented.
  • This is the difference b/w leadership and yes man leadership.



HEADLINE: Trade War Ends In Less Than 10 Hours After Colombia Agrees To All Of Trump’s Terms via ZeroHedge

  • The deportations are going to happen, period, end of story.
  • If you are here illegally are you taking this seriously?

AUDIO: The Mike Church Show Band Anthology Collection – Work Like A Mexican

  • While the US is hardly overly reliant on Colombian exports – with the exception of cocaine whose prices are about to skyrocket – the speed and severity with which Trump unveiled his latest set of weaponized sanctions is an indication of just how ruthless and relentless Trump will be when dealing with other, much bigger trade partners.
  • Anyone hoping that Trump was just bluffing about tariffs on China, Europe, or NAFTA member states, is about to get a very nasty surprise.
  • How do you stop these illegals?
  • You make it a Federal charge for any employer to employ an illegal. 
  • Bring it all back to where it was after Clinton came in.
  • End the Welfare State.
  • See to it the Welfare Act is repealed. 
  • Issue and EO and end it.
  • If you are 26 and applying for unemployment, stamp it DENIED.
  • A 26 year old American is perfectly capable of working in some form.
53mHEADLINE: How each senator voted on the Hegseth nomination by Matt Stiles 

  • All 47 member of the Democratic Caucus voted against Hegseth. They were joined in their opposition by three Republicans: Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Susan Collins of Maine.
  • Mitch McConnell could barely walk if you watched the live vote.
  • He was doing that sick, old man shuffle.
  • Pete Hegseth is now confirmed.
  • This is HUGE for the Trump administration.
  • I can’t wait to hear Collins and Murkowski explain why they can’t vote for Tusli and RKF Jr.
  • There is only one entity bigger than the military industrial complex and that is the health complex.
  • There will require massive fortitude to dismantle the health and inhuman services.
  • Some of this is already starting to happen.
  • The ban on Red dye 3.
  • They can use beet juice or extract to color these things red and it will be healthy.
  • There was never a need to use a dye.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]
7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
 Liberty on Mainstreet –

  • This is our first interview and appearance on their YouTube channel.

  • This time around he means business.
  • There is an effort here to drain the swamp unlike last time.


AUDIO/VIDEO: Dr Andrew Wakefield – Vaccine Safety – I think it will turnout to be the worst mistake they have ever made. In the context of the MMR and COVID the point is it is exposure. The younger you get measles the greater reaction. When you have to commit to fraud any level of fraud you are on a losing run right from the start b/c you can only sustain that lie for so long. Public confidence is shattered and it will never be regained. 

  • Human flourishing is not brought about at the end of a hypodermic needle.
  • Did COVID change the minds of most Americans on all vaccines?
  • I’m almost certain Dr Wakefield was the main doctor for the Del Bigtree movie Vaxxed.
  • It used to be an imperative command you will get vaccinated. 
  • Now it is a ‘we kinda wanna keep the kids from getting and being sick in school, can you please vaccinate your children?’
  • I’m waiting for the pharmaceuticals to have the same thing happen to them.
  • How many people will die or be terminally ill b/c of all these fat medications?
  • There are NO LONG TERM studies on these drugs.
 Some of Donald Trump Executive Orders

  • HHS Publications 
  • We withdrew from the WHO.
  • We resigned DOJ career officials.
  • Made it possible to fire all Federal employees.
  • So things are moving very quickly in the White House and the Federal government. 
7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE

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AUDIO/VIDEO: JD Vance on Face the Nation – Vetting Immigrants – I don’t agree all these immigrants have been properly vetted. We know there are cases of people ‘properly vetted’ and they were planning attacks. My primary concerns as the VP is to look after the American people. 

  • I don’t really care Margaret!
  • Best line ever in a VP interview.

AUDIO/VIDEO: JD Vance on Face the Nation – Country Founded by Immigrants – Just b/c this country was founded by immigrants it doesn’t mean 240 years later we have to have the dumbest immigration policy in the world.

  • I’m so sick of this ‘we were founded by immigrants’ bull crap.
  • If you have to rely on other cultures to come here and get a free ride to build your country, the country isn’t worth saving.

AUDIO/VIDEO: JD Vance on Face the Nation – Tulsi Gabbard – Look those are headlines from publications that attacked DJ Trump excessively. Donald Trump determines who his cabinet is not these publications that who I think have frankly lost their relevance. 














AUDIO/VIDEO: JD Vance on Face the Nation – USCCB – As a practicing Catholic, I was heartbroken by that statement. And I think the USCCB needs to look in the mirror and recognize that when they received over $100Billion to help resettle illegal immigrants are they  worried about humanitarian concerns or are they worried about their bottom line. If they are worried about the humanitarian cost of immigration enforcement, let them talk about the children that have been sex trafficked.

  • Michael Hichborn has been documenting all of the wrong doings of the USCCB for years.
  • He has been showing how the USCCB has been funneling money to these countries and offering contraception.
  • NONE of that is what Holy Mother Church says is Catholicism.
  • Where was the USCCB on life?
  • Where was the USCCB when the church was covering up pedo Priest?
  • The Catholic church has seen a massive decline in ‘butts in the pews’ for decades now and they think to fix that they need to move more Protestant and more of this helping ILLEGAL immigrants.
  • There are these things called Commandments.
  • One of them is thou shalt not steal right?
  • You have the VP of the Untied States saying I am offended by how the USCCB has acted on this subject.
  • Some things can change things and shame is one of them.
  • Sometimes we just have to have the faithful say we are committed to evangelization. 
  • Yesterday was the feast day of Saint Polycarp.
  • eE can see in the lives of the Saints, and we like the liberals always ask for Witnesses and Documents. 
  • The Catholic Church has all of that.
 8:06am cstSEGMENT 5
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HEADLINE: Birthright Citizenship Is A Pernicious Lie That’s Destroying America by John Daniel Davidson

  • A woman who sneaks in the US illegally and pops a kid out, that kid is NOT a citizen.
  • The 14th Amendment isn’t a suicide pact folks!
  • The law of the land, this nonsense needs to stop.

Pete Hegseth at the Pentagon on Fox News

  • Changing military training, being a ready killing machine, this isn’t going to be status quo.
  • We will see these changes very soon.
  • We will be ready to do whatever the President of the United States needs or asks us to do without reservation or hesitation.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Governor Tina Kotek of OregonI will not back down from a fight wether its access to reproductive and gender affirming healthcare or immigration. I will stand up for it all. Our immigrant communities are Oregon communities. Immigrants are intregral to the culture and success of Oregon. I will uphold Oregon’s sanctuary promise laws. Laws that were passed w/ almost unanimous bipartisan support in the 1980’s. You can call Oregon your home.

  • Any state that has to rely on immigrants to tread water doesn’t deserve to be a state.
  • Don’t forget we are talking about the city where the Mayor and former Governor basically gave portions of it to peace weirdos.
  • It was called the ‘autonomous zone’. 
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump w/ Democrat Congressman Brad Sherman – FEMA – The problem w/ FEMA is they come from all over the country. They end up in arguments w/ your people from California b/c they wanna do it a totally different way. You haven’t gotten very much done w/ FEMA b/c all of you have to do is look at NC. It’s one of the greatest disasters of all time. You know who came in and fixed NC or in the process? Other staes, people from all over the country came.
8:33am cstSEGMENT 6

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  • What do you need bureaucrats from DC to come to CA to help?
  • You have 40 million people in CA that should be assisting for each CA disaster.
  • President Trump has made a better case for STATES rights than any other president.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump w/ Democrat LA Mayor Karen BassGovernment Red Tape – I’m exercising my emergency powers. You have to exercise them also. You can do everything w/in 24 hours. The people are willing to clean out their own debris b/c by the time they hire contractors it will be 2 years. There isn’t that much left it is all incinerated. Everyone standing in front of their house, a week is a long time. Let them get in there and start their own clean-up.

  • That was Trumpzilla.
  • You see that is a prime example of government thinking they know better than you.
  • They won’t even allow these people to go to their homes, there isn’t even anything LEFT but ash.
  • Government says it is for your safety.
  • Hurricane Katrina Story – 
  • Your fellow citizens will have your back before your government will.

Mahgdalen Rose

Political Affairs Contributor

Follow her on X: @MahgdalenRose

Thune held the 50 together.

  • We don’t care how many votes he got, he got confirmed.
  • The elevation of Pete is strange, he is on an upward trajectory that will get him higher up more exposure too.
  • Vance has said to Trump I can do 10 interviews a day, I will go viral.
  • Contrast that w/ Tim Walz, he has been stating he was a terrible debater right off the bat.
  • The “Margaret I don’t care” will be a war cry.
  • JD Vance can do these interviews and can make them last in the news cycle for days.
  • We aren’t giving enough coverage to our Republican senator from PA.
  • He is very social media savvy and very cheerful.
  • Vance made something go viral just by being himself.
  • No country ever became a success b/c of its refugees. 
  • This infatuation w/ immigrants needs to go.

AUDIO/VIDEO: JD Vance on Face the Nation – Vetting Immigrants – I don’t agree all these immigrants have been properly vetted. We know there are cases of people ‘properly vetted’ and they were planning attacks. My primary concerns as the VP is to look after the American people. 

  • Hegseth does not get out of the Senate w/o JD Vance.
  • I cannot put enough emphasis on this, this is a new Trump.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected] or [email protected]

Written by: candacechurch