The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show #2083- Trump Should Tell Activist Judges To Stay In Their Branch

today02/11/2025 90

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Time 6:06am cstWE ARE LIVE on 990 WGSO, Our Flagship Syndication Station in New Orleans Louisiana all week from 7am-10am!  Welcome to the Mike Church Show on  Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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14mFraud Is Punishable By Law

  • What has happened is a crime.
  • Why was the FBI brought into existence? 
  • To investigate what DOGE is doing right now.
  • How come the guardians of liberty, the press core, didn’t inform the people of things going on in the government?
  • Why doesn’t NBC or MSNBC have any interest in the $.5 trillion of theft that went on just last year?
  • It is in double digits, it isn’t 1/2 of 4% or 1% of the budget. 
  • There are dead people receiving money and people running marathons that could work receiving SSI checks, there are NGO’s that have thousands of employees all working on the USAID grift.
  • Why doesn’t the other side and the media care about this story?
  • The media is part of the grift that is why they don’t want to run these headlines.
  • They are on the take.
  • You saw what they did to the interview w/ Kamala Harris.
  • Do media people edit videos?
  • Well yes but we should never DELETE entire responses. 
  • This was election interference as Donald Trump stated several times.
25mRatifying Convention in Virginia

  • What if the President vetos the bill from Congress and it goes back to Congress and they pass it anyway?
  • The laws must be faithfully executed right?
  • They were called anti-Federalist. 
  • What did Patrick Henry say?
  • Who authorized to speak the language of ‘we the people’?
  • He tells ‘yeah you can’t fire those people and can’t offer them a buyout’. 
  • Somebody pointed out that it is in the Constitution that the Congress is to give a public statement of accounts. 
  • It has to be published right?!
  • QUESTION: What is the State of the Union address for?
  • There are 2 clauses that plainly state that only in rare instances can something be kept secret.
  • The very idea here that the Treasury Secretary can’t go and look at the books?
  • Let me tell you how this is going to end….they are going to lose on all of these cases.
  • Every single one.
  • Just like they lost trying to keep him off the ballot w/ the 14th Amendment.
  • The SCOTUS will look at these and find for President Trump according to the Constitution. 
  • When someone enters the employ of the federal government, does that mean a job for life?
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2



















Term Limits

  • What if Congress refuses to act on term limits?
  • Article V Amendment Convention
  • How many of you have seen this?
  • The transcript of the meeting we had at the XM studios in 2009.
  • The Federal Solution for a Federal Crisis hosted by Mike Church.
  • Who attended this event? 
  • Bruce Fein, Tony Blankley, Randy Barnett, 4 state legislature members and a few others.
  • This wasn’t just some thrown together nonsense w/ people that didn’t know what they were talking about. 
  • We had 4 Constitution scholars, 4 state legislatures and it was broadcast on POTUS XM and Patriot Channel.
  • I think the time has come for an Article V Convention.
  • Clarifying the clause of ratification. 
  • A bill of Federalism –
  • National Treasure movie – there is a great crisis here and only one man can solve the problem!

HEADLINE: A Bill Of Federalism 

  • A Bill of Federalism consisting of 10 amendments devised to restore the balance between state and federal power as well as the original meaning of the Constitution. By identifying 10 separate amendments, a coalition can be formed from people who support different constitutional reform measures that could not be combined into a single amendment. At the same time, opposition to any one provision cannot be used to sink the whole proposal.
  • The preamble makes explicit why such amendments are sorely needed and specifies that delegates are to be selected by procedures chosen by their state legislatures. The proposed amendments that follow are primarily designed to reverse Supreme Court rulings that have improperly expanded federal power.
  • The Bill of Federalism was designed to ensure that current constitutional protections of civil rights would be preserved and strengthened.
  • Force term limits!
  • That is pretty much what happened a few times in the past.
 National Sales Tax and Consumption Tax

  • You can’t have the Fair tax.
  • You cannot do a national sales tax.
  • It isn’t Constitutional.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]
7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE!

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CIVICS 101Constitutional Abuse

  • If something can be written by men, it can be changed by men.
  • Act of profound dumbasity is not enough.
  • The same people saying the Constitution demands the right to abortion is screaming you can’t audit the government.

Article 2 Section 1

AUDIO/VIDEO: Senator Elizabeth Warren w/ Rachel Maddow – Court Rulings Treated As Optional – We’ve go our toes right on the edge of a constitutional crisis here. Here’s the thing, it may be the case Trump is so full of confidence he can wave his wand and he will get what he wants. I don’t think the courts will coward to him. Trump isn’t the guy that puts the orders in to fire someone. When a federal court issues an order, and then states follow that order or find yourself in contempt. 

  • So Federal judges are above the Executive branch now?

Article 1 Section 9

  • Any check cut by the Treasury dept, therefore has to be published.
  • You have to have an account of it.
  • There know where the evidence is hidden.
  • My question is how far are you willing to go?
  • There are now ministers out there Sunday from the pulpit calling for violence in the streets.
 TKD Reads From X – 
1h26mAUDIO/VIDEO: President Trump in Oval Office – Elizabeth Warren Consumer Financial Protection Bureau – Yea Pocahontas. That was set up to destroy people. She used that as her own personal agency to go after people. She’s a fake, just like she said she was an Indian and she wasn’t an Indian. You have more Indian blood than she has. She went to college based on that and got jobs based on that. She’s a fake.
7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE

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 FLASHBACK – Senator Elizabeth Warren 2009When a lot of money disappears, it’s usually because somebody broke some laws somewhere. If we don’t uncover it and make it all public, we’ll never find out.


EPA Overreach 

  • How many times has the EPA gone to farmers and confiscated land?
  • They actually do it all the time.
  • They will find a wet spot or some ground that is slightly mushy and they will go back there and claim it is a wetland. 
  • Wetland Protection Act can then be used.
  • Some of you may think I’m making this up.


AUDIO/VIDEO: Chattanooga Pastor Steve Caudle – Calling For Violence in the Streets & Against Elon – In this nation I’m worried we are on the verge of bloodshed. This is an attempt to take us back to a day that we do not want to go and we will not go. I pray that the peace of God will overcome the madness that is attempting to take over this nation. I’ll say to you beloved, no one likes violence, but sometimes violence is necessary. When Elon Musk forces his way into the US Treasury and threatens to steal your personal information and your social security check, there is the possibility of violence.

The King Dude on X: “Pastor” Steve Caudle with speech written by the DNC, pleading for violence against Elon Musk, commits sacrilege against Christ with the claim that the Kingdom of God is “violent” and is violently taken by force. Actually, 

Matthew 11 v 12

“And from the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent bear it away.” 

Violence in this instance is penance and mortification (fasting, abstinence et al) and has NOTHING to do with the physical violence Caudle is urging to be brought against Musk.

  • They want violence so badly they are willing to alter the Bible.
  • Where ever there have been riots and burning towns, they want that back.
  • They’ve lost and they want violence.
  • Sorry your USAID grift money has dried up Pastor.
  • If they aren’t cut off in this FIRST round, they will eventually be cut off.
  • We are only in week 3.

















AUDIO/VIDEO: Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear – Children Going Hungry Because of Elon – I’m concerned that in the past 2 weeks they have turned off Medicaid for a full day. For a while they paused a large portion of our highway funds. If they eliminated the department of education and its funding, that is a half billion dollars in meals for our kids that otherwise might go hungry. So if Elon and Donald Trump do what they say they’re doing the results are hungry children.

Fun Fact: The USDA provides lunches for public schools via the National School Lunch Program.

  • You know how many parents use public schools as daycares?
  • You can now drop your child off at 6am when school starts at 9am.
  • You can also leave them after school until 5 or 6pm.
  • This is daycare for working people. 
  • They do a crappy job at this ‘education’ too.
  • We are 43rd in the world in science and math.
  • We are 39th in the world in reading.
  • We spend 10x more per pupil than any other country. 
  • This is a grift. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Senator Chris Coons on CNN – USAID Sesame Street – This isn’t just funding a kids show for millions of children like Iraq, this teaches children values, helps teach public health and helps prevent kids from dying.  Helps push peacefulness and collaboration when their alternatives are ISIS and terror. This is pennies on the dollar. USAID was spending about $30 billion, it is a small portion of our spending. This is smart power.

  • Do you remember all the children that died in Yemen during the Obama administration?
  • Thousands of children died b/c we allowed the enemy to poison the water in Yemen.
 8:06am cstSEGMENT 5
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2h11mHEADLINE: Tony! Tony! Tony! (The Sign Guy) by Rod Dreher

  • And the vibe shift, as many have already observed, represents a pivot from the egalitarian, actuarial and risk-averse mindset of modernity to one more overtly hierarchical, entrepreneurial, and heroic.
  • In a word: you can’t re-enchant the world without re-enchanting men, and you can’t re-enchant men without re-activating masculine archetypes.

The Spirit of Enchantment Back – 

Paula Cole Song – 

  • You have to remember this, back in the 1970’s through early 80’s weren’t flaming soy boy homos.
  • They were private investigators, stunt men and just all around masculine types.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Fox News – NY Town Council Member – FEMA funding to Roosevelt hotel to house illegals. We have people freezing to death in NC w/ no shelter and here we find out FEMA is paying to house illegals in a warm fancy hotel.
2h23mAUDIO/VIDEO: Border Czar Tom Homan – ICE Raid Leaks – We think they are all coming from inside. We identified the Aurora leaker. Secretary Noem is correct it is leading to the FBI. They’ve opened up a criminal investigation and this person will lose their job, their pension and they will go to jail.
 Back to Masculinity

  • They now have Kathy Bates playing Matlock. 
  • NO, you can’t take the name and put a woman in the role.
  • All that woke DEI crap is going to fail.
8:33am cstSEGMENT 6

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2h41m HEADLINE: More Americans on Ozempic go BLIND as doctors sound alarm over potentially startling side effect by Emily Joshu Sterne 

  • If it has high fructose corn syrup, put it back on the shelf.
  • Label reading is important.
  • If it has Red dye 3 and 40 stay away from it. 
  • Do you want a Chef that knows actual food, not things to make things taste good but actual food?
  • What is going to happen to these Americans taking these shots?
  • The poison just doesn’t stop.
  • We have to start holding these companies accountable. 
2h48mBACK To Rod Dreher

  • I suppose you might say okay, maybe you’re right and mythic roles are taking on greater cultural significance. But perhaps we could persuade men to embrace just the quietist ones. How about the farmer, the scholar, the monk, or the husband? To which I can only say: good luck with that. Watch little boys playing, and it’s obvious that the combat instinct and yearning for glory runs very deep, in at least some of them. Trying to extinguish it will not end well (is not ending well). And while, yes, that yearning can have highly disruptive effects, and can be turned to wicked ends, it’s in any case not as though a proceduralist, managerial civilisation affords no scope for horrors of its own.
  • So we’re watching in real time as figures such as the hero, the king, the warrior, and the pirate; or indeed various types of antihero, all make their return to the public sphere. This is already evident in daily news headlines now coming out of America. Whatever the doubtless more nuanced reality of the work done by USAID, the exultant male response to recent work by Elon Musk and his “warband” of young tech-bros in dismantling that institution is powered by triumphant male support for a small group, understood archetypally as doing battle against a vast, miasmic foe whose aim is the destruction of masculine heroism as such. I don’t know if that’s actually true, but understood at the level conveyed by these two books, that’s what is occurring.
  • The Hillary Clintons and Kamala Harris’ of the world will not be popular for long.
  • The Lunch Box Index – 






Mahgdalen Rose

Political Affairs Contributor 

Follow her on X: @MahgdalenRose

  • Tulsi Gabbard and Robert F Kennedy Jr – 
  • All these Democrats crying children will die in the street are going to look like fools.
  • This isn’t going to happen.
  • Stop panicking we will win every single case against every injunction they will file.
  • They were warned they have no appeal.
  • They were told no one like Kamala Harris and they just didn’t care.
  • They truly feel they can just pick someone and run them and they will get elected. 
  • Murkowski got the message that she will be primaries and forced out if need be.
  • We shouldn’t have to beg her to confirm our Republican picks.
  • Matt Gaetz was making deals but that is all gone now and he isn’t all that special is what we are finding out.
  • He has no direction.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected] or [email protected]

Written by: candacechurch