The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show #2107-Trump Schools The Media…Again

today03/18/2025 15

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Time 6:06am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on  Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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Federal and District Judges

  • We have stated time and time again on this show what powers the President has and what powers the Judiciary has.
  • These people are being absurd.
  • This guy is becoming a folk hero, Stephen Miller.
  • Giving 9 minute long Constitution courses on CNN.
  • He is making his rounds on MSM and just schooling them on all things Presidential and Constitutional. 
18mPirates and Piracy 

  • There are those out there that think Trump is trying to start a war w/ the Iranians.
  • I don’t see that at all.
  • What I see is 4 years of Obama, 4 years of Biden and maybe Trump wasn’t as informed on the Houthis as he should have been, because these guys have been around for a long time.
  • The UN has even condemned them.
  • Why would you poke the bear that is Donald J Trump?
  • You aren’t dealing w/ Joe Biden who doesn’t even know what time it is.
  • First of all dude, this isn’t a new war.
  • Second we detailed the rights of a President when it comes to Piracy. 
  • The US has been at war w/ Pirates since the 1770’s and before then even.
  • Pirates and Piracy is mentioned twice in the Constitution.
  • There is a demand for a Navy in the Constitution as well.
  • To provide and maintain a Navy.
  • Dude, we have been dealing w/ bombing and pirates since John Adams.
  • The reason I am bringing this up is b/c I don’t think this is the start of another war.
  • He also warned them for 2 days prior to them taking action.
 Newt Gingrich on X: Those upset by the emerging dictatorship of district court justices behaving as though they were president should read the Judiciary Act of 1802. Jefferson and his party completely revised the court system and abolished a series of federalist judges they deemed illegitimate. A warning to the current out of control judiciary.
22mJudiciary Branch and Congress

  • If Congress wants to bring an end to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, it CAN! 
  • U.S. District Judge James Boasberg, Congress could easily just hit DELETE on that district and finish his judgeship.
  • I think if this stupidity continues the Trump administration should send a message over to the Speaker of the House and get it done.
  • You may just be able to send Miller out there to rabble the saber and maybe they will start to comply.



  • They have found all manner of things.
  • They even found a slush fund money laundering scheme.
  • From Magic Money machines to non-profit loopholes.
  • Congress uses the State Department, USAID, NASA, FDA, Department of Education etc…name the agency and after the entity is created, the usual suspects look at the entity and boom.
  • These people then contact whoever, form their non-profit, and boom grab the free money.
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2
36mMiddle East News

  • The Israelis bombed Gaza again just this morning.
  • How much blood and treasure is enough?
  • I gave up trying to understand this.
  • President Trump is meeting Putin today.
 HEADLINE: Trump says his administration is set to release JFK files with no redactions by Jamie Stengle 










Rudy Ruettiger

  • Remember the movie Rudy?
  • His dad in the movie said one son could work in the mill but he wanted Rudy to go to college right?
  • When your manufacturing things w/ resources that are HERE and labor that is HERE that is the definition of stability.
  • If you have a daughter and she wants to be married don’t you want to know what the boy does for a living? 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Vice President JD Vance at American Dynamism Summit – Cheap Labor – It turns out that the geographies that do the manufacturing get awfully good at the designing of things. Cheap labor is fundamentally a crutch, and it’s a crutch that inhibits innovation. I might even say it is a drug that too many American firms got addicted to. 

  • The stability provided by manufacturing and trades and skills.
  • There is an explosion of young people that have an interest in trades.
  • Young men have found something the young girls can’t take from them.
  • Hard Labor, Skilled Labor and so on.
  • This is the kind of stability needed for family formation.
  • That provides something for the family and the country.
  • Not a very heralding part of the Trump plan but this is wonderful to hear from our VP.
  • When the word gets out that American employers are asking about citizenship and such before employment things will change drastically.
  • It should be illegal for you to hire illegals to gain economic benefits over employing American citizens. 
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]
7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
 Stranded Astronauts Are Heading Home

  • These astronauts will have to have months of physical therapy ahead of them.
  • You still need the signal processing for your body to process the milk etc.
 HEADLINE: Roberts issues rare public pushback after Trump calls for judge’s impeachment by Zach Schonfeld 

“For more than two centuries, it has been established that impeachment is not an appropriate response to disagreement concerning a judicial decision. The normal appellate review process exists for that purpose.” – Justice Roberts 



DOGE Bros Update

AUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Harriet Hageman – DOGE – Well lets look at the Department of Education, they have $280 billion a year, less than 25% go to educating our students. So where does the rest of the money go? Money laundering and money churning at its best. The brilliance of DOGE is that he can come up w/ a report agency by agency, put a number attached to it and boom. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Elon Musk w/ Rep Ted Cruz – Non-Profit Loopholes – One of the biggest scams we’ve uncovered is that the government can give money to so called non-profit w/ very few controls and there’s no auditing of that non-profit. So there’s no, like the $1.9 billion to Stacey Abrams. They then give themselves insane salaries, buy jets and homes on the taxpayer dime.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Elon Musk w/ Rep Ted Cruz – Magic Money Computers – You may think government computers talk to each other, they synchronize and there is cohesion. Any computer that can make money out of thin air. There are 14 magic money computers in the Treasury and some at DOD. They just send money out of nothing.

  • Who is putting the names and account numbers into these computers?
  • This isn’t some AI just randomly picking account numbers.
  • Do they just hand it off to a office labeled Magic Money Computing? 
  • Where can I get one of these computers?
  • Can I just go to Best Buy and grab one?
  • So who tells these people inputing the names and accounts to do it?
  • If you sat down and tried to spend $1 trillion could you actually do it?
  • How can you spend $6 trillion dollars?
  • How can you squander $2.5 trillion?
  • You’d have to have help right?
7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 Sean Davis on X: 

John Roberts personally placed James Boasberg on the FISA court that rubber-stamped illegal spy warrants against Donald Trump.

In case you’re wondering why he’s setting his own credibility on fire to defend Boasberg from impeachment investigations.




























Judiciary Act of 1801

  • In 1801 the last week of the Adams administration, they sprang into action to try and stop the Jefferson agenda.
  • They knew Jefferson was going to try and undo as much as he could from the Adams administration.
  • The last week he nominated and got confirmed 16 new Federal Circuit Court Judges.
  • You want to kneecap these judges?
  • Eliminate all these circuits. 
  • Reduce the number of SCOTUS to 7.
  • Why would you do that?
  • What if the next person that quits is Sotomayor? 
  • What if Roberts decides to retire?
  • You can increase the number as well.
  • The Judiciary Act of 1801 – 
  • The Judiciary Act of 1801 reduced the size of the Supreme Court from six justices to five and eliminated the justices’ circuit duties. To replace the justices on circuit, the act created sixteen judgeships for six judicial circuits. The U.S. circuit courts over which the new judges were to preside gained jurisdiction over all cases arising under the Constitution and acts of the United States. The requirements for diversity suits (cases involving parties from different states) made it easier for creditors to recover debts in federal courts. In many cases, most importantly those involving land, restrictions on jurisdictional amounts were removed. In other cases jurisdictional amounts were reduced and the transfer of cases from state courts made easier. The division of states to create additional circuit and district courts further encouraged citizens to rely on the federal rather than state courts. 
  • The partisan character and the timing of the act provoked immediate opposition to the new organization of the judiciary. The hastily confirmed appointees to the circuit courts earned the label “Midnight Judges” as Jeffersonian Republicans accused the Federalists of packing the courts following their defeat in the elections of 1800. The newly-elected president, Thomas Jefferson, and the Republican majority in the Seventh Congress came into office intent on repeal.
  • The repeal of the 1801 Act and the subsequent promulgation of the new Judiciary Act prompted considerable constitutional debate. Many Federalists argued that the repeal of the 1801 Act was unconstitutional because it had the effect of removing Article III judges from offices they held “during good Behaviour.” Some (including Chief Justice Marshall) also believed that the Judiciary Act of 1802 improperly required Supreme Court justices to hold circuit courts without having been appointed to serve on those courts. Nevertheless, in Stuart v. Laird (1803) the Court held that there were “no words in the Constitution to prohibit or restrain” Congress’s power to reform the courts as it had done. (Marshall did not vote in the case because he was involved in earlier proceedings).
  • Stuart reflected a gradual acceptance of the Jeffersonians’ power to shape the judiciary. As the structural arrangements set by the Judiciary Act of 1802 became entrenched over time, the short-lived 1801 Act and the judges appointed under it slowly assumed an air of evanescence and illegitimacy. Nevertheless, many of the repealed Act’s innovations eventually became law in other forms. In 1869, for example, Congress again created dedicated circuit-court judgeships. This limited the mandatory practice of circuit riding, though that practice was only formally eliminated later. In 1875, Congress restored federal question jurisdiction, which has formed an important part of the federal judiciary’s role ever since. And, since removing three judges from the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia in 1863, Congress has reassigned judges from defunct courts rather than removing them from office. These later developments counsel caution in dismissing out-of-hand either the 1801 Judiciary Act or, by implication, the judges appointed under it.
  • The primary achievement is proving what I have been saying fo 17 years now. 
  • If you want to reign in the Judiciary Congress has the power to do so and they should use it.
1h53mAUDIO/VIDEO: Stephen Miller on CNN w/ Kasie Hunt – Judges Orders – The president of the US reserve all rights under the Constitution to conduct National security operations in defense of the US. The Alien Enemies Act, that was passed into law by the Founding generation of this country, men like John Adams, was written explicitly to give the president the authority to repel and Alien invasion of the United States. That is not something a district court judge has any authority to restrict or restrain.

  • Do District Judges have authority over other districts?
  • Aren’t they supposed to only rule on things that happen in THEIR district?
  • So what makes this district judge think he can rule over something like this?
  • POWER – they all think they have unlimited power.
 8:06am cstSEGMENT 5
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Putin Phone Call with President Trump

  • Putin told Trump that a complete cessation of military aid to Kyiv is the key condition for resolving the conflict in Ukraine.
  • Putin has agreed to an initial “energy and infrastructure” ceasefire, to be followed by “technical negotiations” for a full ceasefire and permanent peace with Ukraine.

HEADLINE: Daily Wire co-CEO Jeremy Boreing to step down by Sara Fischer 

  • Boreing  has been with the Daily Wire since its inception in 2015. He helped grow the outlet from a tiny news startup with $4.7 million in seed funding to a media giant valued north of $1 billion last year.
  • If you listened to the Mike Parrott show the other day they discussed this.


AUDIO/VIDEO: Stephen Miller on CNN w/ Kasie Hunt – Title 50 Authority – There is a term in law, jucisiable, this is not subject to judicial remedy. The president is using his Article 2 powers as Commander in Chief. This is a Title 50 Authority. Does a District Court Judge have the right to direct or enjoin troop movements overseas? The statute says the President has the ability to repel and invasion or predatory government. It is documented that TDA was sent there. Under the Constitution makes that proclamation? You are not hearing me and you are not understanding me. 3 Qualifying actions. 1. is an act of war, 2. is predatory incursion but w/ respect to this statute is utilizing the incursion. 

  • Who would repel or protect against the invasion?
  • These morons, they are either intentionally making this complicated or they are just ignorant.
  • It doesn’t matter what entity that is not an American citizen is trying for whatever reason, they could want gummy bears lets say, it doens’t matter!
  • You had well trained paramilitary operators here in the United States acting on behalf of the Venezuelan government and the Biden Regime.
  • I think the Biden Regime knew and assisted in this but I digress. 
  • I think that is treason but it is definitely a war-like action.
  • Look how close they came to getting away with this!
  • Why would you want to stop the terrorist from being deported?
  • You want another go at bringing down the United States?!
  • These people kill babies for fun so don’t give me the humanitarian answer.
  • These people aren’t humanitarians. 
  • Why would you want these terrorist to remain in the US?
  • Practically speaking – why keep them here?
  • The only practical reason is you intend to give it another go and you need these guys here to do the damage.
  • Don’t you think President Trump knows this?
2h29mAUDIO/VIDEO: WH Briefing – Returning the Statue of Liberty

Peter Doocy – There is now a member of the European Parliament that says the US doesn’t represent the values of liberty anymore and he wants the Statue of Liberty back.

Karoline Leavitt – I would like to remind them that it’s only because of the USA that the French are not speaking German right now. So they should be very grateful to our great country. 

8:33am cstSEGMENT 6

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2h39mAUDIO/VIDEO: President Trump – CBP Home App – People in our country illegally can self-deport the easy  way or they can get deported the hard way, and that’s not pleasant. The Biden administration exploited the CBP app to allow millions of illegals to enter our country. It is an easy way to leave now. I you self-deport you can have the potential to legally enter at some point later. If you don’t you will not be allowed back in. You’re never coming in. Using the CBP Home app is the safest way. 

  • He is showing political power in a just and effective way.
  • Using political power is going to work better and more productive w/ it if you use it in a manner of practical real life way.
  • Obama never ran anything in his life and his presidency was a disaster.
  • Look at the Biden Regime, they got NOTHING right.
  • The proper word is aptitude.
         Hallow App – 

Mahgdalen Rose

Political Affairs Contributor

Follow her on X – @MahgdalenRose

  • He was responsible for pushing out all things edgy.
  • Let me get this straight w/ the Daily Wire rumor mill, what is happening now?
  • He was preventing the edgy commentary.
  • On the flip side Brett Cooper & Candace Owens was successful content for them, lets be honest it just isn’t a good show they replaced her w/.
  • It is about time and the feeling has been he just isn’t great in the business.
  • I know the Brett Cooper thing pushed a lot of women out.
  • The time she left, Candace Owens applauded her and promotes her.
  • Judicial Overreach – 
  • There is a feeling there is a lack of innovation.
  • When people strike out on their own, they don’t struggle to attract people.
  • Audiences will follow the talent.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected] or [email protected]

Written by: candacechurch