The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show-And Now The Great Purge Of Evil Can Begin

today11/07/2024 183 1

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Time 6:06am cstWE ARE LIVE on 990 WGSO, Our Flagship Syndication Station in New Orleans Louisianaall week from 7am-10am! 

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The PRIME ACT – H.R. 3835

Rep Thomas Massie to the USDA.

Joel Salatin to the Department of Agriculture. 

QUESTION: What is the PRIME Act?

PRIME = Processing Revival and Intrastate Meat Exemption Act 

QUESTION: What is it supposed to do?

ANSWER: To make it easier for small farms and ranches to serve consumers. The bipartisan act would give individual states the freedom to permit intrastate distribution of custom-slaughtered meat such as beef, pork, or lamb to consumers, restaurants, hotels, boarding houses, and grocery stores.

  • “A farmer in Maine shouldn’t have to drive hours to get to a USDA-inspected processing facility when other safe options are available. The bipartisan PRIME Act will make it easier for local farms to compete with big meat companies and make locally-raised livestock processing more widely available. This bill will address the needs of communities in a way that supports them by allowing America’s family farms to do what they do best – feed their neighbors.” –  Rep Thomas Massie
  • Current law exempts the custom slaughter of animals from federal inspection regulations, but only if the meat is slaughtered for personal, household, guest, and employee use. This means that to sell individual cuts of locally raised meats to consumers, farmers and ranchers must first send their animals to one of a limited number of USDA-inspected slaughterhouses. The PRIME Act would expand the current custom exemption. 


  • This is an unbelievable turn of events and we are still in the transition phase.
  • Most people don’t know enough history to know that the federal government was to be financed entirely from tariffs and excise taxes.  In fact, as a nation we operated just fine for nearly 150 years without an income tax.  The only president who eliminated the national debt was Andrew Jackson, and he did it by eliminating the second bank of the U.S.  Nearly 100 years later we got the third bank, known as the Federal Reserve, plus the income tax. 
  • During that time, tariffs averaged 40-50 percent.  After the income tax, tariffs dropped to an average of about 7 percent, where they remain today.  If we went back to 40 percent, like we had for nearly 150 years, we would bring production home and free our citizens from impoverishing taxes. 
  • I don’t usually endorse things unless I personally know and have tested and used products or spoken w/ the individuals. 
  • No one can say this is a bad idea. 
  • The history, the numbers and the results don’t lie.
  • This alone should give everyone such joy and hope.
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2


The FDA Falls Under the HHS

  • How do you go about raising the tariffs and removing income taxes?
  • You would have to phase one in and phase one out.
  • Eliminate bracket #1 and you guys are free and clear. 
  • Then over the next 6 months you phase out bracket #2 and so on. 
  • There is no end to the amount of Iron Ore and Coal here in the United States.
  • American steel needs to be first on the agenda.
  • Bring back American steel.

Robert F Kennedy Jr on X: 

Trump has asked me to do three things: 

  1. Clean up the corruption in our government health agencies. 
  2. Return those agencies to their rich tradition of gold-standard, evidence-based science. 
  3. Make America Healthy Again by ending the chronic disease epidemic.
44mBACK TO Joel Salatin 

  • Perhaps we’ll eliminate federal involvement in education, from kindergarten to college.  Make every teacher accountable to performance.  Eliminate ALL federal intervention in the food system, in farming, in energy.  The Constitution (read it) doesn’t allow for any of this and it’s time to examine all of it.  Shut down foreign military bases; bring them all home.  Stop ALL foreign aid, from USAID to military aid.  Sell stuff is fine; giving it isn’t. 
 VP Kamala Harris Conceded Yesterday
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]
 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.


AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump 250th Anniversary of American Independence

  • So a State Fair of sorts to be in Iowa state fair grounds complete w/ aspects of all the states for the full year.
  • The Great American Fair!
  • I still have my bicentennial stamp collection.
  • I was in 8th grade then, the post office had a contest for submissions for a bicentennial stamp painting. 
  • You probably have seen the stamp but didn’t know it was commissioned. 
  • You have seen the painting that was one of the winners.
  • It was Washington kneeling in the snow praying w/ the horse.
  • This is the most cool and most motivating idea that has happened in a long time.
  • Did you hear the part about the statues?
  • I’d like to think there is more Elf in us than Terminator. 
  • How many of you have been to your states fair?
  • We have a parish fair here in St Tammany Parish that kids loved to attend. 


AUDIO/VIDEO: Kamala Harris Concession SpeechThe outcome of this election is not what we wanted not what we fought for not what we voted for but hear me when I say, the light of America’s promise will always burn bright. As long as we never give up and as long as we keep fighting.

  • The moment when Pennsylvania was finally called the relief that the average American felt.
  • You breathed a sigh of relief.
  • We all did.
  • We felt hope, we felt like better days were ahead.
  • We all felt JOY!
  • Not the joy Kamala was wishing us to feel but true, pure joy.
7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at


Anniversary of American Independence 

  • This is important stuff.
  • How many of you think I am a pretty good Historian?
  • There are 3 people who’s votes don’t count.
  • Don’t tell me this won’t make young men like me love their country.
  • What is wrong w/ loving your country. 
  • That isn’t a subject for cynicism and every state has a story to tell.




















Andy Schectman 

Miles Franklin Precious Metals

Website –

Follow Andy on X – @MilesFranklin_

  • Happy Days Are Here Again!
  • I think from a standpoint of recapturing our culture that is a good place to start.
  • Financially I don’t think we will see much of a difference for a while.
  • You have the Congressional Budge Office by 2030 just interest on the debt would encompass 100% of all tax revenue.
  • We are very far down the rabbit hole financially.
  • From getting our country back, we have re-inspired people. 
  • I think we need to be realistic about the finances.
  • We have to start w/ spending $100,000 of debt PER SECOND!
  • We have to do this w/ open eyes.
  • Tight monetary policy and supply side economics – Arthur Laffer
  • If you were advising Trump what would you tell him to do?
  • First start by cutting spending.
  • We have a situation w/ inflation, the reigniting of the inflation, the options are very limited now.
  • Cut spending and cut corporate taxes and restrictions and do things here like drill to stimulate the economy, and all of this takes time.
  • The inflation genie people don’t understand that is here to stay.
  • $99 trillion shortfall in Medicare and that is part A.
  • The unfunded liabilities are massive for this country.
  • You can’t raise interest rates or you blow up everything.
  • This is years worth of distortions. 
  • Remove restrictions, manufacturing, massively trimming fat, cutting entitlements and all of that can’t even be addressed if he doesn’t take the House.
  • We need to look more long term and bigger picture.
  • We have painted ourselves into a corner and a dollar that is unjustifiably high.
  • Inflation is much higher than they tell us.
  • 12,000 jobs created, 40,000 government jobs were created the month before that 78,000 government jobs created and the private sector lost 200,000.
  • That isn’t sustainable.
  • The bond market got crushed yesterday even though everything else went up.
  • It is a tricky situation but we can be optimistic to get our country back. 
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Tim Walz

  • He has been put back into the state he made a cesspool. 
  • Who makes the first move?
  • Does Tampon Tim face the wrath of Minnesotans that want him gone?
2h17mAUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump – Transgender/Mutilation of Children – The leftwing gender insanity being pushed on our children is child abuse plain and simple. I will sign a new EO instructing to cease all programs. I will permanently stop tax dollars that go toward these procedures. I will create a private right of action. The only sexes recognized by the government will be male and female and it will be assigned at birth.

  • The Shape won 0.0 ID requirement states.
  • She screamed and hollered for 100 days about murdering children.
  • California – ID laws
  • Before 2022 they must do this.
  • They must add Citizens Thereof or something to that effect.
  • This is a HUGE problem but it isn’t hard to solve and fix you just need the will to fix it.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Greg Gutfeld Opening JokesDonald Trump will be the 47th president of the US. Causing Joe Biden to ask who was #46? It was so impressive it sent shockwaves across the country. Taylor Swift cried all night which dropped her from a 6 to a 4. Mark Cuban is so despondent he traded his gender to Rachel Maddow. Obama vowed to move back to Kenya and Michelle was so mad she vowed to change her name back to Mike.
2h26mAUDIO/VIDEO: Scott Jennings on CNN Panel – Revenge Of The Working-Class – This is a mandate to do what you said you were gonna do. Get the economy working again for regular woking-class Americans. Fix immigration, try to get crime under control. Try to reduce the chaos in the world. This is a mandate from the American people to do that.Tonights results are the revenge of just a regular old working-class American, the anonymous American who has been crushed, insulted, condescended to, they’re not garbage, the’re not Nazis.
8:33am cstSEGMENT 6

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Shock The World

  • There has to be a way out of the unfunded liability debt.
  • You have to sunset Social Security.
  • Sunset those born after X date.
  • If we don’t want this country to go bankrupt we have to start having conversations about very hard topics.
  • NO ONE will be happy w/ everything.
  • The money just isn’t there.
  • You also have to tell the states if you want medicare for poor people you will have to pay for it.
  • You start ending the corruption in these agencies and a lot of this takes care of itself.
  • We have to sit down and discuss these important things.
2h42mAUDIO/VIDEO: NY Attorney General Leticia JamesNo matter what the next administration throws at us, we are ready. We are ready to respond to their attacks. We are ready to defend this great state. We will continue to stand tall in the face of revenge and retribution. It is my sworn duty and responsibility to lead that fight working w/ the Governor of this great state. We are guardians of the law and we are prepared my friends to fight back.


Political Affairs Correspondent 

Follow Mahgdalen on X – @MahgdalenRose

  • California Proposition 36 passed 70-30%  which increased penalties for theft and drug crimes.
  • That is in California and Kamala was asked which way she voted on that and she refused to answer.
  • Local politics – least amount of election security it would be Wisconsin.
  • Tump has the most ground to make there in Wisconsin.
  • The Republicans vote in gratitude the Democrats don’t do that.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected] or [email protected]

Written by: candacechurch