The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show-Biden’s Controlled Demolition Of Muricah And The Coming Summer Of Satan, Rosary Up

today06/16/2022 116

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The Mike Church Show-Biden’s Controlled Demolition Of Muricah And The Coming Summer Of Satan, Rosary Up

Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE

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 Glory and Shine to the Crusade Channel

  • PGA Golf and the banning of many players.
  • Greed is all over whether it is in the PGA or the LIV.
  • Usury abounds – wether it is w/ mortgages or golf or buying a car.



PGA and LIV Golf Storm

HEADLINE: Golf in the GUTTER: PGA Tour bans Saudi breakaway rebels, who are slammed as being all about ‘money, money, money’ as LIV series dismisses the move as ‘vindictive’ by Rita Al-Samarrai

HEADLINE: PGA Tour suspends all players taking part in first LIV Golf tournament by Mark Schlabach 

  • So what makes the PGA any different from the LIV?

HEADLINE: The PGA Is Reaping What It Has Sown But They And Golf Deserve Better Than The Blood Money Sellouts by Mike Church 

  • Now the PGA is fighting for what they think is the livelihood of FUTURE golf.
  • It is perfectly ‘legal’ and it is called capitalism. 
  • If Bob Grant were still alive and on air at WABC in NYC – he would get kicked off air again over this. 
  • Golf organization, freedom based – would that exists in our New Christendom? 
  • FROM the Substack – The Suspension of Chokelson, Fowler and Johnson et al Are CYA Actions That Seek To Preserve The Monopoly The PGA Has On Fleecing Golfers
  • QUESTION: What did the Federal Government do to Muhammad Ali when he refused the draft? 
  • ANSWER: He was stripped of his Heavyweight World Title and banned from pro boxing for 3 years for refusing to enter the Unconstitutional and morally unjust U.S. Army draft for the Vietnam War.
49mHEADLINE: Dinesh’s Stupid Movie by Ann Coulter

  • Do you know anyone that currently have COVID?
  • Steve Kirsch calculated there are 3 confirmed cases in the entire Earth right now.
  • Without Trump’s Warp Speed – there is no vaccine mandates and EUA. 
  • $250 million Stop the Steal fundraising appeals – none of this money was used to fight election fraud. 
 HEADLINE: McConnell, His 10 GOP Pushovers, And Any Others Who Attack The Second Amendment Can’t Be In Leadership by Jordan Boyd

  • This should be the end for any state that believes in self-protection the God-given right to protect yourself and your family.
  • This is an existential question.
  • The idea that these idiots in the House and Senate – They can put together something that will work against a MORAL question.
 Crusade Channel Teaming Up With Epoch Times (affiliate link)
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]

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7:15am cst

Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.

 SCOTUS and Roe v Wade

HEADLINE: Witches, Warlocks and the Supreme Court by Liberty Counsel 

FROM THE ARTICLE: Despite decades of pro-life work around the country and at the U.S. Supreme Court, we’ve never witnessed such hostile and demonically inspired evil directed at the Justices and the judicial system.

  • By their actions you can see they are convinced that abortion might not be legal in the US in certain states.
  • The demons are working overtime not only on the SCOTUS steps but all over.
  • What is a song of praise exactly?
 HEADLINE: White House gears up for young kids’ COVID vaccination by CIDRAP University of Minnesota 



HEADLINE: The Road Less Traveled: Hope In The Time Of Satanic Medical Tyranny by Celia Farber 

  • Hope is way more agile, fluid, and bio-luminescent. Hope is a spiritual transformation, not dependent on any kind of success in the material plane. It actually means one has reclaimed one’s soul’s purity and memory. 
  • FROM THE ARTICLE: My best offer this this: The Mega-Plan can’t succeed, because it is too big, too grandiose, too cumbersome, too detestable, and too impossible to fulfill. “Globalism” can’t succeed if countries continue to behave as countries—rooted in family, tradition, love of culture, etc. From where I am now, the south of Spain (Granada) the scorecard looks abysmal for Mr. Global. I see none of his, or its values, anywhere here. Just flamenco, classical music, grandmother castanet orchestras, (all of this taking place outdoors, after 9 pm, well past midnight, and with masses of people looking perfectly happy. Together. Many generations.) 
  • “Covid” is a rare and vulnerable tyranny that requires the mental participation of all its would be conquered. That is one heck of an Achilles heel.
  • #LifeRuined 
 TKD Virginia Winery Tour 

The One-Straw Revolution by Masanobu Fukuoka 

  • Mono-culture doesn’t work – they realized this in Virginia at the local wineries. 
  • Many people just buy French vines/roots then they graft the grape they WANT to grow in VA and that is how they get their vines started. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: “One Straw Revolution” – Best Documentary 



AUDIO/VIDEO: Karine Jean-PierreWe are calling on all oil companies to do the patriotic thing and not blame the war as an excuse or reason to not put out production.

  • Why isn’t it Biden’s Patriotic duty to make sure this is done?
  • This is a controlled demolition.
  • We all know this, anyone paying attention knows this is just scapegoating. 

HEADLINE: Is Corporate Greed Behind High Gas Prices? by Michael Maharrey via

  • The last oil refinery was granted in 1997 – 
  • With the Green Nazis running everything and trying to bring about something that will NEVER work, relying on wind, and sun – rolling brownouts have already begun For Your Information….these will increase.
  • Daughter #2 and I went on this scavenger hunt Geocaching – someone hides something in the woods etc and you sign the book etc, one was hid in a piece of aluminum trim around a utility pole that was being used to illuminate a light in an apartment parking lot. This guy was charging his Tesla on the light pole of the parking lot! This is illegal, he knows it is illegal b/c he tried to cover it up. 
  • There isn’t enough amp-age to charge these batteries up.
  • Newsflash, you might not be able to buy a new gasoline car in this country soon.


HEADLINE: McConnell, His 10 GOP Pushovers, And Any Others Who Attack The Second Amendment Can’t Be In Leadership by Jordan Boyd 

  • They plan to appeal the 10th and 9th amendments. 
  • Basically this is the 4 corners.
  • There is no going back after this election cycle.
  • That is what they are thinking with all of this.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Schumer asked about Constitutional rights being something you can’t mess withNo amendment to the Constitution is absolute. You can’t falsely scream fire in a crowded theater and we have child porn protection laws.

The GOP is NOT YOUR FRIEND, it never has been.

  • They are a money making machine.
  • This is the incorporation doctrines final play here.
  • The 14th Amendment – Alito’s opinion on Roe is a defense of the 10th Amendment and Federalism.
  • Justice Alito – the incorporation using the 14th Amendment to be used against the states – 

Crusader Monastery – The Veritas Radio Network also have a prayer request line. Send your prayer requests to [email protected]

 Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
  HEADLINE: Another US Food Processing Plant Erupts In Flames by Stevens Point Journal 
  AUDIO/VIDEO: Joe Biden – ‘From day 1, this has been the most pro-equality administration in history. I think we have more LGBTQ+ people than any administration or every administration combined.’

AUDIO/VIDEO: Joe Biden‘I don’t have to tell you about the ultra-MAGA agenda attacking families & freedoms. In Florida going after Mickey Mouse for God’s sake.’

HEADLINE: Tim Allen’s ‘Lightyear’ legend has been ‘castrated,’ Patricia Heaton says by Ben Cost – Patricia Heaton 

  AUDIO/VIDEO: Ted Cruz finally demands answers from FBI about Jan wary 6th – Who is Ray Epps and where there FBI agents on the ground disguised as civilians? 

  • Why didn’t Liz Cheney force this FBI lady to answer that question? 
  • If the goal of the January 6th Committee is truly about getting to the bottom of this, why isn’t she forced to answer this question? 
  • Why couldn’t she answer yes or no to that question?
  • This was designed to convict AMERICAN citizens of treason!
  • But she doesn’t have to answer yes or no?


 HEADLINE: Recession Watch Update, Where Do Things Stand After the Huge Fed Hike? by Mish 

HEADLINE: Fed “Wordsmithing” and a 0.75 Percentage Point Hike, Largest Increase Since 1994 by Mish  

  • The Fed chose to hike its base rate by three quarters of a point to a range of 1.50 to 1.75 percent. This is the biggest jump since 1994.
  • This is shooting the Golden Goose.
  HEADLINE: Senate Blocks Kentucky GOP Senator Rand Paul’s Resolution to Balance Federal Budget Within Five Years by Katabella Roberts 

  • So why would they vote AGAINST balancing a budget?
  • Lawmakers took to the Senate floor to vote on Paul’s “Six Penny Plan” federal budget plan but ultimately rejected the proposal with a vote of 67-to-29.
3h02m AUDIO/VIDEO: Tucker Carlson on Mayra Flores flipping the seat in 34th District TXYou know who wants a border, the Hispanic community. Why are so many self described voters voting for white nationalist? 
  Ukraine and Russia Conflict

HEADLINE: It’s hard to swallow, but the West must accept that Putin will win by Donald Forbes 

  • All the properties around wine country and horse country have named their own little pieces of land.
  • They have taken ownership in their ‘kingdom’.
  HEADLINE: EXCLUSIVE: Florida woman who found Ashley Biden’s diary in ‘halfway house’ is under FBI investigation for SELLING the journal in which president’s daughter recalled ‘showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate)’ and details of her drug and sex addiction by Jose Lambiet and Josh Boswell 
3h30mHEADLINE: One out of Every Five Pregnancies Aborted in 2020 by Eric Lendrum 

  • The study also revealed that abortions began outnumbering births in 2020, with 3.6 million births across the country, a decrease from 2017. Among the key demographic of women aged 15 to 44, the abortion percentage was 14.4 percent per 1,000 women, slightly larger than the 2017 rate of 13.5 percent per 1,000 women.

HEADLINE: Polynesian Tattoo: History, Meanings and Traditional Designs 

 HEADLINE: The Twitchy Stump by Rod Dreher 

YouTube Channel devoted to people that are detransitioning – Detrans Stories: Hardship and Hope  

 HEADLINE: 4 Scare Stories designed to (literally) put you off your food by Kit Knightly

  • So, according to The ScienceTM – all natural food humans (and most other animals) have been eating for literally thousands upon thousands of generations is somehow suddenly contriving to give us all cancer.
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Meta-tags for show

 Kit Knightly, Rod Dreher, LGBTQAI+, Joe Biden, Karine Jean-Pierre, Polynesian tattoos, Jose Lambiet, Josh Boswell, Eric Lendrum, abortion, Roe v Wade, Planned Parenthood, Ashley Biden, Hunter Biden, Donald Forbes, Tucker Carlson, Mayra Flores, Southern border, Senator Rand Paul, Federal Budget, Six Penny Plan, Katabella Roberts, PGA, LIV, Rita Al-Samarrai, March Schlabach, Ann Coulter, Donald Trump, Operation Warp Speed, COVID, Dr Fauci, mRNA, Jordan Boyd, Mitch McConnell, gun control, Liberty Counsel, Celia Farber, FBI, Ted Cruz, recession, inflation, Liz Cheney, Patricia Heaton, Tim Allen, Disney, Stevens Point, Lightyear, Schumer, Nancy Pelosi

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Written by: LoneRhody

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