The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show-Bud Light And Disney Are Earning Their Woke Bankruptcies

today12/04/2023 213

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6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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Israel and Hamas

HEADLINE: Palestinians Face Harrowing Hunt for Safety as War Intensifies by Chao Deng

  • Abuouda had received a call like this before, in the 2014 Israel-Gaza war. That time, he moved out for 45 days, then returned to repair his damaged home. This night felt more urgent. A bomb had obliterated a building hundreds of yards from his home, killing people inside. 
  • The resumption of bombing will force the Palestinians to again calculate and recalculate an impossible and potentially deadly equation—whether it is safer to stay put, or keep moving in search of a safe place within Gaza, a territory roughly the size of Philadelphia. 
  • About two months earlier, Hamas stormed the Israeli frontier, carrying out attacks on a desert music festival and in borderland farming communities that left 1,200 people dead, most of them civilians, according to Israeli authorities. Militants took more than 200 people hostage. 
  • Apart from the temporary cease-fire, Israel has been striking back ever since. Over 15,000 people have died in Gaza since Oct. 7, according to the government media office in the Hamas-run enclave. Most were women and children. The figures don’t distinguish between civilians and militants.
  • Of the around 2.2 million people in Gaza, some 1.8 million have been displaced from their homes, according to the United Nations. 
  • This is a crime, these are war crimes that are being committed here.
  • October 1982 – that is 1 year and 9 months in on the Reagan presidency. 
  • The Biden Regime is just not relenting.
  • They want to kill us, they want to kill all of us.

SIDE BAR – Rosanne Barr sat down with Bill Marr

 Border and Illegal Immigration

  • Why did the Biden Regime weld OPEN a portion of the Border Wall?
  • 900 crossed over w/o any attempt for anyone to stop them.
  • 700 of them were young men of fighting age.
  • Biden can and should be impeached just over the border crisis.
 Go Woke Go Broke

  • TV ad w/ Emmet Smith and Peyton Manning – Bud Light 
  • The companies that are still pimping woke crap are the pharmaceutical companies.
  • Apparently there are no white men that marry white women and the same w/ the black people. 
  • We only have interracial marriages if you are basing our society on just TV ads.
 Who Controls the Purse?

  • Voters – they wanted the members of Congress to be asked – why are you funding X,Y, Z?
  • You have people doing ‘man on the street’ interviews and it doesn’t matter what city or what state the consensus is that Bidenomics isn’t working and the people are feeling it.
  • Defund it – if you are doing X,Y,Z and the citizens don’t like it, it should be Congress that closes it down.


HEADLINE: Senate Republicans Prepare To Hand Democrats Abortion Victory Over Tuberville’s Protest by Shawn Fleetwood 

  • This again just shows that we don’t have a 2 party system.
  • It is one party and that party hates you.
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7:15am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Rosanne Barr on w/ Bill MarrCOVID and the pharmaceutical companies, they are trying to kill us, all these rich billionaires!
















WE are welcoming back Mitter Richard Barrett – 

The Armed Catholic will have a show on Saturday right after the Barker Break.

  • Little Ben Shapiro – will he be no longer a thing at the Daily Wire?
  • The phrase is, you know who he is.
  • He doesn’t hide who he is and what he believes. 
  • He gets the benefit of walking back what he said about the COVID vaccine b/c he is in that circle.
  • If you are a practicing Catholic, you cannot listen to this man.
  • He runs around and says things that are just completely blasphemous and sacrilegious. 
  • He is proud of it too, he is proud of his faith and he is anti-Catholic.
  • Let’s just say people revolted against his behavior – 
  • You don’t have to get your news from the ‘standard’ places.
  • You do have other outlets like this one for example you do however have to do a little research and seek them out.
  • Briebart took the money, Fox News, Daily Wire, Newsmax…they all took the Federal money for COVID.
  • You are like Taysom Hill – the best utility radio player EVER!
  • Movie reviews, gun news, daily news and so much more.
  • The TV series The Silo – really great series.
  • They have conditioned people to sit back and wait for new series.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Aaron Agnew at the Little Rock airport – after he commented on my MAGA hat and shirt. Here is part of what he said: “If America is going to have any chance at all, we better vote for Danald Trump!” – Aaron Agnew of New Man’s News Network

  • Trump isn’t a perfect man, but his ideas and his motivation that he embodies, it isn’t Donald Trump reality star it is the person that NYC and Washington will shut down for WEEKS just to get at him. 
  • He is the best of a bad bunch.
  • They are programing us to accept a lower standard of living.
  • They want us to just get comfortable w/ not having a savings account, not having a home, not having enough money for all the food we want and for a vacation to get a break.
  • It will simply SLOW this locomotive train of spending down.
  • I don’t think we need a King Arthur but a Constantine. 
  • The JFK Assassination – 
  • Who debuted the film? – Geraldo Rivera 
  • So we are all looking forward to hearing Barrett back here on the Crusade Channel this coming Saturday!
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 Crusade – Congress For Altar Culture and Trade (are available for purchase)
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Chris Christie on Face the NationLook if we just looked at polling numbers, Hillary Clinton would be in her 2nd term. If you don’t agree w/ the direction of the country, why would you vote for either Trump or Biden who have put us in this direction?
2h32mAUDIO/VIDEO: Kari Lake on w/ Maria Bartiroma on ImmigrationThe majority of these people coming over are army aged men not families. We have some families but not many. We talk a lot about Bidenflation, we have a Bidenvasion happening on the border in Arizona. 

Article III Section 3 – Treason – Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them (the states), or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

  • There is no need to get checks, email or anything like that.
  • They simply need to use THIS. 
  • The fact the Biden Regime is cutting fences and allowing this invasion.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Governor Greg Abbott New Law – In 2 weeks I’ll be signing a new law in the state of Texas that will make it illegal for people to enter the state of Texas from another country illegally, and authorizing every peace officer to arrest those people entering our country illegally.

  • If Texas actually passes this law, you are no longer an alien friend at that point.
  • Congress would HAVE to act on this border crisis.
  • Alien Friend vs Alien Enemy
  • Madison made the case that the admission of these was a municipal responsibility. 
 HEADLINE: Gold Spikes To Record High Over $2,130, Bitcoin Soars Above $40,000 As Market Calls Powell’s Bluff via ZeroHedge 

  • Someone was leaking info into the deep financial state that Jerome Powell was going to crack and they were going to lower the interest rates.
  • That is the only thing that I can think of that would have caused the bonds to drop the way they did this past week.
 HEADLINE: Mount Marapi eruption: 11 hikers found dead on Indonesian volcano via Guardian Staff 

  • Two climbing routes were closed after the eruption and residents living on the slopes of Marapi were advised to stay 3km (1.8 miles) from the crater’s mouth because of potential lava, said Ahmad Rifandi, an official with Indonesia’s volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation Center at the Marapi monitoring post.
  • However, about 75 climbers had started their way up the nearly 2,900-metre (9,480ft) mountain on Saturday. More than 160 personnel, including police and soldiers, were deployed to search for them, said Hari Agustian, an official at the local Search and Rescue Agency in Padang, the capital city of West Sumatra province.
  • About 1,400 people live on Marapi’s slopes in Rubai and Gobah Cumantiang, the nearest villages are five to six kilometres from the peak.
2h51mAUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump Cedar Rapids, IAWe stand on the shoulders of American heroes who crossed the oceans, blazed the trails, won 2 World Wars, defeated fascism & communism…it was hard working patriots like you ho built this country, and it is patriots like you who were going to save our country.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump Cedar Rapids, IAWe are up against some evil people but know this country isn’t theirs. This nation belongs to you! This is your home, this is your heritage and our American liberty is your God given right.

  • The Democrat party has teed up a win for Republicans if they aren’t too stupid to hit it out the park.
  • This is prime picking right now.
  • All Americans are feeling the effects of inflation.
  • They all see the rising prices and low wages.
  • This should be the easiest of all victories for the Republican party.

AUDIO/VIDEO: February 5, 1981 Ronald Reagan – Financial report on the United States at that time.

Attention Getters – Federal Budget $80 billion. 

  • The Damage the Biden Regime has done is so severe, I don’t think we can get it back down to a number that is doable anytime soon.

One more small dose here – 20 months later…..

October 13, 1982 – Ronald Reagan on US Financial Report – 

  • Hard work will repair some of this damage.
  • Relatively speaking this is just what you had.
  • How are people getting work done when some of us are consuming 8-12 hours a day of streaming content? 
  • That Boom Bust – what causes that?
  • The White Paper said what needed to happen was the dollar needed to be returned back to the Gold Standard.
  • The long term Reagan plan was relatively good.
  • What was the plan?
  • This is important stuff here – 
  • What can be done?
  • The states will have to do heavy lifting but the men are going to have to do a lot more.
  • The men have to go back to work.
  • The men of this country have to get back to building things, growing food for their family and just learning to work w/ your hands again.
3h25mAUDIO/VIDEO: Newsmax Cara Castronuova in the BronxFormer President Donald Trump is picking up support in The Bronx, one of New York City’s bluest areas.  NEWSMAX correspondent Cara Castronuova spoke with residents to find out why.

  • People will vote their pocketbook. 
  • Biden is in trouble.
 AUIDO/VIDEO: Tucker Carlson w/ Marjorie Taylor Greene Interview —

  1. Ukraine/Russia ConflictI was shocked. We have Ukraine, the 51st state is what I call it. I wasn’t for any of this but all of the sudden every Republican I knew started wearing Ukraine pens and it was if I was in a foreign country. We should be solely focused on America’s problems. I had shocking conversations w/ MAGA ‘conservatives’ on you have to vote for this.
  2. b. Ruling Elite DemocratsThey would kill me and you if they could. They hate us. What did Hillary Clinton call us? Deplorable’s, they look down on us. They come from some sort of elite class and we are a subclass of people. They want abortion for all women like a right of passage. They hate anyone that says they are evil.
  3. Who are the worst Republicans in the House?Mike Turner from OH, Patrick McHenry, Virginia Fox, Issa from CA. They don’t want to impeach anyone. A lot of us have conservatives that have similar voting records but I don’t have any that are willing to go all the way. 
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Meta-tags for showTucker Carlson, Cara Castronuova, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Bidenomics, MAGA, Ronald Reagan, Jerome Powell, inflation, Federal Reserve, Ukraine, Russia, Zelensky, Chao Deng, immigration, border crisis, Alejandro Meyorkas, Gaza, Israel, Palestine, Hamas, Kari Lake, Governor Greg Abbott, Texas, Arizona, Chris Christie, Ron DeSantis, Majorie Taylor Green, Mike Turner, Patrick McHenry, Virginia Fox, Kevin McCarthy, FBI, CIA, John F Kennedy, assassination, MAGA

Written by: candacechurch