The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show-Congress: No, Christ Wasn’t Killed By Red Sea Pedestrians

today05/02/2024 257 1

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6:03am cst

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Congress Passes anti-Semitism Bill

  • Bill passed w/ a vote of 320-91
  • 91 Brave souls voted no on denying the plain truth and facts that JEWS in-fact did kill Jesus.
  • I’m not sure what Baptist church Speaker Johnson goes to but you guys need to come get your spokesman. 
  • None of this turn the other cheek on this topic.
  • IHRA – International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance
  • To state or to imply that the Jews conspired to kill Jesus of Nazareth is now considered anti-Semitism. 

HEADLINE: House passes antisemitism bill over complaints from First Amendment advocates by Abigail Hauslohner 

  • God will not be mocked folks.
  • You know have CINO – now you have Christians in name only.
  • Can we be a member of a museum?
  • How can a congressman be a member of a museum?
  • According to the IHRA – Using symbols and images associated with classic antisemitism (e.g., claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel) to characterize Israel or Israelis. 
  • They don’t want to define b/c that definition doesn’t work.
  • Their definition is specific to CERTAIN people.
  • I thought I read somewhere in a great book that the Jews did in-fact play a huge role in Jesus’ death.
  • This great book is known as the Bible.
  • Are we to ban the Bible now?
  • Who has blood on their hands on Good Friday?
  • I think this is one of those Acts that will be used to mushroom out all manner of harassment. 
  • It was brought to the floor by an alleged follower. 
  • I don’t think this survives a court challenge. 
  • I think every single one of them should be outed and primaried. 
  • None of what I think will happen though.
  • Is there anyone in Shreveport that has the stones to primary Johnson? 
  • Now he is untouchable b/c if you go against him you are an anti-Semite. 
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2

















TKD Reads from his Special Ops Person – 

  • These college kids are out there in massive protests for something that is happening overseas.
  • It has no bearing on your life but you can’t protest that you can’t buy a home, or a car or even a meal b/c inflation is so high or that when you graduate you won’t be able to find a job or that if your parents die and gift you their home and property you will have to pay 40% off the top! Wake up college students, you are too stupid to realize that you are being used to push a government agenda.
  • You can never be greater than the Creator!
  • I did not give those government creatures what I can and cannot praise and believe as my religion. 
  • Here we are though.

Rep Matt Gaetz on X 

Acts 4:10 

Be it known to you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead, by him this man is standing before you well.

1 Thessalonians 2:14-16

For you, brethren, became imitators of the churches of God in Christ Jesus which are in Judea; for you suffered the same things from your own countrymen as they did from the Jews, who killed both the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and drove us out, and displease God and oppose all men by hindering us from speaking to the Gentiles that they may be saved—so as always to fill up the measure of their sins.

Acts 3:14-15

You denied the Holy and Righteous One, and asked for a murderer to be granted to you, and killed the Author of life, whom God raised from the dead. To this we are witnesses.

  • Will wearing a Crucifix w/ a Corpus on it now become illegal?
  • What if you wear outwardly the betrayal of Judas?
  • Will this now all be considered anti-Semitic? 
  • Will it get you kicked out of a public building?

HEADLINE: Mike Johnson Announces New House Investigation into Anti-Semitism on College Campuses by Eric Lendrum 

  • At least six different committees will be involved in the wide-ranging probe: Education and Workforce; Energy and Commerce; Oversight; Judiciary; Ways and Means; and Science, Space, and Technology.
  • There was already an existing investigation by the Education and Workforce Committee, led by Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.). That investigation focused on a handful of Ivy League universities, including Harvard, and ultimately led to the resignations of Harvard President Claudine Gay and University of Pennsylvania President Liz Magill.
  • You can now see the Republican party morphing into the Nazi party before your very eyes.
  • So we have the Nancy party and the Nazi party now.
  • “The college campus used to be the place for respectful debate, for the differences of opinion in the free marketplace of ideas to be discussed. That is not what is happening here. You are intimidating and shouting down people you disagree with.” – Speaker Mike Johnson
  • So we can’t be bothered w/ anything of real importance but lets go after the students in college.
  • The ones that are just angry about everything b/c they honestly have no future.
  • We will make sure not a stone has been unturned so that no pro-Christian that believes in the Gospel truth of the Crucifix is left.
  • I have a question – when you are done w/ all of this, will I be hunted down and executed?
  • Will I be able to buy my way out of this?
  • Will I be able to pay a tax for being Catholic?
  • The investigation will focus on universities that receive federal funding. Each committee will have a different role to play, as all six committees have some level of jurisdiction over colleges across the country. For example, while the Judiciary Committee will investigate the universities from a perspective of anti-discrimination laws, the Oversight Committee will probe who is funding the protests.
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1h10mThis Was All A Set Up

  • Remember during COVID when they passed here in Louisiana they passed an act for mandatory mask wearing?
  • Normalizing masks during COVID made all of this possible.
  • You now can wear this thing and disguise yourself and commit crimes.
  • Does the FBI software know or allow for those using and wearing masks?
  • Does facial recognition work? 
  • Most of this was set up and started in the works during COVID.
  • They normalized something that is now being used against us.
  • Why are all these college kids wearing masks?
  • Because most of these ‘college students’ are professional protestors. 
  • Are some of these people illegal immigrants being paid to incite violence on these campuses?

Candace Owens on X – When are Christians going to wake up? First professing that “Christ is King” during Easter week is antisemitic. Now, the true story of Christ’s death is deemed antisemitic. Christians are being told that acknowledging our doctrine or history is a form of antisemitism.

  • What did the Nazis do outside of the ‘cleansing’?
  • What else did they do?
  • They segregated people and divided people.
  • They changed some of the food safety regulations.
  • What else did the post Weimar Republicans do that Israel hasn’t done?
  • There were entire villages rounded up on the march Leningrad that were in the way that they just slaughtered. 
  • I’m sure there is much more but what will the average American do here?
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump – University ProtestsIsrael needs to finish the job and finish it quickly b/c we must stand w/ Israel. All this anti-semitism has to stop. 

  • I don’t understand what he means by “you need to let them finish the job”.
  • I started this year out being a 98% Trumper and now w/ the abortion and IVF and now this, I don’t know guys. 
  • If he keeps this up I’m out!
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Rashida Tlaib – University ProtestsSending in militarized police and snipers to stop students from exercising their 1st Amendment rights is truly disgusting.  

  • How is it that Tlaib makes more sense on this issue than the Republican Speaker Mike Johnson?
  • She just spoke about the Armenian Genocide.
7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at


HR 6090 – Anti-Semitism Bill 

  • Every single Democrat voted for this bill.
  • Even if you were opposed they didn’t DARE vote no yesterday.
  • That includes Rep Rashida Tlaib.
  • Even after her speech we just played for you, she still voted FOR that bill.
  • We are in dangerous times here folks.
  • THAT my friends is how you govern.
  • That is how Nancy and now her predecessor Hakeem Jeffries is running their party.
 SIDE NOTE: UPDATE –  The frat boys who held up the American flag at UNC and told a pro-Palestine protester to lose some weight have had $270,000 raised for them to throw a rager. In just one day, the boys are narrowing in on $300,000 and have even received a $10,000 donation from billionaire Bill Ackman.







HEADLINE: Burr versus Jefferson versus Marshall by R. Kent Newmyer 

  • The bare-bones facts surrounding the case against the Revolutionary War hero seem inconceivable. But during the long, hot summer of 1807, Burr, a gifted lawyer and charismatic politician—he had  delivered New York’s decisive electoral votes to Thomas Jefferson in 1800 and then served as his vice president—was in the dock of Chief Justice John Marshall’s federal circuit court in Richmond, Virginia, accused by the president himself of treason. He was charged with levying war against the nation in attempting to separate the western states from the union.
  • The Framers never considered there would be someone like Joe Biden.
  • They couldn’t fathom that Americans would elect someone like Biden.
  • The Executive branch is where the execution of laws would be.
  • A failure to execute or something that abrogates the law could be considered Treasonous! 
  • One other charge is bribery – that is a high crime and misdemeanor. 
  • The trial proceeded against Burr.
  • So the long ordeal ended with a whimper and without a single conviction. Burr was legally a free man, but most Americans, including the president who said so publicly, still considered him a traitor, and, what is worse, a traitor who had escaped the gallows. After four years of self-imposed exile in Europe, Burr returned to New York, where he remained a social outcast, a man without a country, as in the famous 1863 short story by Edward Everett Hale. Jefferson may have lost his case, but he succeeded in destroying Burr or at least in helping Burr destroy himself.
  • I have to tell you in what Karine Jean-Pierre has said and what Biden has so far done, Biden is not the one cheerleading on HR6190, Trump is.
  • See how the roles are reversed?!
1h55mAUDIO/VIDEO: Governor Eric Adams – Palestinian Protestors – That’s our flag folks! You don’t take over our buildings and put another flag up. It may be fine to other people, but not to me. It’s despicable that a school would allow another country’s flag to fly in our country. 

  • So that makes TWO times today I agree w/ people that are in the Democrat party.
  • Why is the leader of the Republican party not a male?
  • Why is the leader of the opposition a woman?
  • Right now Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene seems to be the only one willing to stand up to this nonsense. 
  • She sure seems more heroic than Speaker Johnson at this point.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene – MUGA – The unitary hates MAGA. They don’t want to Make America Great Again. They want to make Ukraine great again. They are the party of forever war spending. 



Special Guest 

Brother Andre Marie

Follow Bother on GAB and Twitter – @Brother_Andre

  • I knew something was coming but I didn’t know the details on it.
  • This is laying the foundation for something else.
  • When your interests aren’t the interest of God or your church or even your nation!
  • I don’t need to tell you about the power of APAC.
  • There is incredible power there.
  • They wield far too much power and this is one reason why we will never have a sane foreign policy in the Middle East.
  • I heard you mention how you used to not be for term limits and now you are.
  • I understand it in broad outline and some flesh on those bones but I don’t pretend to be an expert on the subject. 

HEADLINE: The Nakba and the Christians of Palestine: Important Background to Current Events by Brother Andre Marie

  • One thing that must be grasped about Zionism — and this is something “Christian Zionists” need to hear — is that many of its historical adherents have rejected not only the Messiah, Our Lord Jesus Christ, but the very idea of a personal Messiah as that idea was taught in the Old Testament. These Zionists contend that the Jewish Nation is the Messiah. It is for this reason that many Orthodox Jews consider Zionism a “heresy.”

HEADLINE: The War Crimes in Gaza from a Catholic Worldview by Brother Andre Marie 

Israel Journalist – Gideon Levy

  • You have religious Jews that are very anti-Zionist as well.
  • They are very vocally anti-Zionist and that is not a recent thing this has been.
8:33am cstSEGMENT 6



AUDIO/VIDEO: Jacksonville Florida Mayor Donna DeeganYou’ve seen me lose my hair to chemo. Imagine if the government took away the freedom to determine my own treatment. Think of how much closer were are to that today.

  • The cancer in your breast ma’am was never going to be born and breathe!
  • A pregnancy is nothing like cancer ma’am!
  • It doesn’t have a life, a soul and it is not a human being.
  • So to compare a treatment of cancer to the time in which you can murder a child…that is evil.
  • This isn’t an apple v apple scenario ma’am.
  • Did anyone take this woman to task on this?
  • You have to call this what it is.



Mahgdalen Rose

Political Correspondent 

Hakeem Jeffries – he has his people under control.

  • He is showing how much of a formidable guy he is.
  • He is showing he is running the house.
  • He is facilitating what comes to the house floor etc.
  • He has complete control over his caucus. 
  • You saw that when Tlaib spoke for 5 minutes about how terrible Israel is and then went and voted yes.
  • That is why Nancy Pelosi wasn’t afraid to step down.
  • She knew she trained him very well and that he would have total control like she did.
  • We have no house leadership but also like George Santos – why would we lessen our own majority by kicking him out? 
  • The left would NEVER do that.
  • And he would always vote for the hard right!
  • Republicans always campaign and working for their enemies approval!
  • He is so ill-suited fo the job and he doesn’t even realize how to protest the left on anything.
  • Donald Trump called Sean Hannity yesterday – is Trump playing into the Fox news community when he calls in?
  • Across the board we have a problem w/ pro-Hamas people on campuses across the country.
  • If you are pro-Hamas you are not pro-American at the end of the day.
  • If you look at Florida and Louisiana you won’t see the massive protests but it is a quiet support.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Robert F Kennedy Jr – Spoiler CandidateMost polls are conducted by MSM outlets. Most of those polls have +/-3 margin of error. Trump v Biden and then add Bobby as a 3rd party candidate. 

  • Trump has the ability to win this.
  • Does he go in and focus on white and asian and hispanic voters?
  • He can’t go in and try to bag the entire black vote.
  • He won’t win that whole demographic.

    After all that has already been said, it will be easy to deal with the question of anti-Semitism. What is meant by the term? It means hatred of the Jews as a race. The Jews, however, use the word to designate any form of opposition to themselves, and they strive persistently to associate irrationality and want of balance with the term. They evidently want the world to believe that anyone who opposes Jewish pretensions is more or less mentally deranged.

   Now, first of all, it must be remarked that the term is too wide and too loose. The Arabs are doubtless Semites. Yet the Arabs in Palestine, on account of their opposition to Jewish domination, are anti-Semites.

   Secondly, as we must stand valiantly for the rights of Christ the King, the true Supernatural Messias, and strive to reimpregnate society with the supernatural spirit of the Mystical Body, we must combat Jewish efforts to permeate the world with naturalism. In that sense, as there is only one divine plan for order in the world, every sane thinker must be an anti-Semite. The Jewish World, February 9th 1883, contained the following programme: “The great ideal of Judaism is . . . that the whole world should be imbued with Jewish teachings, and that in a universal Brotherhood of nations—a greater Judaism in fact—all the separate races and religions shall disappear.” This implies the elimination of the Supernatural Messias and the disappearance of the Mystical Body of Christ, the Catholic Church. The Jews need not he surprised that such pretensions evoke “anti-Semitism.”That programme is a challenge to the Catholic Church to a duel to the death.  –Rev. Denis Fahey, C.C.Sp., The Kingship of Christ and The Conversion of the Jewish Nation

Meta-tags for showRobert F Kennedy Jr, Mahgdalen Rose, RNC, GOP, Hakeem Jeffries, Donald Trump, Nancy Pelosi, H.R. 6090, anti-Semitism, Israel, Ukraine, Gaza, Palestine, Abigail Hauslohner, Speaker Mike Johnson, IHRA, Rep Matt Gaetz, Rep Thomas Massie, Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene, MUGA, MAGA, Donna Deegan, abortion, Gideon Levy, Brother Andre Marie, George Santos, Nakba, Governor Eric Adams, NYC, APAC, R. Kent Newmyer, Aaron Burr, Thomas Jefferson, treason, Karine Jean-Piere, Rep Rashida Tlaib, AOC, Candace Owens, COVID, UNC, university protests, Eric Lendum

Written by: candacechurch