The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show-Debt, Pedos And Demoncrats, Three Reasons To Secede

today05/19/2023 274 1

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 The King Dude has three reasons why we should secede from this union, Debt, Pedos And Demoncrats. Find out how on this episode of the Mike Church Show. 

Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cst Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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  HEADLINE: The Unspoken Warning In The Durham Report: American Self-Government Is Collapsing by John Daniel Davidson 

  • Without a civic life shaped and guided by Christian moral virtue, our republic will eventually descend into tyranny.
  • “absent a curing of the corrupted hearts and minds of law enforcement and intelligence agencies.”


























Archduke of Austria Eduard Habsburg

Follow Eduard on Twitter: @EduardHabsburg

Author of the Habsburg Way

Ambassador of Hungary to the Holy See 

  • I would have to kill like 90 Habsburgs to become any kind of actual King or Emporeror. 
  • It is a rather breezy read for your daily life.
  • Battle of Lepanto 
  • The Siege movie – they aren’t very nice to King Leopold. 
  • Movies get people right just a few times.
  • Someone in my onion in Amadeus was the only one Hollywood got right.
  • This seems to be growing, you have an entire section/chapter on Get Married, Have Lots of Children.
  • The greatest gift is to have lots of children for the parents, and the other greatest gift is to give your children siblings.
  • I have 6 children total – I am very proud of them and in Europe people scream and yell b/c they believe the ideal family is only 1 1/2 kids.
  • Every state should be strongly encouraging every couple to have many children.
  • It is the best building block of a state.
  • You protect the youngest and weakest, you learn responsibility and friendship and most of all love.
  • You are NEVER alone!
  • You are helped, you are looked after, you are protected.
  • Family is the fortress where no one can put their wires in!
  • They can’t force their ideology on the family unit.
  • Balance is the key to a successful country.
  • Habsburg is a plural word b/c there are always several Habsburgs never just one.
  • It is not to squeeze out one child after your career. 
  • Here in our Latin Mass community we have that very thing, many families have 5 or more children. 
  • Italy used to be the place of children – in the 50’s there was a movie done the children were filled in the streets.
  • Now you don’t see pregnant women or children in Italy any longer.
  • The Habsburg Motto – Bella gerant alii, tu felix Austria nube – ‘Let others wage war: thou, happy Austria, marry’.
  • What was it like growing up a Habsburg?
  • You descend from a Catholic, strong family that stood for their subjects, and stood for what was right and wrong.
  • What does it mean to be a Habsburg?
  • Stand for Faith, Catholicism, Family and you are expected to aspire for greatness.
  • You have to LIVE YOUR FAITH!
  • Now people call you a devout Catholic if you have been baptized.
  • You must LIVE according to the Church.
  • You should live w/ your rosary in your pocket.
  • There are Holy Masses during the week, attend them if you can.
  • Community – I think it is because we wish our political leaders to be selfless and serve w/ higher morals.
  • We want to look up to our political leaders but we do not have that in office currently.
  • I think our system doesn’t encourage morally upstanding people in leadership.
  • Viktor Orban in Hungary – What do you think about him, he isn’t Catholic he is a Calvinist.
  • Do you want to be ambassador for Hungary? 
  • Pope Francis always says you know which language will be spoken in Heaven? Hungarian b/c it takes an eternity to learn it.
  • He is a devout Calvinist, he will kneel down in the Consecration but he doens’t belive in the transformation of the Eucharist. 
  • Hungary was widely attacked when they introduced the law against LGBTQ agenda near schools or anywhere near minors.
  • He has a few hills he will die on and that is his Christian faith.
  • Georgia is in a far more complicated situation she doesn’t have a power base yet.
  • Orban has many people in his cabinet that all agree w/ him and are Christian.
  • The state pays half of your large family van, if you get a loan from a bank, you don’t have to pay it back once you have the 4th child.
  • Believe In The Empire – When I wrote this book I was surprised.
  • Our idea of Empire is a wrong one and I blame George Lucas for that.
  • The Holy Roman Empire was a very different affair.
  • Respect for the lower level.
  • You are United States, your Federal level should be lower than the state itself. 
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7:15am cst Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
  14th Amendment

  • You cannot use the 14th Amendment to stop a government shutdown or debt default.
  • You had John Fetterman out there yesterday in his hoodie telling the press Biden needed to invoke the 14th Amendment to get Congress to raise the debt ceiling.
1h27m Back to the Habsurg interview – 

  • Coming from a Hungarian, he told us our Federal government and the states have it backwards.
  • The STATES should be more powerful than the Federal government.
  • He gave a different definition – 1918 the Austro-Hungarian Empire was a good thing.
  • Blessed Karl and Empress Zita was the last…
  • Lifetime exemption from income tax – 4 children in Hungary
1h37m HEADLINE: The Unspoken Warning In The Durham Report: American Self-Government Is Collapsing by John Daniel Davidson 

  • Did you see the newest map of the states that ban abortion!
  • It looks like the Old Confederacy is back baby.
  • South Carolina has something in the works for an abortion ban but they aren’t listed yet.
  • Idaho, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, West Virginia, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Texas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama and Georgia.
  • The American union as we once knew it is over.
  • This is a grave sin to extend this debt limit and pass it onto generations yet to be born.
  • I’m with Trump on this, go ahead and do the default and move forward, it’s gonna’ happen.
  • But what would actually happen if the default occurs?
  • The Deep State is the health of the state.
  • The security state, that is their baby, it is how they get away w/ everything.
  • For Altar, Culture and Trade – 8 hours 45 minutes worth of Congress Gold!
  • Back to John Daniel Davidson – without a civic life shaped and guided by Christian moral virtue, our republic will eventually descend into tyranny.
  • We are being informed by the Deep State that it is going to resist any effort to reform it, change it or cut its budget.
  • Durham didn’t recommend any changes to FBI guidelines or policies, because no amount of reform will be sufficient if the people in charge feel free to disregard guidelines and policies whenever they see fit to do so.
  • Americans truly do want their leaders to be morally upstanding people.
  • We want to look up to them as role models.
  AUDIO/VIDEO: John Fetterman on debt ceilingJoe Biden needs to use the 14th Amendment, this is why it exists. We cannot let reckless Republicans hold our economy hostage. 

  • This is just sad, on many levels.
  • It doesn’t have to say WHO pays the debt in 14th b/c it says earlier!
8:13am cst Welcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
  Crusade – Congress For Altar Culture and Trade (are available for purchase)
  Bee Gees Small Medley 

No matter how small it is still an assault to the ears.


Celebrate Humility Month

  • This is our Catholic effort to stop the insanity of Pride Month.
  • People you thought would never go along w/ this now do.
  • The Church seems to refuse to oppose it out of fear.
  • The virtue that counter acts Pride is Humility.
  • Inside the heart what do you see?
  • The family unit, a man a woman and children. 
  • You see celebrate Humility Month yard signs.
  • Are you brave enough to put one in your lawn?
  • This isn’t mean spirited, it is us proudly living our Catholic faith.
  • No we aren’t putting the crown of thorns on this because then it will look as if we are putting a family in prison.


HEADLINE: Depressed? Ditch Your Phone, Go Outside, Fix Your Diet, Practice Prayer And Kindness by Tristan Justice

  • The findings came from a survey of 5,167 adults between Feb. 21-28 this year as part of Gallup’s National Health and Well-Being Index. The number of Americans who reported ever receiving a diagnosis of depression climbed nearly 10 percentage points compared to just eight years ago (from 19.6 percent to 29 percent). 
  • About 1 in 3 U.S. adults report a “constant” presence onlineaccording to the Pew Research Center.
  • A groundbreaking study published in Molecular Psychiatry journal last summer exposed antidepressants as having scarcely more effect than placebos. The findings led some psychologists to reject the long-held belief that depression is caused by a chemical imbalance.
  • That generation is very very gullible. 
  • Why wouldn’t they have the same effect?
  • Survey participants were divided into three groups, with each group assigned one of three different approaches to alleviate their symptoms: planning social activities, cognitive reappraisal, and acts of kindness. “Acts of kindness” was defined as “big or small acts that benefit others or make others happy, typically at some cost to you in terms of time or resources,” and was found most effective.
  • TKD tells story of being at the restaurant 527 in Mandeville – 
  • Just going outside for a few minutes and spend that time in the sun can in-fact make you feel better.
  • You not only get some Vitamin D but the light just makes you feel better.
  • Lower cognitive function, doing things you aren’t used to things…you will become smarter again.
3h36m Free Farm Friday Show

Farmer Dan Mundy from New Jersey 

Farmer Brian Koch from Texas 

  • Usually when I’ve had problems like that it is because of lack of water.
  • But you planted trucker corn last year so it was giant stalks.
  • This year you planted sweet corn and it won’t get that tall.
  • AI farming – 
  • They have to engineer special seeds to grow in artificial light and using robots to take care of the plants.

HEADLINE: Zapp’s chip brand owner Utz goes public in merger aimed at next 100 years of growth via the Advocate 

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Meta-tags for show Brian Koch, Daniel Mundy, Zapp’s, Utz, Tristan Justice, depression, social media, Free Farm Friday, Humility Month, LGBTQ, Pride month, John Daniel Davidson, Durham report, FBI, DOJ, Marjorie Taylor Greene, impeachment, Joe Biden, Eduard Habsburg, vitamin D, Hungary, Viktor Orban, Austria, Bee Gees, WHO, John Fetterman, 14th Amendment, pro-life, abortion ban, pro-choice, Blessed Karl, Calvinist, Catholicism, Pope Francis, Kennedy Hall, Taylor Marshall, Donald Trump

Written by: Justin Redman
