The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show-In-Justice Isn’t Blind She’s Black And Hates Trump

today11/07/2023 171

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Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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44mHEADLINE: Democrats’ Abortion Activism Hinges On Lies And Deception by Jordan Boyd 

HEADLINE: Issue 1 Permanently Writes Planned Parenthood’s Business Model Into Ohio’s Constitution by Jordan Boyd 

  • If passed, the Issue 1 constitutional amendment and its sweeping provisions would immediately supplant any of Ohio’s laws, including the state’s current 22-week abortion limit.
  • Issue 1 is not a resurrection of the status quo. Because constitutional language supersedes regular statutes, Issue 1 would upend long-standing Ohio laws governing the abortion process, including laws governing late-term or particularly unethical abortion practices, and laws governing parental notification.
  • Other language in the proposal such as “fetal viability” does have an assigned legal definition but one that hinges on the subjective judgment of a doctor who is free to deem abortion necessary for a woman’s “health.”
53mDonald Trump NYC Trial 

HEADLINE: Trump claims New York fraud trial is ‘election interference’ – as it happened by Victoria Bekiempis and Maya Yang

  • The Judge literally said “I’m not here to listen to what you have to say”. 
  • There is no Jury, the Judge is the Jury!
  • So has the Judge made up his mind already before this thing is even remotely over?
  • I can hear in his voice when he says “I don’t have to be here but I feel like I must b/c this is MY company they are coming after”.
  • What is Trump actually being charged for?
  • While all this is going on there is an attempt to start WWIII.
  • John Kirby is out there saying what is happening in Gaza isn’t genocide b/c it doesn’t fit the definition. 
  • So if they can do this to Donald Trump, THE Donald Trump, what can they do to the average American?
  • We don’t have that kind of money to protect our name and our assets.
  • What happens when they come after someone like me?
 New Canal Parallel to the Suez Canal

  • Did you know that there is a proposal to create a new canal?
  • Guess where the new canal will come out in the Mediterranean Sea?
  • Did you guess Gaza Strip?
  • Who benefits from this?
 Thomas Massie Amendment

  • There will be a clause in Federal Law that all new vehicles will have built-in, mandatory kill switches in them.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]
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 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:15am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
1h30mAUDIO/VIDEO: Trump Attorney Alina Habba – This judge has already predetermined that my client has committed fraud. Ms James wants to stand here and call my client a liar and make a name for herself. If we don’t stop corruption in courtrooms, it doesn’t matter what your politics are. I was yelled at by a Judge that was unhinged slamming the table. 

(Too male and too pale is what she said about his administration.)

  • She makes some really great points in this statement.
  • What are you going to do little American when your attorney doesn’t have a microphone?
  • If your attorney can’t tell the public the injustices you are going through in a courtroom, what happens to you?
  • Why is the AG of NY prosecuting this case to begin with?
  • This woman is completely and totally biased. 

FLASHBACK AUDIO/VIDEO: AG Letitia James on Donald TrumpWe have to stand up to bullies, we have to stand up against this administration. It is too pale, too male and too stale.

  • What if they decided they didn’t get enough MAGA Catholics in prison?
  • Are you next?
  • Am I next?
  • I am white and male!
1h45mLowder w/ Crowder, Nashville Shooter

  • The first image released shows purple gloves handling the book/manifesto.
  • That lends to us believing that was either a forensic person or a police officer. 
  • Then you can see the Metro Police car in the distance.
  • One image you can clearly see a spiral notebook and the other image is clearly a composition book so the 3 images released are from 2 different books by Audrey Hale.
  • How many books did they find?
  • Where is the final video she has in her itinerary that clearly states it will be 10 minutes?

HEADLINE: Metro investigating who leaked images of the Covenant School Shooter’s writings by Emily West 

  • I wonder if there are names, books referenced, famous transgender influencers named or things of that nature in this manifesto. 
  • She obviously had serious mental health issues.
 ADUIO/VIDEO: President Donald Trump outside of the NYC CourtroomThis is a case that should have never been brought. It’s a case that should be dismissed immediately. The fraud was on behalf of the court. The court was the fraudster in this case. Their star witness Michael Cohen admitted he lied. That’s their only witness.

  • What does this say about the government of the United States and the state of New York?
  • Who in the private sector is promoting the community welfare?
  • Who in the government sector is promoting the community welfare?
2h02mAUDIO/VIDEO: Julian Assange on Hillary Clinton’s email to John PodestaISIS is funded by Saudi Arabia and Qatar. This is the most significant email in the whole collection. The government of Saudi and the government of Qatar has been funding ISIS under Hillary Clinton and Clinton emails reveled the largest ever arms deals in the world was made in Saudi Arabia more than $80billion dollars.

  • I have been telling you guys this for over 7 years now.
  • The Clinton’s didn’t even try to hide what they were doing with the Clinton Foundation.
  • Julian Assange just confirmed all of this.
  • Obama agreed to sell these arms.
  • How did the Middle East become destabilized? 
  • WE DID IT!
  • We are the reason the Middle East is what it is today.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Dr Alice Rothchild Director of Al-Awda Hospital on Gaza Humanitarian IssuesThere is no running water, we can’t was or sterilize our instruments, the hospital will completely stop working tomorrow evening b/c the diesel stock has run out. There is complete scarcity of food and food supplies in every area North of Gaza.
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 Crusade – Congress For Altar Culture and Trade (are available for purchase)


HEADLINE: YouTube REMOVES Steven Crowder’s reporting on trans Nashville school shooter manifesto, claiming violation of ‘violent criminal organizations policy’ by Libby Emmons 

  • YouTube sent a message to Crowder, which he shared on free speech platform X. “We wanted to let you know our team reviewed your content and we think it violates our violent criminal organizations policy,” YouTube said, conflating the release of primary source information obtained by an investigative journalist and an actual crime syndicate.
  • YouTube detailed their policy for Crowder, saying that “Content that glorifies violent criminal organization or incites violence is not allowed on YouTube.” They claimed to review incidents of allaged violations on a “case-by-case basis.”























Michael Hichborn

Founder of the Lepanto Institute

Follow the Institute on Twitter – @LepantoInst

  • Issue 1 in Ohio
  • DAY OF BIRTH abortion is what Issue 1 aims to do in Ohio.
  • We have to remember the word abortion itself does not mean aborting the life of the baby, it means terminating the pregnancy.
  • What they are using the word as now, is targeting the life of the baby itself.
  • They should be describing it as ‘tearing the babies apart’ because that is what is actually happening. 

HEADLINE: Catholic Campaign for Human Development Grantee Collects Pornographic LGBTQ Books for Minors at Youth Center by Michael Hichborn 

  • The Catholic Campaign for Human Development has provided grants to the organization called Congregations United to Serve Humanity (CUSH).  From 2012-2018, the CCHD provided a total of $202,000 to CUSH, after which time it hadn’t received a grant again until the 2021-2022 grants cycle.  The recently published CCHD grants list for 2021-2022 shows that CUSH received a grant of $45,000 for that year. 
  • Egypt represents both evil and hell in the Bible.
  • Banned Books Drive 
  • Also collected by CUSH is the book, “All Boys Aren’t Blue.”  The book contains multiple scenes of homosexual oral sex and anal sex. 
  • They collected these books for kids in middle school!
  • Bp. Timothy Senior had the gaul to tell me that “I could be guaranteed that no money from the Catholic CCHD was going to this type of stuff”.
  • That is a damn lie!!!
  • I have video evidence of this actually happening. 
  • So either he is a liar or he is incompetent. 
  • Despite the platitudes and assurances from Bp. Senior, groups like CUSH continue to receive CCHD funds.  And this isn’t entirely surprising, considering CUSH’s relationship with two Catholic parishes in the Milwaukee Archdiocese.  According to CUSH’s member congregation page, St. Mary Catholic Church and St. Mark Catholic Church are both members.
  • Don’t tell someone you love them then vote for someone that will hurt them!
  • Remember Joe Camel for cigarettes came out and they went crazy over how they were ‘targeting children’ and thus had to be removed?
  • But THESE books are perfectly fine.
  • In short, the National CCHD, the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, St. Mark’s, St. Mary’s, and the Sinsinawa Dominican Sisters are all implicated in the collection of pornographic, homosexual books intended for young kids.  But this recent action of CUSH is just the tip of the iceberg.
  • CUSH says that the Rainbow Forward Task Force is “Working to raise the HRC’s Municipal Equality Index Score in the city of Kenosha one issue at a time.”
  • What is interesting is that Mathewson mentions that he spoke with the Archdiocese of Milwaukee at this time.  A few locals in Milwaukee have been assisting the Lepanto Institute in this investigation, and we have received word from multiple sources that CUSH had been receiving a CCHD grant for FY 2022-2023, and was “removed from the list” in May due to concerns about Hawkins’ connection to Planned Parenthood.  What this means is that the CCHD maintained funding to CUSH for the past year, and was considering it for another grant for 2023-2024 and only “removed them from the list” after the threat of publicity was brought to the attention of the Archdiocese. 
  • The inside of the Catholic Church as what you and I think the Vatican actually looks like.
  • The plot is so interesting, I would say Hichborn should watch this and write something about it.
  • Leviathan – 
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Tucker Carlson w/ Martin Shkreli There are drugs that cost thousands of dollars and no one mentions them in a Congressional questioning. This pill was very rarely used, less than $1 million. If you don’t raise the price of that drug, pharmaceutical companies will just stop making it b/c it isn’t profitable to make. This was an effort to keep this drug on the shelf while waiting for the generics to step in and create one cheaper.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: John Kirby on Fox News is Genocide happening in GazaYou can’t look at what is happening in Gaza and say that the definition of genocide. And clearly we don’t agree w/ that description. We think that is an irresponsible way of describing this.

  • You are admitting thousands of civilian casualties have occurred in Gaza and then turn around and say you are working with Israel anyway?
  • Isn’t that a war crime?
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Young Lady on Suez Canal and the Gaza Strip –
3h58mAUDIO/VIDEO: Young Man discussing the Zionists PlaybookThey literally have a handbook and it has the ‘protocols of the learned elders of Zion’ with ‘words that work’ and ‘how to talk about Palestine’. 
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Meta-tags for showZionist, Palestine, Gaza Strip, Israel, John Kirby, Donald Trump, genocide, Tucker Carlson, Martin Shkreli, Big Pharma, Leviathan, Lepanto Institute, CUSH, USCCB, Michael Hichborn, Jordan Boyd, Issue 1, abortion, Ohio, Victoria Bekiempis, Maya Yang, Suez Canal, CCHD, LGBTQ, Gender Queer, Thomas Massie, Bp. Timothy Senior, Alina Habba, AG Letitia James, NYC, immigration, Libby Emmons, Steven Crowder, Nashville shooter, Audrey Hale, Dr Alice Rothchild, Emily West, Hillary Clinton, Clinton Foundation, ISIS, ISIL

Written by: Justin Redman