The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show-Member Pearl Harbor Day And What Really Caused It: Murican Sanctions on Japan

today12/07/2022 232

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The Mike Church Show-Member Pearl Harbor Day And What Really Caused It: Murican Sanctions on Japan

Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on

Call the show  844-5CRUSADE

 Glory and Shine to the Crusade Channel
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Guess What Day It is? – Hump Day
37mHEADLINE: Father Brouillette: Scapular only item recovered from Father Otis Young’s burned body by Erika Ferrando WWL

  • This is a miracle – the only thing that was found or remained on Father Otis’s body was his brown scapular.
  • It looked as though Our Lady had placed it around his neck AFTER his body was burned.
  • Our Lady tells us she will be with us and won’t let a soul go to hell if we wear our brown scapular.
 HEADLINE: Warnock wins Georgia Senate runoff, Walker concedes by Ben Whedon

  • So Georgia has a strong pro-life citizenry but they now have 2 rabid pro-choice people running that state.
  • Pray tell how this happens?
55mThe Dark Winter

  • Will you feel it here in the United States?
  • The UK is already feeling the effects of this now and it will only get worse for those people.

Time Magazine just dropped their PERSON OF THE YEAR cover and guess who is on it?

  • Zelensky – the warmongering ruler of Ukraine
  • Winter isn’t even here yet folks.
  • My vocation goes into the toilet when Republicans win the House or Senate or the WH.
  • I have been through this 3 times now.
  • It is going to get really really bad coming up here b/c the Republicans won the House and people tune out thinking ALL IS WELL!
 Crusade Channel Teaming Up With Epoch Times (affiliate link)
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]
 Do business with those that do business with us. BullDog Kia have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Get your Kia today from the fine folks at BullDog Kia in Atlanta Georgia.
 BRAVE BROWSER: Now you can support the Crusade Channel without spending a DIME! Simply use the url to download the BRAVE browser and WE get credit: We can earn up to $50,000 for the downloads if our listeners use this browser.
7:15am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.



HEADLINE: PayPal Is Waging War Against This Veteran-Owned Conservative Business (Again) by Evita Duffy 

  • ‘They’re destroying businesses entirely,’ said Peters, ‘and, ultimately, they’re destroying people’s jobs and lives.’
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Gourmeltz in Spotsylvania VAowner being shut down by law enforcement b/c he refused to close down during COVID. 

  • This is retroactive retribution. 




HEADLINE: How U.S. Economic Warfare Provoked Japan’s Attack on Pearl Harbor by Robert Higgs 

  • Many people are misled by formalities. They assume, for example, that the United States went to war against Germany and Japan only after its declarations of war against these nations in December 1941. In truth, the United States had been at war for a long time before making these declarations. Its war making took a variety of forms. For example, the U.S. navy conducted “shoot [Germans] on sight” convoys — convoys that might include British ships — in the North Atlantic along the greater part the shipping route from the United States to Great Britain, even though German U-boats had orders to refrain (and did refrain) from initiating attacks on U.S. shipping. The United States and Great Britain entered into arrangements to pool intelligence, combine weapons development, test military equipment jointly, and undertake other forms of war-related cooperation. The U.S. military actively cooperated with the British military in combat operations against the Germans, for example, by alerting the British navy of aerial or marine sightings of German submarines, which the British then attacked. The U.S. government undertook in countless ways to provide military and other supplies and assistance to the British, the French, and the Soviets, who were fighting the Germans. The U.S. government also provided military and other supplies and assistance, including warplanes and pilots, to the Chinese, who were at war with Japan. The U.S. military actively engaged in planning with the British, the British Commonwealth countries, and the Dutch East Indies for future combined combat operations against Japan. Most important, the U.S. government engaged in a series of increasingly stringent economic warfare measures that pushed the Japanese into a predicament that U.S. authorities well understood would probably provoke them to attack U.S. territories and forces in the Pacific region in a quest to secure essential raw materials that the Americans, British, and Dutch (government in exile) had embargoed.

AUDIO/VIDEO: How US Economic Warfare Provoked Japan’s Attack on Pearl Harbor 

QUESTION: So how exactly did Pearl Harbor come about?

  • The Lend Lease Program
 Crusader Monastery – The Veritas Radio Network also have a prayer request line. Send your prayer requests to [email protected]
 Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 Make a Contribution to our October Crowdfunding –
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Joe BidenNow inflation at the grocery store is coming down. Prices of things like clothing, televisions & appliances are going down. And it’s good news for the holiday season.

  • Stopped at Buc-ee’s in Leeds Alabama.
  • TKD and Maggie stopped on the way back from Georgia.
  • Do you know what they now have at Buc-ee’s?
  • An entire section of gas pumps w/ Ethanol Free gas.
  • Remember when Biden signed a decree that they could go up to 15% of ethanol in gas due to the high gas prices?
  • I don’t think they ever took that 15% back down to the normal 10%.






















Brother Andre Marie

Host of ReConquest aired only on the Crusade Channel.

Follow Brother on social media @Brother_Andre

4 GREAT Latin Doctors

  1. St Ambrose
  2. St Gerome
  3. St Augustine
  4. St Gregory the Great
  • Long and short he was from that area and pursued a career as a rator a teacher of rhetoric. 
  • His mother was determined and holy, Saint Monica, followed him to Milan.
  • She was still working and praying for St Augustines conversion. 
  • He didn’t think St Ambrose was the best speaker but he eventually becomes a Catholic.
  • 10 years before St Ambroses death.
  • He didn’t become a Priest until he went back to South Africa.
  • We owe a lot to St Ambrose.
  • He fought the Arian Heresy and the Novations too!
  • They denied the power of the Church to forgive sins – Novations.
  • QUESTION: Does anyone in the Protestant church have the power to forgive sins?
  • It is a defense of that Dogma that has something to do w/ the Nutella Salad thing. lol

HEADLINE: The Fathers of the Church on Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus via

HEADLINE: Saint Ambrose (397) by The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary 

  • Saint Ambrose is one of the four great Doctors of the Western Church.  He was a bishop of Milan in Italy.  He began by being the governor of northern Italy.  But when the Bishop of Milan died, because of the voice of a child in the crowd shouting “Ambrose for bishop!”, Saint Ambrose, though only a catechumen at the time, was baptized, confirmed, ordained a priest, and was consecrated a bishop on December 7 in the year 374.  Saint Ambrose died when he was only fifty-seven.  He died on Good Friday. 
  • QUESTION: How did the Bible come about?

HEADLINE: Is the Church a ‘Harlot’? by Brother Andre Marie

  • The Biblical Canon was still in flux it wasn’t 100% determined.
  • It is thought the word Biblos itself is likely taken from an ancient seaport city named Byblos. Located in modern-day Lebanon, Byblos. 
  • Saint Nicholas – 
  • Cities Below Cities:
  1. Derinkuyu, Cappadocia, Turkey 
  2. Shanghai Tunnels, Portland, United States 
  3. Edinburgh Vaults, Edinburgh, United Kingdom 
  4. Dixia Cheng, Beijing, China 
  5. Wieliczka Salt Mine, Krakow, Poland 
  6. RÉSO, Montreal, Canada 
  7. Setenil de las Bodegas, Spain 
  8. Pilsen Historical Underground, Czech Republic 
  9. Tunnels of Moose Jaw, Moose Jaw, Canada

HEADLINE: Tomb of ‘Santa Claus’ is FOUND: Burial spot of Saint Nicholas who died more than 1,600 years ago is discovered underneath a church in Turkey by Stacy Liberatore

3h12mHEADLINE: More Facts on Conversion of Franz Werfel, Author of Song of Bernadette by Brian Kelly 

Miraculous Medal – 

 HEADLINE: New Zealand court takes custody of sick baby from anti-COVID vaccine parents via AFP News

  • When governments can seize children from their parents merely b/c they don’t want the child to be vaccinated or receive tainted blood that has the mRNA in it the history of a FREE PEOPLE is just that….history. 
  • Remember Baby Alfie Evans in the UK?
  • They did the same thing to him and his parents.
 Caylee Anthony Documentary on Peacock
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Thomas Massie on the floorVaccine mandate for the military – HR 3860, it is time to treat the military w/ the respect they deserve. I urge my colleagues to include it in the NDAA.
3h39mHEADLINE: “My Jaw Hit The Floor” – Musk Fires Twitter’s ‘FBI-Russiagate’ Lawyer Over Vetting Debacle via ZeroHedge 
 HEADLINE: Stew Peters’ Chaos: Credibility that Died Suddenly, Part 2 by Matthew Crawford via Substack 
  BRAVE BROWSER: Now you can support the Crusade Channel without spending a DIME! Simply use the url to download the BRAVE browser and WE get credit: We can earn up to $50,000 for the downloads if our listeners use this browser.
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Meta-tags for showMatthew Crawford, FBI, FBI-Russigate, Thomas Massie, HR 3860, Peacock, Caylee Anthony, COVID, vaccine mandate, mRNA, Baby Alfie, Brian Kelly, Miraculous Medal, Hump Day, Erika Ferrando, Father Brouillette, Father Otis Young, Ben Whedon, Georgia, Warnock, Dark Winter, Evita Duffy, New Zealand, blood transfusion, Brother Andre Marie, Wisdom Wednesday, Time Magazine, Person of the Year, Zelensky, Stacy Liberatore, Saint Nicholas, Saint Ambrose, St Gerome, St Augustine, Died Suddenly, St Gregory the Great, ReConquest, Joe Biden, Buc-ee’s, Leeds Alabama, Stew Peters, Pearl Harbor, Japan, warfare, Gourmeltz, Lend/Lease Program, St Monica, Casey Anthony

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Written by: LoneRhody