The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show-New Documents Show Trump Acted Heroically On January 6th

today09/27/2024 149

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Time 6:03am cstWE ARE LIVE on The King 1010 WXKG, Our Flagship Syndication Station in Atlanta Georgia, all week from 7am-10am! 6:03am cst.  Welcome to the Mike Church Show on  Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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 Hurricane Helene Made Landfall

  • Praying for all those in its path.
  • Reports of severe flooding and more still to come. 
  • Checking in on all our listeners. 
22mJanuary 6th New Transcripts 

  • We will never know the truth from Mike Pence.
  • We heard Michael Horowitz state he had numbers in his report on travel expenses etc for the human sources on the ground on January 6th.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Kerri Urbahn Fox Legal Editor  Michael Horowitz DOJ Inspector General Questioned by Rep Thomas Massie on J6 – I personally think this is the sleeper story of the day, so many lawmakers and pundits were decried as crazy for suggesting that there could be confidential human sources involved in J6 and it looks like there might just have been.

6:35am cstSEGMENT 2




















January 6th

  • Rep Adam Schiff should be prosecuted.
  • Schiff has done more damage to the United States then the Rosenbergs, Julius and Ethel ever did and they were executed!
  • He has lied over and over about government affairs.
  • We have to save our broken Justice System.
  • That doesn’t sound like a guy that is wanting to end the Constitution. 
  • We have rules and we have laws in this country.
  • I think most Americans are decent people. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump New York – Nancy Pelosi Stock Trading – Nancy Pelosi has a little problem b/s her husband sold their Visa stock one day before it was announced Visa was being sued by the Department of Justice. You think it was luck? She should be prosecuted for that and for J6 b/c she turned down 10,000 national guards. 

  • What did they send Martha Stewart to prison for?
  • The exact same thing Nancy Pelosi just did w/ Visa.
  • If it gets Martha into prison, it should get Nancy into prison.
  • The DOJ wanted to make an example out of Martha though.
  • She went to jail!

AUDIO/VIDEO: Nancy Pelosi Phone Call with Governor Ralph Northam – 

  • She is calling and asking for him to send troops.
  • She is basically admitting to the mistake.
  • She initially refused Donald Trumps offer to send Guards in.
  • She wanted it on tape that when she accuses Donald Trump for doing this, instigating this.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Barry Loudermilk on January 6th – There were transcripts we were able to find that clearly show Donald Trump offered the guard on the 4th and Nancy Pelosi refused them. 

  • Donald Trump was physically heard by a White House staffer saying get Milley and Pelosi on the phone, find out what they need.
  • This is as big and damaging as COVID.
  • Event 201 in New York – 
  • Why didn’t we hear about any of this during Cheney’s investigation? 
  • Was Joe Biden and Barrack Obama involved in this?
  • We know Pelosi was involved in this.
  • Was Schumer involved in this?
  • Did Bill Barr have knowledge of this?
  • They planned this whole thing!
  • This is an act of war!!!!
  • I don’t think I’m overreacting here!
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]
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7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.













January 6th

  • Who was the main architect on this event?
  • Were they prepared to do this WHEREVER Trump was going to be?
  • Or did they specifically plan for this to happen at the Capitol Building?
  • Mob mentality does work.
  • It isn’t hard to gin up people that are already in a crowd and already upset.
  • Who was in on the planning?
  • We know who was in the execution part.
  • Will Liz Cheney be brought up on charges of any sort?
  • Will Donald Trump appoint a Judge to hear a case on this?
  • These people need to be prosecuted.
  • They need to be driven from power.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Liz Cheney on w/ Brett Beir on Fox news No Donald Trump did not say he was authorizing troops. 

  • She lied!
  • Here is Kash Patel and Christopher Miller on Sean Hannity stating what they said under oath.
  • He authorized over 20,000 troops for this on January 4h.
  • ABC news should be sued over all of this if you remember the moderators at the last presidential debate, fact checked Trump when he said he authorized troops. 
  • They claimed he didn’t and there was no evidence of that ever happening.
  • How much more evidence do we need to show our government is corrupt to the core?
  • What part of January 6th testimony do we have?
  • We know Trump was in the Beast right b/c he left the stage and was put into the car. 
  • The woman, the White House staffer that claimed to be riding in the front seat claiming Trump said turn this car around I want to go to this protest. Then he ‘lunged’ to try and take control of the wheel.
  • The implication was he caused this and the then wanted to add more fuel to the fire.
  • That is what they allowed to be released if you remember. 
7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at


Hurricane Helene

  • 903 millibars was what Hurricane Katrina hit at.
  • 972 millibars was what Hurricane Helene hit at last night.
  • Praying for all you guys in the path.
  • We have been through them here in Louisiana so we know and feel your pain.












AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump New York – Nancy Pelosi Stock Trading – Nancy Pelosi has a little problem b/s her husband sold their Visa stock one day before it was announced Visa was being sued by the Department of Justice. You think it was luck? She should be prosecuted for that and for J6 b/c she turned down 10,000 national guards. 

  • This goes beyond lying here now it is perjury.
  • Lives have been ruined over J6.
  • People are STILL in prison over this event.
  • At every stage of this event Trump was calling for them to place Guard and Soldiers. 
  • Remember the Sky Marshall that quit over being told she had to follow J6 people on flights?
  • Justice has to be served here.
  • There are people still in prison. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Liz Cheney on w/ Brett Beir on Fox newsNo Donald Trump did not say he was authorizing troops. 

  • Did we ever hear that the Capitol police requested more help and were refused?

AUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Barry Loudermilk on January 6th – There were transcripts we were able to find that clearly show Donald Trump offered the guard on the 4th and Nancy Pelosi refused them. 

  • If Trump were planning on taking over the capitol why didn’t he ask the MAGA crowd to bring guns?
  • They didn’t have any weapons at all.
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 AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump New York – Kamala Border – There is no one out there saying how great of a job she has done. Kamala keeps talking about how she supposedly wants to fix the border. We would merely ask, why didn’t she do it four years ago?






Cultural Affairs Correspondent 

  • We are pretty inland so we did very well.
  • There are many people effected but we were very blessed here.
  • Too big of a power grid.
  • Cost of electricity, copper is expensive man.
  • Trump doesn’t even need to win Michigan.
  • Pennsylvania Wisconsin and even Virginia is coming into play.
  • If Hung Cao wins, Trump will win the presidency.
  • This is a 50/50 race though due to the amount of variables.
  • There is a significant shift in young voters.
  • Arizona a 25 point shift since the last time they polled.
  • Charlie Kirk is out in full force in Arizona.
  • Latinos in Florida are very different from those in other states.
  • In Florida these Latinos are fresh out of communism.
  • North East you have more Puerto Rico and Mexico and Guatemala. 
  • There is a significant difference b/w those.
8:33am cstSEGMENT 6

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BACK to Don from the Bronx

HEADLINE: Kamala Harris faces a 64-year curse by Noah Woods

  • Kamala and Walz are very unlikable people.
  • We live in a meme world and they have an effect.
  • The Meme King!
  • It is an underrated aspect in terms of the shift.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Tremont City Police Chief Chad Duncan Next To Springfield in OhioChief Duncan believe that Springfield has been sold on traffic crime to protect the Haitians’ immigration status and keep them from being deported. They went radio silent after the sTate Troopers went into Springfield. I have no idea what is going on over there. 

  • The leftist mobs tried to go into the Bronx in 2020 to cause trouble and I can tell you interesting characters came out into the streets and we didn’t see any ANTIFA people come like they said they were.
  • Work Church Home Guy
 HEADLINE: Biden Administration Denying Protection Assets For Trump Forces Him To Cancel Wisconsin Rally by Tristan Justice 
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected] or [email protected]

Written by: candacechurch