The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show-Please Welcome Elon Musk: Contra Mundum!

today11/30/2023 224 1

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6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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56mBiden Regime 

  • The ruling class shouldn’t be the overlords of the people they rule over.
  • We are to the point now where the ruling class only view us as taxpayers.
  • We live so we can provide them with the money for their pet projects.

HEADLINE: President John F. Kennedy: His Life and Public Assassination by the CIA by Edward Curtin 

What is the truth, and where did it go?
Ask Oswald and Ruby, they oughta know
“Shut your mouth,” said the wise old owl
Business is business, and it’s a murder most foul

Don’t worry, Mr. President
Help’s on the way
Your brothers are coming, there’ll be hell to pay
Brothers? What brothers? What’s this about hell?
Tell them, “We’re waiting, keep coming”
We’ll get them as well

– Bob Dylan, Murder Most Foul 

  • As for the corporate mainstream media, they will never admit the truth but will continue as long as necessary to titillate the public with lies, limited hangouts, and sensational non-sequiturs.  To do otherwise would require admitting that they have long been complicit in falsely reporting the crime and the endless coverup.  That they are arms of the CIA and NSA.
  • Does anyone remember Dorothy Kilgallen?
  • The Biden administration is doing all in its power to undo the legacy of JFK’s last year in office when on every front he fought for peace, not war.  It is not hard to realize that all presidents since John Kennedy have been fully aware that a bullet to the head in broad daylight could be their fate if they bucked their bosses.  They knew this when they sought the office because they were run by the same bosses before election.  Small-souled men, cowards on the make, willing to sacrifice millions to their ambition.
  • I believe that the following article – my final one on this matter – which I published two years ago, is worth reading again if you have once done so, and even more important if you have never read it. It is not based on speculation but on well-sourced facts, and it will make clear the importance of President Kennedy and why his assassination lay the foundation for today’s dire events.  In this dark time, when the world is spinning out of control, the story of his great courage in the face of an assassination he expected, can inspire us to oppose the systemic forces of evil that control the United States and are leading the world into the abyss.
1h08mHEADLINE: It’s Time to Unite Behind Trump If We Want to Win in 2024 by Drew Allen 

  • Americans have now spent nearly three painful years waking up every day astonished to learn that the Biden administration has outdone its previous act of insanity. 
  • How many more days can we endure life under the Biden administration? Nearly ten million illegals have entered the country in less than four years. The border remains open and illegals continue to pour in even as the threat of a radical Islamic terrorist attack crescendos and a steady stream of Americans die from fentanyl made in Mexico with Chinese sourced chemicals.
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7:15am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
 HEADLINE: Decades Later, Most Americans Doubt Lone Gunman Killed JFK by Megan Brenan

Highlights – 

  • 65% of Americans think Kennedy assassination involved a conspiracy
  • Democrats, college-educated adults less likely to say it was a conspiracy
  • U.S. government named most often as co-conspirator (20%), up from 2013
  • What happened in 2013?
  • There is definitely an Alex Jones Community.
  • Just as there is a Crusade Channel Community, you see it in the chatroom daily.
  • What is Alex Jones considered?
  • A Conspiracy Theorist.














AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald TrumpThe left-wing lunatics are trying very hard to bring back COVID lockdowns and mandates.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Tucker Carlson on Ruling ElitesClearly the people who run things see the rest of us as slaves. That’s obvious to me. I can’t imagine it could be more obvious. It’s crystal clear. They don’t seek consensus. They’re not interested in public opinion. 

HEADLINE: Special Counsel Jack Smith Sought Info On Anyone Who ‘Favorited Or Retweeted’ Trump Tweets by Shawn Fleetwood

  • In January, the court ordered the social media giant to forfeit a bevy of information regarding Trump’s account, including “advertising information, including advertising IDs, ad activity, and ad topic preferences,” as well as IP addresses “used to create, login, and use the account” and privacy and account settings.
  • But it wasn’t just Trump’s Twitter account that Smith and his cronies were targeting. The special counsel’s warrant also sought data on Twitter users who interacted with the former president’s account. Among the information Smith sought was a list of every user Trump “followed, unfollowed, muted, unmuted, blocked, or unblocked” during the aforementioned timeframe. Smith similarly demanded that Twitter, which has since rebranded as X, fork over a list of users who took any of the same actions with Trump’s account.
  • Smith and his team went even further, seeking to acquire data on Twitter users who engaged with Trump’s tweets in the months leading up to Jan. 6, 2021. This included “all lists of Twitter users who have favorited or retweeted tweets posted by [Trump], as well as all tweets that include the username associated with [Trump’s account] (i.e. ‘mentions’ or ‘replies’).”
  • George Orwell couldn’t have imagined or dreamed up a scenario such as this.
  • This shows an absolute, outright, disdain for half of the population of the U.S. 
  • “The [Non-Disclosure Order] was granted based on facts showing that notifying the former president would result in destruction of or tampering with evidence, intimidation of potential witnesses, or other serious jeopardy to an investigation or delaying of trial,” said the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. Nearly every other word listed under “The Non-Disclosure Order” section of the filing is redacted.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Dr Robert Cole on Pfizer COVID trialsThere was a big switcheroo. We did the trials on this very controlled synthetic process. At the last minute, we snuck under the radar and said but we’re going to make all the rest of them using something we’ve barley tested. 
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
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AUDIO/VIDEO: Oversight Chair James Comer on Hunter BidenNo one is above the law, even if your last name is Biden. Our Committees will first interview and depose witnesses. We then of course would welcome Hunter Biden to testify at a public hearing at a future date. 

We were told by the FBI that Trump had no executive privilege when they were looking for his documents.

  • So how can the WH play into the Biden’s hands now?
  • We only have to suffer through Biden for one more year but the problem is we aren’t 100% certain on that and the other thing is we need some form of justice for the crimes he has committed. 
  • Justice has to happen.

















Mahgdalen Rose

Political Affairs Correspondent 

  • Ron DeSantis – he has a lot of people in his world that are establishment like Karl Rove, but he isn’t their actual pick.
  • Nikki Haley is the true establishment pick.
  • What kind of neo-conservative monstrosity would be her VP pick?
  • She is the Manchurian Candidate – she is NOT a natural born citizen.
  • When you have a primary field that the front runner isn’t going to be at the event, it deflates the whole process.
  • That is something that DeSantis has to deal with.
  • When no one is interested, there is no burst of excitement that DeSantis needs.
  • DeSantis vs Newsom Debate 
  • I like the idea of having Governors debating that are polar opposites.
  • DeSantis pushed for this debate.
  • This is his campaign stating Biden isn’t running and that HE is the candidate to get the youth wing, the young voters.
  • Super Delegates 
  • Biden could win all 50 primaries and Newsom could still be nominated if he wins the backing of the Super Delegates.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Tom Fitton on CR  on Jack Smith and Biden DOJ obtaining sweeping subpoena’s on American citizens including lists of Twitter users that favorited, retweeted or liked Trump’s Twitter account. 

  • Most Republican voters have a small hatred for the Congress that is why you didn’t see the red wave that was promised.
  • Voters don’t trust the Republicans in Congress.

HEADLINE: These Louisiana leaders will form an unlikely alliance to tackle New Orleans crime by James Finn

  • On Wednesday Landry, a Republican, announced one of the first steps his budding administration will take towards addressing that issue: an unlikely collaboration with Orleans Parish District Attorney Jason Williams, a progressive Democrat and political foe of Landry’s, under which the attorney general’s office will take on a bigger role in prosecuting crimes in the Crescent City.
  • The announcements made clear that New Orleans will remain a focus of Landry’s approach to criminal justice policy. It came amid a jostling for power within New Orleans’ criminal legal system as local leaders brace for a new reality under Landry’s leadership.
  • Before his October victory in the Louisiana governor’s race, Landry said he would exercise whatever authority is available to him when it comes to Williams’ office because he felt the local prosecutor wasn’t doing enough to curb violent crime.



HEADLINE: St. Andrew: Clarity Amid Confusion by Sean Fitzpatrick 

  • Being Catholic has never been a straightforward affair, but the agonies and ecstasies caused by this “last called” of Christ may find tempering in the blessings of the “first called” of Christ, St. Andrew, whose feast day is celebrated today. There is no better time to invoke the guidance of the apostles than in a time of apostolic confusion.
  • There was that bothersome head-scratcher in a documentary earlier this year where Pope Francis told a transgender person that “God loves us as we are.” True…but what does he mean by that? God loves us despite our unlovable sins—but not as sinners, sinfulness and sins and all. But something like that false interpretation is up for grabs, especially with all the “inclusive” and “diverse” efforts afoot to fit and force behaviors the Church rightly rejects into the fold. Why be ambiguous when ambiguity is so clearly destroying lives and souls?
  • Then there’s his recent propositions permitting the baptism of transgender people and their serving as godparents, so long as it does not cause scandal or disorientation to the faithful (which is scandalous and disorienting in itself as a statement). Here again, in characteristic fashion, Francis approves of a wildly improbable hypothetical that would, if ever done, very likely affirm falsehood and impede the metaphysical effect of the Sacrament, but all for the sake of sending a message of love—but on whose terms? And with what conditions? But who are we to judge (to dust off a mic-dropping classic)?
  • One message that rings loud and clear is that Catholics must stand their ground like martyrs in the face of confusion from within, persecution from within, and the apparent Catholic tolerance of sin, and to be, as best as we can, apostolic when the head apostle is failing to be apostolic. “It is now the hour for us to rise from sleep,” St. Paul thunders as Advent comes in the piercing cold of trying to merge Catholic dogma and Catholic tradition with rainbow-colored Enlightenment values and guilt-wringing liberalism.















Elon Musk

  • He has what is called FU money.
  • What is that?
  • It means he has enough money to say, Dude, I don’t care what you think or what you say.
  • I will do what I want w/ my money and that’s that.
  • There is something to this man to when he is confronted or cornered, the usual media suspects, he just appears to not give a TERD.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Elon Musk at NY Times Deal Book Summit – Environment

Host Andrew Ross Sorkin – What do you say to those that say Tesla isn’t doing enough for the environment?

Elon Musk – What I care about is the reality of goodness, not the perception of it. And what I see all over the place is people who care about looking good while doing evil. F*ck them.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Elon Musk at NY Times Deal Book Summit – Censorship

Host – Which party is more inclined or pro-freedom of speech?

Elon Musk – We actually are in an odd situation here where on balance the Democrats appear to be more pro-censorship than the Republicans. That used to be the opposite.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Elon Musk at NY Times Deal Book Summit – Voting for Biden

Host – Do you see yourself voting for Joe Biden? or Nikki Haley or someone else?

Elon Musk – I’m not going to vote for some pro-censorship candidate. We have a very special thing here in the US, Canada doesn’t even have freedom of speech like we do.

  • Is he the savior?
  • Of course not!
  • There is a huge danger for anyone that becomes a victim of Zionism.
  • There is heresy and demonic stuff in it in the fact that they deny Christ.
  • If you support Zionism, go get your t-shirt that says Judas Was Right.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Lila Rose on California Big FertilityIn the state of CA, it’s saying that if you’re a gay man and you’re in a gay marriage, then the state of CA is gonna pay for you to rent the body of a woman b/c you deserve children. That’s the insanity to where we’ve gotten now. 
3h54mHEADLINE: It’s Time to Unite Behind Trump If We Want to Win in 2024 by Drew Allen 

  • The failures of the Biden administration are so frequent and numerous so as to almost have a beneficial effect for the pretend President. Americans suffer collective amnesia. Our memories can hardly retain—much less process—the catastrophes of today before our minds are bombarded with a whole set of new tragedies.
  • Iran wasn’t the seat of the Ottoman Empire Turkey was.
  • It is Orthodox Islam not radical Islam.
  • You don’t get much news out of Turkey these days do you?
  • We should never ignore Turkey and the Ottoman Empire and Islam. 
  • Islam is the enemy of ALL Christians!
  • If Americans can’t remember the Biden Administration’s failures yesterday, can these same Americans honestly recall the Trump successes of yesteryear?
  • Americans have all lived under a Trump and Biden administration. Can any American objectively claim to be better under Biden than Trump? Trump is a great candidate whose record eviscerates the current pretender in the Oval Office.
  • If I can make the case to save our Republic, you can too. In fact, you must. It’s time to unite behind Trump if we want to win in 2024.
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Meta-tags for showDonald Trump, Drew Allen, Ottoman Empire, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Islam, Israel, Elon Musk, Lila Rose, California, LGBTQ, Zionism, Sean Fitzpatrick, Saint Paul, Saint Andrew, James Finn, New Orleans, Governor Jeff Landry, District Attorney Jason Williams, John F Kennedy, Edward Curtin, Boby Dylan, CIA, Dorothy Kilgallen, Megan Brenan, Tucker Carlson, Gavin Newsom, Shawn Fleetwood, Jack Smith, DOJ, FBI, Tom Fitton, Mahgdalen Rose, James Comer, Ron DeSantis, Super Delegates 

Written by: candacechurch