The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show-Someday The Left Might Be As Gaslit Over Murder As They Are Over Moses

today06/21/2024 202

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Time 6:03am cstWE ARE LIVE on The King 1010 WXKG, Our Flagship Syndication Station in Atlanta Georgia, all week from 7am-10am! 6:03am cst. 

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20mThe 10 Commandments In Louisiana Schools

  • What is wrong w/ the 10 Commandments exactly?
  • Thou shalt not kill?
  • Thous shalt not steal?
  • Honor thy father and mother?
  1. I, the Lord, am your God, you shall not have other gods beside me.
  2. You shall not take the name of the Lord, your God, in vain.
  3. Remember to keep holy the Lord’s Day.
  4. Honor thy father and mother. 
  5. You shalt not kill.
  6. You shalt not commit adultery.
  7. You shall not steal.
  8. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
  9. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife.
  10. You shall not covet you neighbor’s goods.
  • Now, I see clearly why the left hates this happening in Louisiana.
  • Usury is theft.
  • Adultery, well that is most reasons for divorce along w/ covet your neighbors wife. 
  • You shall not kill, well that squashes abortion doesn’t it?
  • The left and all it stands for goes directly against all these commandments thus they are losing it over them being placed in plain sight.
  • Envy – what happens on social media every single second of every single day. 
  • Social media, every second on Instagram someone is scrolling through wishing they had what the other person is posting has.
 HEADLINE: Legendary actor Donald Sutherland dead at 88, son Kiefer pays tribute: ‘A life well lived’ by Lauren Sarner 
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2


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HEADLINE: Thou Shalt Not Post the Ten Commandments in the Classroom by David French

  • The Supreme Court previously ruled against mandatory displays of the Ten Commandments in the classroom. In a 1980 case, Stone v. Graham, the Supreme Court struck down a Kentucky law that required the posting of the Ten Commandments, purchased through private donations, in every public school classroom in the state. 
  • Landry’s comments didn’t stop with bravado. He also said something else. “If you want to respect the rule of law,” he told the guests, “you’ve got to start from the original lawgiver, which was Moses.” To teach respect for the rule of law, he’s defying the Supreme Court? That’s an interesting message to send to students.
  • Okay David, which of these 10 Commandments do you not want these students to abide by?
  • So where exactly did the 10 Commandments come from?
  • The Commandments come down in the form of LAW.
  • They don’t come down in the form of a religious obligation per-say. 
  • The original law giver isn’t Moses it is God.
  • Here we are at a crossroads w/ Atheist. 
  • The 10 Commandments happened AFTER the Great Flood.
  • The Israelites are not behaving as God wishes them to behave.
  • They are acting like their pre-diluvian ancestors and He doesn’t want to get rid of all of them again so He passes down some rules or laws.
  • If you acknowledge the law giver, you have to acknowledge the power and authority of the law giver thus you have to believe in God.
  • He is the law giver.
  • There is an authority baked into it from the get go.
  • If I were a leftard, I’d appose it too.
  • Commandment 1 – He has the right to demand that. You listen and you obey.
  • The enforcement mechanism is ‘ultimately you will stand before Me and I will judge you’. 
  • Here are the things I will judge you on.
  • God doesn’t need to get His authority, He is the truth.
  • From the natural law in human affairs is it natural to kill another human?
  • No human beings have to be alive to carry that out right?
  • I can give you natural law on all the Commandments.
  • People on the left are screaming ‘where in the Constitution do you find God’?
  • Well tell me where in the Constitution you find the word DEMOCRACY?
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7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.


















10 Commandments

  • Show me voting rights in the Constitution.
  • Show me suffrage in the Constitution.
  • You wanna’ play the word game of ‘what is and is not in the Constitution, let’s play that game’. 

QUESTION: You know what else is not in the Constitution? 

ANSWER: Secession

  • Where does law come from exactly?

QUESTION: Who passed the first legal prohibition against murder?

AUDIO/VIDEO: Louisiana State Rep Lauren Ventrella w/ CNN Boris Sanchez – 10 Commandments Bill – This nation has gotten out of hand w/ crime why is it so preposterous for us to want our students to have good principles instilled in them? 

Sanchez – What do you say to the parents of students, or even teachers, who don’t share your religious views?

Ventrella – Don’t look at it.

  • Name the first prohibition against murder and who made it?
  • This was written down by Moses.
  • He said he got it from God right?
  • It was written down and Exodus explains this to us.
  • Was there a written record, prior to the 10 Commandments that said killing was bad?
  • The left will try to get clever here and say this text is wrong b/c it is in the Bible and I don’t believe in the Bible therefore they are for the religious only.
  • There is an actual ‘chain of custody’ w/ the 10 Commandments.
  • Who says there has to continue to be a continuation of a prohibition of murder, theft etc?
  • Why are we still prosecuting people that go against these commandments then?

AUDIO/VIDEO: Louisiana State Rep Lauren Ventrella w/ CNN Boris Sanchez – Founding Fathers Were Secular – 

Sanchez – Do you also recognize that the Constitution doesn’t include the word God or Jesus or Christianity?

Ventrella – Do you have a dollar bill in your wallet? Does it say In God We Trust? Is that making you religious?

AUDIO/VIDEO: Joy Reid on MSNBC – Louisiana 10 Commandments – I hate to break it to folks, but Moses was not a Christian. That religion did not exist. He was Jewish. 

  • In the Constitution does is state a separation of church and state?
  • Note – that once something is taught by God, only God can alter it.
  • The 10 Commandments are a MINIMAL list for Christians. 
  • It isn’t the end all be all by the way.
  • Maybe its’ the foundation they are really opposed to.
7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at



AUDIO/VIDEO: Howard ‘Dan’ Smoot – The Country Is a Constitutional Republic Not a Democracy – April 18, 1966

  • Howard Smoot, known as Dan Smoot, was a Federal Bureau of Investigation agent and a conservative political activist. From 1957 to 1971, he published The Dan Smoot Report, which chronicled alleged communist infiltration in various sectors of American government and society.
  • He listed and quoted many Founding Fathers in that speech did he not?

What did the Founders really say about DEMOCRACY?

  • Randolph – 
  • Rodger Sherman was mentioned – Mr Sherman opposed the election by the people insisting it ought to be by the state legislatures. The people he said, should have as little to do as maybe about the government. They want information and are constantly liable to be misled. 
  • I think he nailed it!
  • They shouldn’t have anything to do w/ this government.
  • Elbridge Gerry – The people do not want virtue but are the dupes of pretended patriots.
  • John Adams – Our hopes of sudden tranquility….I do not say that democracy has been more pernicious on the whole, and in the long run, than monarchy or aristocracy. Democracy has never been and never can be so durable as aristocracy or monarchy; but while it lasts, it is more bloody than either. … Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide. It is in vain to say that democracy is less vain, less proud, less selfish, less ambitious, or less avaricious than aristocracy or monarchy. It is not true, in fact, and nowhere appears in history. Those passions are the same in all men, under all forms of simple government, and when unchecked, produce the same effects of fraud, violence, and cruelty. When clear prospects are opened before vanity, pride, avarice, or ambition, for their easy gratification, it is hard for the most considerate philosophers and the most conscientious moralists to resist the temptation. Individuals have conquered themselves. Nations and large bodies of men, never.




AUDIO/VIDEO: Ana Kasparian Executive Producer and Host of The Young Turks – I Don’t Care About Your Bible – I don’t care that you are a Christian, I don’t care what the Bible says. I feel like this is a clown show. I don’t care what your mythical book says. I will fight for your right to practice whatever you believe. You live your life the way you interpret the Bible, I don’t care. I don’t belive in it and I have the right based on the Constitution to not believe in it.

  • No one said you didn’t have the right to free will.
  • God even says in that Bible you have the right to free will.
  • Take your free will, do all the horrible things you think you want.
  • Ultimately however, you will care when you get before God and are judged.
  • The 4 Final Things – 
  • I don’t want anyone to go to hell.
  • But when you pronounce it this forcefully, I have nothing else to say but stand in front of the elevator and say…going down!
  • Not sinning is difficult, it is hard to live a life of virtue.
  • Sinning is fun and easy.
  • You want to hang out w/ David French, then you do that little lady.
  • You go right on ahead but be forewarned there is a price to pay at the end. 
  • Living a life w/o sin is impossible b/c of the fall.
  • We can however call upon grace and pray for the grace to live a life w/o sin.
2h14mHeadline at – Drudge Was Biden Pulls Ahead of Trump

  • That is just plain ridiculous.
  • This is all about MSM trying to save their viewing numbers.
  • If there is a blowout, no one will tune into their stations.
  • I think it is an attempt to make this race ‘exciting’. 
  • There are BILLIONS at steak for advertising dollars here.
  • Example: If you buy an ad during the Super Bowl, we decide we are going to splurge and buy a small time slot, this is all contingent upon how many people they think will be tuning in at that time. They bill you ahead of time on this. If it is a really good Super Bowl and the game is really good by the 2nd half, more people tune in you are charged more.
  • See how this all works?
  • If there is a blow out in the Super Bowl, they don’t get as much money from the advertisers. 
  • This is pure network media manipulation.
  • The same people conducting polls last week showing Trump at 41 and Biden 39.
  • This whole thing is pure manipulation.
2h27mHEADLINE: Social-Media Influencers Aren’t Getting Rich—They’re Barely Getting By by Sarah E Needleman and Ann-Marie Alcantara 

  • Many people dream of becoming social-media stars like YouTube’s MrBeast or TikTok’s Charli D’Amelio. But for most who pursue careers as content creators, just making ends meet is a lofty goal.
  • Clint Brantley has been a full-time creator for three years, posting videos on TikTok, YouTube and Twitch where he comments on news and trends related to the online game “Fortnite.” Despite having more than 400,000 followers, and posts that average 100,000 views, his income last year was less than the median annual pay for full-time U.S. workers in 2023—$58,084, based on Bureau of Labor Statistics data.
  • YouTube Academy or YouTube University – teaching people how to do everyday tasks etc.
  • So your influencing is exclusively for money making?
  • What do you provide in return?
  • Can you trust any of these influencers knowing they are getting free products and money for promoting x, y and z?
  • There is an entire industry here.
  • They are cranking out the vices that can be used by all these people like I have never seen.
  • I can’t even keep up w/ all the devices they have come up w/ now for these YouTube influencer people. 
8:33am cstSEGMENT 6
2h40mAUDIO/VIDEO: Mike Rowe on Adam Carolla Show – Student Loan Debt Forgiveness – It’s very, very difficult to sit quietly at home and hear about a student loan forgiveness program that is going to benefit Harvard graduates who are not currently working in their chosen filed but have this massive amount of debt when the underlying institution is sitting on $54 billion in an endowment. You put yourself in the place of a guy making $130,000 a year, buying his ass, raising his family…that’s a bitter pill.

  • These universities don’t care about the students.
  • They don’t care if you rack up debt for the rest of your life.
  • They only care about how much money they make.
  • Higher Education is circling the drain.
  • What about the endowment for Mike Rowe’s school?
  • The guild exists to do what?


Follow Richard on GAB and X – @ElArmedCatholic

  • Everything in life is a pendulum.
  • Human nature despite the fact we have so much knowledge and history under our belt, we still think WE can make things work like Communism. 
  • Eventually you will see people turn around.
  • Look at COVID, when the schools shut down it messed them up.
  • It gave parents an insight into what was actually being taught to their children.
  • Now prices – we are at an unlivable point now.
  • People are saying I have to work 5 weeks out of the month b/c 4 weeks ain’t cutting it.
  • Faith and Freedom Coalition – this Saturday hosting Trump
  • Sutherland – actor just passed away at the age of 88.
  • Film actors that could stand different roles, love him or hate him like Kevin Spacey…we are going to see the impact in Hollywood soon here.
  • Another reason why cinema is falling apart is b/c there is no one like them in the younger generation. 
  • The well is dry, there is no bench.
  • Dune 1 & 2 – a very pro-life movie the baby has a voice, has a soul and they portray that very prominently in these movies.
  • The kid that plays the lead character, Willie Wonka, Timothée Chalamet he is great.
  • The worms – the worms are sin!
  • You can conquer the worm but only the righteous can!
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected] or [email protected]

Written by: candacechurch