The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show-The Biden Regime Fiddles While The New Rome Burns

today06/13/2023 286

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Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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 HEADLINE: Largest Catholic Health Network Performs Sex-Change Operations by Michael Hichborn via the Lepanto Institute 
49mHEADLINE: *’Everybody Has Become Porous’ by Rod Dreher 

  • Indeed, “enchantment” is something that we have special trouble understanding. Latin Christendom has tended more and more to privilege belief, as against unthinking practice. And “secular” people have inherited this emphasis, and often propound an “ethics of belief,” where it can be seen as a sin against science or epistemic decency to believe in God. So we tend to think of our differences from our remote forbears in terms of different beliefs, whereas there is something much more puzzling involved here. It is clear that for our forbears, and many people in the world today who live in a similar religious world, the presence of spirits, and of different forms of possession, is no more a matter of (optional, voluntarily embraced) belief than is for me the presence of this computer and its keyboard at the tips of my fingers.

AUDIO/VIDEO: In 1977, media prophet Marshall McLuhandiscussed CIA and FBI surveillance, and then spun it into one of the most mind-bending comments on identity in the digital age I’ve ever heard.

  • Why did that woman go and seek out a Franciscan Friar?
  • Do we in today’s time think to call a Priest to bring any of our loved ones back to life?
  • Do we believe that God could grant us a miracle?
 Crusade Channel Teaming Up With Epoch Times (affiliate link)
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 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:15am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
 White House LGBTQ Celebration

  • Rosalynne Montoya – a biological man that got breast implants decided he was going to ‘live his most authentic life’ and go topless w/ his fake new boobs on the WH lawn.
  • Along w/ him were 2 biological males that had their boobs chopped off going topless showing their newly acquired chest hair.
 Maybe since we live in the age of disenchantment we couldn’t see a miracle if it actually happened today!


























Dr Paul Thigpen

Author of Extraterrestrial Intelligence and the Catholic Faith, Manual for Spiritual Warfare, Saints Who Saw Hell, Saints Who Battled Satan and many more.

  • If science can’t figure it out it can’t be real.
  • I believed that for 6 years as a teenager and became an atheist at the age of 12.
  • I encountered some demonic powers then and it shattered my tiny little world view.
  • If there are demons and there is no God then I am in trouble.
  • In the community of people that have been researching UFO’s most started out w/ that same secular world view and now are saying that there is something that is out there for sure.
  • There is a consciousness that underlies all reality.
  • Yes it’s God!
  • Could there be life after death?
  • Well yes of course Jesus told us that and proved that to us over 3,000 years ago.
  • This is opening up their spiritual minds.
  • Age old conversation about ETI and God.
  • I carefully argue the theology of it and the history of it.
  • From the beginning this was an open question and the Church does NOT and has NEVER taken a stance on this topic.
  • Part 1 – History of the conversation, Historical Theology – what you want to do is not take it where it is now but admit there was a development and being from there. What has the Church in the past talked about in the past that would relate to this. Have there been any theologians that have discussed this before? In my case I was looking at pre-Christian times. 
  • Part 2 – What are the particular issues and how can I add to it. Could there be intelligent creatures that were made in the image of God. If so does God plan on redeeming them? 
  • Part 3 – If there were intelligent races out there how do they fit into God’s plan?
  • New worlds are created every time a man sins. – Gerome
  • The origin was definitely heretical but he was a faithful Christian. 
  • He eventually got into the incarnation etc.
  • I’m convinced if the Church in his lifetime would have said this is a no-go he would have been obedient and stopped his writings. 
  • Heresy and the whistleblower – he has the credentials, he is very high up in the intelligence community. He was assigned to work w/ the UFO agencies, he had access to ALL of this information. He gave it to Congress to the Inspector General and asked them to verify the things he sent them.
  • You’ve long had in the UFO community that the Vatican knows more about UFO’s than they tell people about.

HEADLINE: Military whistleblower claims US has UFO retrieval program by Brian Entin

  • The people used to claim that people that had seizures they were possessed by demons.
  • The seizure may look like a demonic manifestation but science showed us it was just a medically induced issue.
  • You can’t just say that since that was a seizure there is no demons b/c we know that isn’t the case.  
  • I hope that helps explain the difference there w/ UFO’s and aliens.
  • Movie – 65 w/ Adam Driver
  • UFO = Unidentified Flying Object Often there are things flying I cannot give the specific identity too, I might be able to tell the general Plan but type and specific model… IE most of what is seen could fall into UFO category if one want to use words oddly…Plan = Plane
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 Crusade – Congress For Altar Culture and Trade (are available for purchase)
 HEADLINE: If ‘Banned’ Books Are Harmless, Joe Biden Should Read Them To Kids by David Harsanyi 

  • Or, better yet, First Lady Jill Biden — who, you may not have heard, earned a doctorate in education — should recite these words for the kids: “‘What if I told you I touched another guy’s d-ck?’ I said. … ‘I was ten years old, but it’s true. I put Doug Goble’s d-ck in my mouth…’” and so on. This is a vital resource for kids, says the administration. 
  • It could be the graphic “novel” Gender Queer, banned by the Cherry Creek School District in Colorado, according to PEN. Dr. Jill — mom, educator — owes it to democracy to read the words, “I got off once while driving just by rubbing the front of my jeans and imagining getting a blow job.”
2h39mHEADLINE: The Wrong Indictments by Newt Gingrich 

Thomas Massie Tweet – For what it’s worth, under the Constitution, no member of Congress can be prosecuted for reading aloud on the floor any of the documents Trump allegedly has copies of.

  • The Regime is out there fiddling b/c it can. 
  • They don’t care about anything but their demonic goals.
  • That is the ONLY thing on their mind.
  • There is nothing else remotely important to them then their demonic agenda.
  • God is missing w// this administration.
2h52mAUDIO/VIDEO: Sen Chuck Grassley on Joe & Hunter Corruption RecordingsThe foreign national who allegedly bribed Joe & Hunter Biden allegedly has audio recording of his conversations, 17 such recordings. According to the 1023, the foreign national possesses 15 audio recordings of phone calls b/w him & Hunter and 2 audio recordings of phone calls b/w him & then VP Biden.

HEADLINE: Burisma executive who allegedly paid Hunter and Joe Biden has 17 recordings of them as ‘insurance policy’, GOP Senator reveals by Hannah Nightingale 

HEADLINE: Grassley: Burisma Exec Behind Biden Bribery Scandal Allegedly Kept 17 Recordings Of Talks With Joe, Hunter by Evita Duffy-Alfonso 

  • I don’t understand why they think this is going to work?
  • Every time this happens even Trumps enemies go okay, this is just wrong on many levels.
  • This isn’t working the way they thought.
  • If they put him in front of a jury before primary elections, and they gain a conviction somehow, all constitutional hell is going to break lose on this.
  • Say hello to the political party called Truth if that happens.
  • The GOP will nominate DeSantis and the Truth Party will nominate Trump.
  • How will the Democrat party rig an election w/ this new variable?
  • Have you ever been to Washington DC?
  • As far as the eye can see are construction cranes. What are they building? More suffering for Americans.
3h09mBack to Newt Gingrich Article

  • Does anyone seriously believe the widow of the mayor of Moscow sent Hunter Biden $3.5 million out of the goodness of her heart? Did the Ukrainian natural gas firm Burisma pay Hunter Biden millions because of his expertise? Does anyone really think a Chinese billionaire sent Hunter Biden an exquisite diamond just because they are just good friends?
  • The contrast with the ruthless, dishonest, and illegal efforts to ruin President Trump is stunning. 
  • This is the scale of corruption, bias, and lawlessness with which the American people should weigh the Trump indictments.
  • What if Trump says “I’m not going to jail”? 
  • They are going to have to send US Marshalls to get him and arrest him.
  • Can you imagine that?


AUDIO/VIDEO: Speaker Kevin McCarthy w/ CNN reporter Lauren FoxAsked about Trump indictment, McCarthy fires back at CNN hiring McCabe and Clapper after they leaked classified information and interfered in 2020.

AUDIO/VIDEO: McCabe on CNN defending Hillary’s handling of documentsNeither the IG nor FBI was able to uncover any evidence of…..intention to remove material, intention to w/hold material, intention to essentially converse in classified way. This was content of conversations but no official header and footers.

  • How did Hillary Clinton get a .gov added to her private server?
  • I know how this process works.
  • You have to have specific IP address numbers, some secondary security protocol w/ a pin code etc.
  • How did Hillary get the info that should be classified to her classified server…how did she get those addresses? 
  • They weren’t on the government server so why did she do this?
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Gov Gavin Newsom on California crimeWhole Foods did shut down in SanFrancisco, they are opening up another one..that was a bad location to begin with.  
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Vivek Ramaswamy on the steps of Miami Courthouse  promises to sue Biden Administration in Federal Court using his campaign’s resources if they fail to abide by FOIA request demanding any communication surrounding DOJ’s indictment of Trump. 
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Trump attorney Lindsey Halligan on Jesse WattersI don’t think they’ll stop here. They have one shot to block him from the WH and make no mistake, their goal is to put him in prison so it’s time for battle, and hopefully we’ll win.
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Meta-tags for showVivek Rmaswamy, Donald Trump, Gavin Newsom, LGBTQ, Pride Month, Humility Month, Jesse Watters, Lindsey Halligan, CNN, Speaker Kevin McCarthy, Whole Foods, Hillary Clinton, Lauren Fox, McCabe, FBI, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Burisma, Ukraine, classified documents, DOJ, Newt Gingrich, Evita Duffy-Alfonso, Ron DeSantis, Truth Party, GOP, Hannah Nightingale, Chuck Grassley, Thomas Massie, David Harsanyi, Gender Queer, Joy Pullman, UFO, Dr Paul Thigpen, Brian Enton, Michael Hichborn, Lepanto Institute, transgender surgery, Rod Dreher, Marshall McLuhan, Rosalynne Montoya, Vatican, Rome

Written by: candacechurch